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We are witnessing the future of war on the battlefields of Ukraine


12 minute read

From the MacDonald Laurier Institute

By Richard Shimooka

We would be wise to learn the lessons the Ukrainians have fought so hard to learn

Historically, certain wars have stimulated the development of future defence thinking. The 1905 Russo-Japanese War previewed many features of the Great War a decade later, including theĀ lethality of machine gunsĀ and howitzers, as well as the ubiquity of trench warfare. The 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel and its Arab Neighbours was particularly influential for present warsā€”the Arab combatantsā€™ use of new anti-tank guided missiles challenged many existing doctrines. This is not to say that all groups absorb the lessons directly or effectively. Many of the great powers, including Russia (who fought in the 1905 war),Ā failed to adopt the lessonsĀ laid bare in that conflict and suffered grievous casualties in the first years of World War I as a result.

Approaching two years since the invasion, the war in Ukraine has the potential to have an outside impact on the future of war for a variety of reasons. Its timing comes as a number of new technologies have emerged, many of which have come from the civilian space. These include the proliferation of drones, low-cost satellites, and high bandwidth networkingā€”all of which to date have had major effects on the outcome of the war.1Ā Over the past two years, both sides have adapted their doctrine and capabilities to reflect a cycle of learning and adaptation which gives a clearer understanding of where these technologies are headed.

Some of these trends are a validation of overriding trends in warfare, particularly around the collection and use of data afforded by networked systems. This is evident in the maturation of theĀ ā€œreconnaissance-strikeā€ complexesĀ in Russian and Ukrainian doctrine. Essentially, this is a streamlining of the process of identifying and attacking targets with precision fire, usually from some form of artillery. The United States and NATO have been pursuing a roughly similarā€”but much more advanced and all-encompassingā€”concept known as ā€œmulti-domain operations.ā€ There are several common denominators between both doctrines, including the effort to expand detection over wider areas, as well as hastening the decision-making process which can improve the lethality of any weapon system attached to it. While it may not be able to employ traditional airpower, the use of long-range artillery (including the recently provided ATACMS missile system) shows the effectiveness of this approach to war. It also allows for a greater economy of forceā€”a critical consideration for Ukraine due to its disadvantageous economic and strategic situation facing a state three times its size.

A key feature of progress in this area is its organic nature. Since the start of direct hostilities in 2014, Ukraine has done well to build up some of these connective capabilities adapting civilian systems for military purposes, such as theĀ Starlink satellite networkĀ andĀ apps for mobile devices. A large portion are ground-up approaches, developed even by military units to suit their particular operational needs. This was part of the total war approach that the Ukrainian government has instituted,Ā often leveragingĀ their emerging tech industries to develop new capabilities to fight against the Russian Federation. Many allies have similar efforts, but too often focus remains on a very centralized, top-down approach, which has led to substandard outcomes. Some balance between the two poles is likely ideal.

Another major consideration is the revolutionary impact of drones on air warfare. Traditional manned airpower, like F-16, Mig-29s, and even attack helicopters, remain as relevant as ever in Ukraine. While no side possesses true air superiority, some localized control has been established for short periods, resulting inĀ potentially decisive consequences. However, the war has followed the trend of other recent wars with low-cost, attritable drones playing an important role. While this has been evident in the strike-reconnaissance doctrine discussed above, the so-called kamikaze loitering drones, such as the Russian Lancet and armed first-person viewĀ commercial drones, have played an important role as well.

One important aspect is what is known as the ā€œmassā€ of these capabilitiesā€”not individually, but as a collective system or swarm of multiple individual units that can be lost without a major degradation of their lethality. At present, the link between traditional and emerging airpower domains is fairly disjointed over the battlefield in Ukraine, perhaps due to lingering service parochialism. But once combined they will only multiply each otherā€™s lethality.

