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Unemployment Surges as Trudeau’s Policies Wreak Havoc on the Economy


12 minute read

The Opposition with Dan Knight

From The Opposition News Network

By Dan Knight

Let’s get real, folks. You look around, and it doesn’t take a PhD in economics to know something is seriously wrong. Unemployment’s ticking up to 6.6%, and wages? They’re not even keeping pace with inflation. Canadians are working harder than ever, yet the cost of everything—from the food you put on the table to the roof over your head—is spiraling out of control. And who’s at the wheel of this runaway train? Justin Trudeau, that’s who.

Trudeau’s government has unleashed a storm of reckless policies that are driving inflation through the roof. And what’s their solution? They’ve forced the Bank of Canada into a corner, leaving them with no choice but to keep rates above 4% interest rates at 4.25%. The result? Ordinary Canadians are feeling the squeeze like never before, struggling just to make ends meet. This isn’t some fluke; it’s a direct consequence of Trudeau’s economic mismanagement.

But here’s the kicker. While Canadians are tightening their belts, Trudeau’s government is flooding the country with immigrants, artificially inflating the GDP so they can keep funding their ridiculous green energy fantasies. That’s right. Instead of focusing on real, sustainable economic growth, Trudeau is pushing the numbers with mass immigration to cover up the economic disaster he’s created.

Think about that. You’re paying more for your groceries, your gas, your mortgage—all because Trudeau wants to make his government look good on paper. But it’s you who’s footing the bill.

Housing Crisis? That’s On Trudeau

Why can’t you afford a house anymore? Why are young families, people who grew up in this country, completely locked out of the housing market? The answer is simple—*it’s Justin Trudeau’s fault*.

Let’s be clear. The Bank of Canada has openly admitted that the housing crisis is a result of excess demand. But here’s what they’re not shouting from the rooftops: *that demand isn’t homegrown*. Trudeau’s open-door immigration policy has flooded the market, pushing housing prices through the roof. He’s not bringing in record numbers of immigrants because it’s good for Canada; he’s doing it to boost GDP artificially. The problem? That so-called “growth” is driving Canadians out of their own housing market.

You’ve got ordinary Canadians, people who’ve worked their whole lives, now completely priced out of homeownership because Trudeau has cranked up demand with his immigration policies. And while he’s busy making his numbers look good, you’re the one left without a chance to buy a home.

And what’s the solution Trudeau offers? Higher interest rates. That’s right. The Bank of Canada has been forced to keep rates above 4% (4.25%) just to cool down the mess Trudeau created. So now, not only are you dealing with sky-high prices, but the higher interest rates mean if you do somehow scrape together enough to buy a house, you’re stuck with a mortgage you can’t afford.

This isn’t just incompetence. It’s a deliberate strategy by Trudeau to artificially inflate the economy through immigration, all while making life harder for the average Canadian. This is the Trudeau legacy: inflated numbers on paper, while regular Canadians suffer in reality.

The Reality of Trudeau’s Policies

Everything costs more under Trudeau—everything. From your grocery bill to your taxes, life has gotten more expensive. But let’s not pretend this is some random economic downturn. This is the result of deliberate policies designed to make Trudeau look like he’s growing the economy. In reality, he’s burning through taxpayer dollars, and making life harder for the people who are actually *keeping this country going*—you.

And here’s the worst part: it’s not going to get better. As long as Trudeau is in charge, you’re going to keep seeing rising costs, more immigration to mask the economic stagnation, and higher interest rates making it impossible for Canadians to get ahead.

It’s time to stop pretending this is some unavoidable consequence of global forces. This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada, and the reality is, you’re being priced out of your own country.

Why Everything Costs More

Here’s the ugly truth: under Trudeau, everything costs more—much more. Groceries? Skyrocketing. Taxes? You can barely keep track of how many you’re paying. Energy bills? Forget it. These price hikes aren’t a coincidence—they’re a direct result of Trudeau’s reckless economic policies. This isn’t an accident; it’s the result of a deliberate plan to reshape Canada’s economy into some kind of climate-change fantasyland, and you’re the one paying for it.

Trudeau’s inflation problem started with his wild spending. The government kept printing and spending money, and soon enough, we had 8.1% inflation. While they love to pat themselves on the back for bringing it down to 2.5%, the reality is prices aren’t coming down. Groceries are still unaffordable. You’re paying 15-20% more for the basics like meat, vegetables, and even milk. Your wallet hasn’t seen any relief, despite their so-called victory lap.

Now, let’s talk about energy. Trudeau’s green energy agenda is a black hole sucking up billions in taxpayer dollars. Billions spent on unproven clean tech projects, and yet, have you seen your energy bills drop? Of course not. They’ve gone up. The kicker is, while Trudeau spends your money on windmills and electric buses that no one can afford, your gas and heating bills have soared. You’re being told to tighten your belt, but the government is lighting taxpayer dollars on fire.

