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Westerner Days 2020 falls victim to COVID-19


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Red Deer Westerner Days Fair

From Westerner Park

Westerner Days Fair & Exposition COVID-19 Update

After weeks of being optimistic that Westerner Days Fair and Exposition would continue, Westerner Park made the extremely difficult announcement that the Fair will be postponed until July 2021. The decision came following the Government of Alberta’s direction that mass gathering restrictions, which includes events and festivals, are expected to continue through the summer.

“We know these are necessary measures to ensure the health and safety of our entire community,” says Mike Olesen, Chief Executive Officer, Westerner Park. “Although this is our top priority, it doesn’t make the announcement any easier. This will have far-reaching effects on our community, partners, vendors, and organization.”

“Our staff and volunteers are all heavy-hearted about the news, but we know that by taking these measures now we are not alone in the sacrifice that will help us all stay healthy and come together soon.”

Westerner Days has a major impact on the economy of Red Deer and the surrounding area. In a normal year, the overall effect is estimated in excess of $7 million dollars. Of that total, approximately $5 million is spent by visitors, exhibitors, and contractors in Red Deer and area.

“We are Central Alberta’s largest summer celebration and know the Fair means a lot to our community,” says Janice Wing, President &
Board Chair, Westerner Park, “As a non-profit agricultural society, Westerner Days is our largest annual event, made possible by our team of staff and volunteers and the support of our partners, sponsors and community. We know the impact of this will be felt by everyone.”

Individuals that purchased RAD passes will be contacted later today with information about their refunds.

Westerner Park is pivoting its focus to the fall. “The way we celebrate with everyone may look different this year, but our dedication to the community will not change.”

The organization remains committed to supporting all efforts to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, and Westerner Park looks forward to opening its doors to celebrate again with the community once it is safe to do so.

The countdown starts for 2021 Westerner Days, only 451 days!

#RedDeerStrong – The SnapHappy Photographer is taking free #PorchPortraits of your self-isolation crew!

After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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Conspiracy Facts With Jeffrey Rath

Where’s the data on miscarriages linked to COVID Injections?

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So-called “public health” bureaucrats are also deliberately hiding this information from the citizens of Alberta. Citizens of Alberta deserve to know whether Deena Hinshaw and the Alberta Government were responsible for killing babies through their negligent promotion of COVID Injections without adequate safety data and a clear indication from the Pfizer COVID Injection trial data that the COVID shots were contraindicated for pregnant women not wanting abortions.

The Alberta Government has recently issued the “ALBERTA’S COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force FINAL REPORT”. This Government of Alberta Report showed that Pfizer itself reported 31 “SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS” and only 1 “NORMAL OUTCOME” out of 32 pregnant women reported on by Pfizer during the Pfizer COVID Injection trials.

This means that Pfizer’s own data showed that the effective spontaneous abortion rate of a drug that DEENA HINSHAW PROMOTED TO PREGNANT WOMEN AS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE was 96.9% EFFECTIVE AT KILLING BABIES IN THE WOMB. Hinshaw should have known that Pfizer’s trial data showed that the Pfizer COVID SHOT was more effective than the “morning after pill” at inducing abortions in pregnant women.

To quote Premier Danielle Smith’s own TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT :


Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats have been deliberately hiding data that implicates them in the largest public health scandal since Thalidomide.

Alberta bureaucrats have scrubbed post July 30, 2021 Alberta Still Birth data from public websites.

On a website, ironically named ““, under the heading ALBERTA ANNUAL STILL BIRTHS TOTALS we find the following advisory :


Total number of still births occurring in the province of Alberta by year. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset.”

When one goes to the Government of Canada, website you see the same disclaimer saying that Government of Alberta post “July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset”.

Confidential sources within the Alberta Government have confirmed that Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats refused to cooperate with Premier Smith’s own Task Force and failed or refused to provide information on post COVID Injection health outcomes to the PANDEMIC DATA REVIEW TASK FORCE when requested. This is why the COVID TASK FORCE repeatedly stated that a public inquiry is required to get to the bottom of how many Alberta babies, children and adults were killed or horribly injured by the negligent repetition of the grossly misleading mantra of “safe and effective”. Needless to say, if the still birth data post “July 30, 2021” DID NOT show an increase in post COVID Injection spontaneous abortions the data would have been gleefully provided to the Danielle Smith Pandemic Data Review Task Force.