There is, however, one question concerning this new frontier of airpowerā€™s ultimate influence in the future. It hinges significantly on the efficacy of new anti-drone systems, like those being developedĀ by the United States Army and NATO allies.Ā These potentially may blunt or even remove the deadly threat these UAVs pose to modern ground forces. But as of now they are in their infancy and very few are present in Ukraine today. If they are unable to make a major impact, then the future of conflict will be radically different.

Over the past thirty years, Canada, the United States, and its allies have often been able to deploy troops abroad to many stabilization and peacekeeping missions, in part due to the relatively benign threat environment they were entering. There was confidence that deployed soldiers would not incur significant casualties,Ā which would arouse domestic opposition to the missions themselves. If the lethality of these unmanned drone systems remains unchecked, then, considering their greater ubiquity, it may drastically constrain the ability of Western countries to intervene and assert their muscle abroad, even in low-risk environments.

Finally, and perhaps most critically, is the need for an adaptive defence industrial base (another word for military supply chains) with the capacity to meet a wide need for war. The Russian Federation, for example, faced wide-ranging and intrusive sanctions from the start of the conflict that precluded them from obtaining a number of key resources for their war effort, ranging from raw materials toĀ advanced technology components. They have been able to weather these challenges due to a combination of factors: a deliberate effort to develop an autarkic industrial base that started after 2014, a less technologically advanced military, and sanctions-avoiding policies such as smuggling and diversifying their foreign supplier base to more reliable allies.

While Western allies are unlikely to face the same restrictions in a potential future conflict on the scale that Russia has, in some ways they have greater challenges. These countries rely on much more sophisticated military capabilities that have levels of complexity far in excess of Russian systems. The sheer diversity in all of the raw materials inputs and various subcomponent providers, as well as the networks to make them all work, means that they are actually much easier to disrupt. Shades of this were evident during the initial months of the COVID-19 epidemic when the production of civilian goods was affected by shortages and supply chain disruptions.

Furthermore,Ā underinvestment in the defence industrialĀ base has left the capacity to ramp up production in most areas perilously slow, even two years after the conflict started.

More effort must be spent on creating a much more resilient industrial base that has the capacity to ramp up production to meet the needs of modern war. This requiresĀ significant front-end investmentĀ by governments in capacity building as no private firm is willing to spend money in that fashion without any guarantee of a return. At the same time, building capacity must be targeted and appropriate to the actual needs of Canada and its alliesā€”taking lessons from Ukraine without understanding their context would be a mistake. That war and its material demands are unique to it.2Ā Discerning the actual needs and developing accordingly should be done through careful analysis and wargaming, much like the recent Center for Strategic International Studies analysis on U.S. missile needs in a potential war against ChinaĀ has done.

In the end, a clear trend that seems to bind all of these areas is the need for adaptability and critical thinking. Warfare is fast becoming more lethal and decisive. Modern armies must be able to respond to those changes as quickly as they occurā€”or better yet, lead those changes against their adversaries. That, for one, cannot occur in an organization that is continually starved for funding like the Canadian Armed Forces is today.

But it may also require a radical reorganization and re-think of how defence policy, strategy, operations, and doctrine are developed and implementedā€”not to mention personnel and industrial policy. As the conflict in Ukraine has laid bare, bringing in the brightest minds and giving them greater leeway to develop responses is key, as is harnessing the potential and building the capacity of domestic industrial bases. These are essential and urgent lessons we must learn. They have been hard won by the sacrifices of the Ukrainian people for our benefit. It would be a shame to waste them.

Richard Shimooka is a Hub contributing writer and a senior fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute who writes on defence policy.

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Trump fires chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, appoints new military leader

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From theĀ Daily Caller News Foundation

By Mariane Angela

President Donald Trump announced Friday the dismissal of General Charles Brown, the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In aĀ postĀ on Truth Social, Trump expressed his gratitude toward Brown for his extensive contributions and leadership, wishing him and his family a prosperous future. Brownā€™s departure marks a pivotal moment in U.S. military leadership following over 40 years of service.