Oh, and don’t forget taxes. Every time you turn around, there’s a new tax or an increase to an existing one. Carbon taxes, fuel taxes—everything is designed to make life more expensive. You’re paying more at the pump because of Trudeau’s so-called climate policies. Every single tax increase hits the working-class Canadian, the family just trying to get by. Meanwhile, Justin and his globalist buddies are laughing all the way to their next climate summit in a private jet.

A Trump Factor to Watch

And if you think this is bad, just wait. If Donald Trump wins re-election, Trudeau’s green pipe dream might come crashing down. Trump has promised to roll back Biden’s climate change initiatives. No more wind farms, no more billions funneled into solar power plants that never seem to get built. If Trump dismantles these climate policies, Trudeau’s entire green energy house of cards falls apart. Canada is deeply tied to U.S. climate cooperation—without it, Trudeau is left holding an empty bag. And what happens then? *You* will pay the price again as the government scrambles to find another way to fund their utopian schemes.

But it’s not just Trudeau’s climate pipe dreams that Trump could affect. Trump has been crystal clear—he’s bringing back tariffs, and Canada’s already weak GDP will take another hit. With Trudeau’s economic mismanagement, we can’t afford to take another blow. If Trump slams down new tariffs on Canadian goods, we’re looking at fewer jobs, higher prices, and an even deeper recession. Trudeau has left Canada exposed, and we’re the ones who will suffer for it.

Trudeau’s Legacy: Pain for the Average Canadian

Let’s face it—Trudeau’s legacy is one of pain for the average Canadian. He’s bloated the government, jacked up immigration numbers to artificially inflate GDP, and used that growth to justify even more spending. But who’s benefiting? Not you. Wages are stagnant, while the cost of living has gone through the roof. Why? Because the demand for everything from housing to groceries is being driven by immigration policies that Trudeau is using to fund his agenda. This isn’t about building a better Canada; it’s about maintaining the illusion of growth by bringing in more people to mask his economic failures.

Why can’t you buy a house? Because Trudeau’s open-door immigration policy has created an artificial demand for housing that has nothing to do with Canadians. The Bank of Canada has admitted it—excess demand is driving up housing costs. But here’s the kicker: this demand isn’t from Canadians trying to buy their first home. It’s from a government that’s using immigration as a crutch for economic growth that doesn’t actually exist. Meanwhile, you, the hard-working Canadian, are priced out of the market. You’re paying more, and Trudeau doesn’t care.

From taxes to groceries to housing, everything costs more under Justin Trudeau. And it’s all part of a grand scheme to push his climate agenda while using *your* hard-earned money to do it. So the next time you see your grocery bill or try to pay your heating bill, remember: this is the Canada Justin Trudeau built. How much longer can Canadians endure this? How much more can you take?

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Since 2021, U.S. has seen greatest number of Canadian illegal border crossers in history

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From The Center Square


Several retired CBP officials have pointed out that not all Canadian border crossers are native-born but include foreign nationals who received Canadian travel documents.

The greatest number of Canadians who’ve illegally entered the U.S. or attempted to illegally enter in recorded U.S. history has been reported under the Biden-Harris administration and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s administration.

Since fiscal 2021 through July 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 150,701 Canadians illegally entered or attempted illegal entry into the U.S.

The majority were apprehended at the US-Canada border, followed by other locations nationwide, with a small number at the US-Mexico border, according to the data.

The greatest number of Canadians encountered or apprehended by CBP or Border Patrol agents was 47,126, in fiscal 2022. U.S. officials at the northern border reported the most, 40,600. But Canadians aren’t always apprehended at the northern border. The next greatest number reported was nationwide at 6,413, followed by 113 at the southwest border.

In fiscal 2023, the numbers were slightly less, totaling 44,700, with the majority reported at the northern border of 37,169, followed by 7,431 nationwide and 100 at the southwest border.

These numbers are up significantly from fiscal 2021, of 22,371. The majority in 2021, 16,193, were reported at the northern border, followed by 6,178 nationwide and 76 at the southwest border.

The overwhelming majority are single military age adults.

Several retired CBP officials have pointed out that not all Canadian border crossers are native-born but include foreign nationals who received Canadian travel documents. Canadian citizens for years have legally traveled to the U.S. for work and as tourists.

Another record-breaking number coming from Canada is over 1,100 individuals on the U.S. terrorist watch list, referred to as known or suspected terrorists (KSTs), who attempted to illegally enter the US-Canada border since fiscal 2021, The Center Square first reported.

This is the greatest number in U.S. history under any administration. They total more than a U.S. Army battalion.

They are being apprehended by U.S. authorities, not Canadians. They include an Iranian with terrorist ties living in Canada and a Canadian woman previously arrested by Texas officials for claiming to threaten to kill former President Donald Trump.

Canadian authorities claim to thoroughly vet so-called refugees when permitting entry. One granted entry in 2018 was a member of ISIS who was granted citizenship this year and went on to allegedly plot a terrorist attack against Canadians, The Center Square reported.