The so-called COVID “vaccines” were only made available to pregnant women after March 31, 2021. It is clear that the failure to provide Still Birth Data after July 30th, 2021 was a likely attempt by Alberta Health bureaucrats at preventing Albertans from seeing in real time or even retrospectively what the effect of Pfizer and Moderna Spike Proteim shots were on miscarriage rates in Alberta. This cover up is even more insidious than the scrubbing of post vaccine hospitalization rates once it was clear that more “vaccinated’ than unvaccinated people were hospitalized and dying detailed in the Task Force Final Report.

The reason that this cover up is even more shocking is that even AFTER the Task Force Final Report clearly showed that the COVID Spike Protein Shots were harmful to pregnant women… THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA STILL RECOMMENDS THESE SHOTS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN.

Citizens of Alberta need to be aware and outraged that the cover up extends to the courtroom. At a recent hearing in the Court of King’s Bench Alberta Government lawyers moved to have Carrie Sakamoto’s vaccine injury class action case struck on the basis that the ALBERTA GOVERNMENT HAS NO DUTY OF CARE towards citizens of Alberta. Alberta’s legal position is led by Attorney General Mickey Amery. Mr. Amery was a member of the Kenney COVID Cabinet, the group that had been found by Justice Feasby to have engaged in a “plausible misfeasance in public office” through the issuance of coercive cabinet orders under the guise of Chief Medical Officer of Health orders. Citizens who were negligently advised by Deena Hinshaw to mix and match COVID Injections against the direction of the manufacturers, dangerously take COVID shots while pregnant, or to give the shots to children even though Hinshaw was warned that Pfizer’s own trial data showed that the COVID shots were statistically more likely to kill children than COVID deserve answers. They do not deserve to have Danielle Smith’s Government of Alberta Lawyers smugly tell them that the Government of Alberta owed them NO DUTY OF CARE.

Danielle Smith needs to get out in front of this issue and call a public inquiry. Much like the AHS contracts issue caused by incompetent bureaucrats is being blamed on her, soon people will be unfairly saying :



Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)

Foothills, Alberta

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Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich says her trial verdict now delayed to unknown date

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich said she is “disappointed” in the Canadian “justice system” that her and convoy co-leader Chris Barber’s verdict for their mischief trial, which supposed to have been released in two weeks, has now been delayed to an unknown date.

In a X post late Thursday, Lich shared the news with her followers, noting, “We just received news that our March 12th verdict date is unfortunately being postponed.”

“At the end of our criminal (longest) mischief trial last August, when Her Honour set the verdict date, she let us know the court system assigned her a full trial schedule to help clear the backlog from the Covid years,” wrote Lich.

“This is the sad state of the justice system in Canada. While we are disappointed in yet another delay in our case, we know the importance of the upcoming decision not just for us, but for all Canadians.”

Lich said that as soon as she is told when the new verdict date will be, she will let everyone know.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, Lich and Barber’s verdict was supposed to have been announced on March 12.

They both face a possible 10-year prison sentence. LifeSiteNews reported extensively on their trial.

Lich and Barber’s trial concluded back in September of 2024, more than a year after it began. It was only originally scheduled to last 16 days.

Last week, Lich shared a heartwarming letter she received from a child, who told her to “keep fighting” for everyone and that “God will protect” her from the “enemy.”

Lich was arrested on February 17, 2022, in Ottawa. Barber was arrested the same day.

In early 2022, the Freedom Convoy saw thousands of Canadians from coast to coast come to Ottawa to demand an end to COVID mandates in all forms. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government enacted the never-before-used Emergencies Act (EA) on February 14, 2022.

During the clear-out of protesters after the EA was put in place, one protester, an elderly lady, was trampled by a police horse, and one conservative female reporter was beaten by police and shot with a tear gas canister.

Trudeau revoked the EA on February 23.

The EA controversially allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies the government deemed illegal.

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