ā€œI want to thank General Charles ā€œCQā€ Brown for his over 40 years of service to our country, including as our current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is a fine gentleman and an outstanding leader, and I wish a great future for him and his family,ā€ Trump wrote.

Simultaneously, Trump introduced his nominee for Brownā€™s successor.

ā€œToday, I am honored to announce that I am nominating Air Force Lieutenant General Dan ā€œRazinā€ Caine to be the next Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Caine is an accomplished pilot, national security expert, successful entrepreneur, and a ā€œwarfighterā€ with significant interagency and special operations experience,ā€ Trump said.

Trump said Caineā€™s appointment comes after he was overlooked for advancement during former President Joe Bidenā€™s presidency.

ā€œGeneral Caine was passed over for promotion by Sleepy Joe Biden. But not anymore! Alongside Secretary Pete Hegseth, General Caine and our military will restore peace through strength, put America First, and rebuild our military,ā€ Trump said. President Trump also announced plans to appoint five additional senior military officials, tasks he has delegated to Secretary Hegseth.

It wasĀ reportedĀ Thursday that Hegseth plans to dismiss Brown as part of President Trumpā€™s commitment to eliminate ā€œwokenessā€ from the military. Brown reportedly appears on a list of proposed removals submitted to Congress.

Brown had previouslyĀ expressedĀ his wish to retain his position even after Trump took office, and according to sources speaking to NBC News in Dec. 2024, Trump seemingly moderated his views on the general. Biden nominated Brown as chairman in 2023, and despite a heated confirmation hearing where senators scrutinized hisĀ allegedĀ implementation of racial quotas in Air Force hiring practices, he was confirmed.

Meanwhile, Brownā€™s replacement,Ā Caine, took office as the associate director for Military Affairs at the CIA on Nov. 3, 2021, after serving as the director of Special Programs at the Pentagon. Lt. Gen. Dan Caine, an F-16 pilot with extensive experience including over 150 combat hours, was commissioned in 1990 and has held numerous key roles, from the White House staff to special operations, and balances his military career with entrepreneurial ventures.

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Canada is not a sovereign nation

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Conspiracy Facts With Jeffrey Rath

There is no social service more important to the survival of a nation or a people than a robust national defence.

To quote the brilliant Lt. Col. (Ret.) David Redman, who has written extensively on the deplorable state of Canada’s ability to defend itself, quoting an anonymous Greek military philosopher,


A more modern take on this thought was written by Niccolo Machiavelli in “THE PRINCE” when he observed that:


Machiavelli would be snickering if he knew that Canada has appointed a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion General” to head the Canadian Armed Forces. Canada’s Chief of Defence Staff seems more concerned to ensure that tampons are available in the men’s infantry barracks than she was in insuring that Canada could defend itself or ever meet Canada’s NATO Article 5 obligations. Canada requires AT LEAST 3 divisions of air mobile combat soldiers, with suitable cyber security, surveillance and attack drones, armour, artillery, ground attack air cover, helicopter gunships, and air superiority interception capacity. A naval force capable of asserting arctic sovereignty while developing an amphibious assault capacity in support of our international obligations is also required. The 300-500 Billion Dollars that successive Canadian Governments have robbed from our NATO spending obligation would be a large down payment on rebuilding the Canadian Military while simultaneously wiping out the trade deficit with the US. An immediate 100 Billion Dollar military equipment order from US firms coupled with an elimination of all agricultural tariffs including the elimination of the Canadian Dairy Marketing Board would go a long way towards addressing President Trump’s justifiable derision of Canada’s status as a sovereign nation and good neighbour

Canadians need to internalize that they no longer live in a sovereign country. They live in a military protectorate of the United States Of America. Canadians currently underfund their NATO Treaty obligations by more than 23 Billion Dollars a year. This is a national disgrace.