Some members of the Canadian Parliament continue to express alarm about increasing terrorist threats under the Trudeau government after the ISIS member was only arrested after French authorities notified Canadian authorities about his alleged terrorist connection. Another recent example is Canadian authorities taking nine years to arrest a Canadian woman on terrorism-related offenses after she traveled to Syria in 2015 to join ISIS, The Center Square reported.

More recently, a Pakistani national living in Canada was arrested after announcing his plan to carry out a mass shooting at a Jewish Center in Brooklyn, New York, after publicly expressing his support for ISIS for nine months, according to a Department of Justice announcement.

Members of Congress have introduced bills to secure the northern border, created a northern border security caucus. The U.S. House impeached Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis. Republican lawmakers have also demanded increased security after Canadian authorities expanded a visa program to Palestinians, expressing concerns about a vetting process that may not identify those who support the terrorist organization Hamas. Ushered into power by Palestinian voters in 2006, Hamas holds a majority in the Palestinian Authority’s government. The U.S. State Department designated Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997.

All officially reported CBP data excludes gotaways, those who evaded capture and illegally entered the U.S. They total over 2 million, The Center Square first reported. Officials have expressed concerns about how many unknown gotaways are in the U.S. connected to countries of foreign concern, state sponsors of terrorism and terrorist organizations. Several hundred connected to ISIS have illegally entered the U.S., authorities confirmed this year.

Despite claims by Canadian authorities that “the Canada-U.S. border is the best-managed and most secure border in the world,” numerous U.S. border security officials disagree, telling The Center Square the CBP data alone disproves their claim.

The number of Canadian illegal border crossers is not comparable to the nearly 3 million Mexican illegal border crossers under the Obrador administration since fiscal 2021. Among them, more than 22,000 Mexicans were apprehended by U.S. federal agents after illegally entering or attempting entry from Canada.

CBP data indicates that illegal border crossers holding travel documents from Canada and Mexico, America’s NAFTA partners, appear to be circumventing U.S. immigration law.

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Farm for food not fear

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From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

By Lee Harding

Fall harvest is in the storehouse. Now, let’s put away all proposals to cap fertilizer inputs to save the earth. Canadian farmers are ensuring food security, not fueling the droughts, fires, or storms that critics unfairly attribute to them.

The Saskatoon-based Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) did as fulsome an analysis as possible on carbon emissions in Saskatchewan, Western Canada, Canada, and international peers. Transportation, seed, fertilizer and manure, crop inputs, field activities, energy emissions, and post-harvest work were all in view.

The studies, published last year, had very reassuring results. Canadian crop production was less carbon intensive than other places, and Western Canada was a little better yet. This proved true crop by crop.

Carbon emissions per tonne of canola production were more than twice as high in France and Germany as in Canada. Australia was slightly less carbon intensive than Canada, but still trailed Western Canada.

For non-durum wheat, Canada blew Australia, France, Germany, and the U.S. away with roughly half the carbon intensity of those countries. For durum wheat, the U.S. had twice the carbon intensity of Canada, and Italy almost five times as much.

Canada was remarkably better with lentil production. Producers in Australia had 5.5 times the carbon emissions per tonne produced as Canada, while the U.S. had 8 times as much. In some parts of Canada, lentil production was a net carbon sink.

Canadian field peas have one-tenth the carbon emissions per tonne of production as is found in Germany, and one-sixth that of France or the United States.

According to GIFS, Canada succeeds by “regenerative agriculture, including minimal soil disturbance, robust crop rotation, covering the land, integrating livestock and the effective management of crop inputs.”

The implementation of zero-till farming is especially key. If the land isn’t worked up, most nutrients and gases stay in the soil–greenhouse gases included.

Western Canada has been especially keen to adopt the zero-till approach, in contrast to the United States, where only 30 percent of cropland is zero-till.

The adoption of optimal methods has already lowered Canadian carbon emissions substantially. Despite all of this, some net zero schemers aim to cut carbon emissions by fertilizer by 30 percent, just as it does in other sectors.

This target is undeserved for Canadian agriculture because the industry has already made drastic, near-maximum progress. Nitrates help crops grow, so the farmer is already vitally motivated to keep nitrates in the soil and out of the skies–alleged global warming or not. Fewer nutrients mean fewer yields and lower proteins.

The farmer’s personal and economic interests already motivate the best fertilizer use that is practically possible. Universal adoption of optimal techniques could lower emissions a bit more, but Canada is so far ahead in this game that a hard cap on fertilizer emissions could only be detrimental.

In 2021, Fertilizer Canada commissioned a study by MNP to estimate the costs of a 20 percent drop in fertilizer use to achieve a 30 percent reduction in emissions. The study suggested that by 2030, bushels of production per acre would drop significantly for canola (23.6), corn (67.9), and spring wheat (36.1). By 2030, the annual value of lost production for those crops alone would reach $10.4 billion.

If every animal and human in Canada died, leaving the country an unused wasteland, the drop in world greenhouse gas emissions would be only 1.4 percent. Any talk of reducing capping fertilizer inputs for the greater good is nonsense.

Lee Harding is a Research Fellow for the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.

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