Every so-called Canadian booing the American National Anthem, needs to be embarrassed, not outraged, over the fact that we have allowed successive Canadian Federal Governments to effectively embezzle hundreds of billions of dollars from the US through Canada’s despicable refusal to meet its national defence obligation to our largest and most economically important ally. In this sense Canada is much more like a vassal kingdom of Ancient Rome governed by a Governor appointed by Rome than a modern nation state. Despite Canada’s almost complete economic and military reliance on the United States, Canada is governed by minions of The World Economic Forum, The United Nations and the World Health Organization which are all China controlled or China adjacent entities that support Chinese global hegemony in the name of “globalism” or “post-nationalism”. Canada has even seen a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada taking a Communist Party of China job as adjudicator in Hong Kong. Canada currently has a disgraced Prime Minister so stupid as to not understand why our NATO allies would be upset at Canada training the People’s Liberation Army on how to kill NATO soldiers more effectively in winter conditions at Canada’s special forces winter warfare training facility at Petawawa, Ontario.

Canadians are shocked and appalled when Americans have the temerity to elect a leader who rejects the prevailing pro-China governance of Canada. Trudeau’s contribution to US-Canada relations was to attribute President Trump’ s crushing victory over globalism and world socialism to a claim that he/she was a “feminist” and to equate the common-sense of Americans to racism and misogyny. The world is meant to believe that Canadians are horrified by a US President who insists as the military protector of Canada that Canada address its protectionism of Canadian markets, ongoing trade deficit and embezzlement of defence dollars from the US by refusing to meet Canada’s international defence obligations.

Mark “Carnival Huckster” Carney the new Liberal, wanna-be, Canadian Governor, has announced as part of his “leadership campaign” that unlike the outgoing Dictator Trudeau, he will only continue to embezzle billions of dollars a year for five more years to reach the 2% GDP NATO defence spending requirement, as opposed to the outgoing Governor Trudeau who thought he could continue to steal from the US for another 7 years. It’s like Mark “The Carney” thinks that President Trump will be gratified with his announcement that Canada will only continue stealing and freeloading off of America for 5 more years. Maybe as compensation President Trump should consider renaming “Lake Ontario” to “Lake America” given that Canada’s continued refusal to meaningfully contribute to its mutual defence with America, has at the very least given Trump “naming rights” over shared geographical features. How about instead of the St. Lawrence Seaway we now have “The Melania Seaway”. Canada’s lack of the basic sovereign function of self-defence should have consequences.

It’s time for Canadians to wake the hell up and realize that the so-called Laurentian elite Canadian political class undermine Canadian Sovereignty every day. They do this by refusing to acknowledge that President Trump is right to make fun of Canada for the emasculation of the Canadian military. President Trump is right to call out Canada’s ridiculous insistence on wanting free access to American Markets while continuing to protect Canadian millionaires and billionaires from US competition to the detriment of Canadian voters who would all benefit from the lower prices that tariff free trade would bring. Every Canadian should be angry that they pay way more than they should for milk, cheese and other products because of Canadian protectionism.

Come on Canada! Canadians are known internationally for the Canadian propensity to say sorry too often.

It’s time for Canada’s political leaders to say:

“President Trump, you are right. We are sorry. We will immediately change our childish, and dishonest behaviour. We will become a much better neighbour.”

Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)

Foothills, Alberta

February 18, 2025


Failing the above, its time for Alberta to say “President Trump, we don’t want to be part of Canada as a 51st State. Alberta will happily consider the benefits of full statehood within the American Union on the condition that you don’t let Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, or the Maritime province enjoy the same status given the extent to which they have enjoyed a parasitic relationship with Alberta for far too long.

Alberta will immediately commit to spending all dollars formerly sent to Quebec to the formation of an Alberta National Guard to be fully integrated with US Forces and chain of command, governed by the US Constitution. ”

This may be an idea whose time has come.

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