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John Stossel

Unemployed college students beg for loan forgiveness while great careers thirst for new people


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Are the young people in your life wondering what direction to go?  Are they considering taking on massive student loans without a clear goal in mind?

In this fascinating conversation between John Stossel and Mike Rowe (former host of “Dirty Jobs”) we’re challenged to rethink what we believe about higher education.  

In this quick discussion from Stossel TV, (sign up here:  Rowe takes on higher education, how the “safety first” mantra actually hurts society, and why it’s easy to save lives but LIVING life is more important. 

After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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The ESG Collapse: Al Gore, Intel, BlackRock, and the Failed Promise of “Sustainable” Investing

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From StosselTV

For years, investment firms pressured companies to hire people of certain races and genders, and pushed “sustainability.” That has hurt returns.

Investments that claim to be “sustainable” have been underperforming. It’s because companies that embrace “ESG” woke investing end up prioritizing politics over innovation.

Intel, once a leader in the tech world, wasted millions on ESG goals. Now, it lags behind its competitors. Its stock is down more than 70%. “You have a company that’s absolutely failing!” Says Matt Cole, CEO of Strive investment managing.

Even BlackRock, which led the “ESG” push, now backs away from ESG investments. “What you’re seeing today,” says Cole, “is ESG funds shuttering at record speed.”

Our new video explains why.

After 40+ years of reporting, I now understand the importance of limited government and personal freedom.
Libertarian journalist John Stossel created Stossel TV to explain liberty and free markets to young people.
Prior to Stossel TV he hosted a show on Fox Business and co-anchored ABC’s primetime newsmagazine show, 20/20.
Stossel’s economic programs have been adapted into teaching kits by a non-profit organization, “Stossel in the Classroom.” High school teachers in American public schools now use the videos to help educate their students on economics and economic freedom. They are seen by more than 12 million students every year.
Stossel has received 19 Emmy Awards and has been honored five times for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club. Other honors include the George Polk Award for Outstanding Local Reporting and the George Foster Peabody Award.


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John Stossel

One Year, Big Results! How Javier Milei Freed Markets, and Reduced Inflation

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From StosselTV

By John Stossel

One year ago, libertarian Javier Milei was elected president of Argentina. How has it worked out?

Amazingly well! In his first year, Milei has already cut government spending by 30%, eliminated entire ministries, fired thousands of government workers, slashed subsidies, and deregulated the economy.

Today, inflation is down, the federal budget is in surplus, and the country’s housing shortage crisis is over. “When Milei came into power,” says Ian Vasquez of the Cato Institute, “There was 40% poverty rate. There was an annual inflation of over 200%.

Now inflation is down. The economy started to recover… Milei is showing that his libertarian policies are working.” Years of big government had left Argentina in crisis.

Pundits and the media claimed Milei couldn’t fix any of that. They were wrong. Milei’s success shows that freedom works! Maybe our politicians will learn from him.

After 40+ years of reporting, I now understand the importance of limited government and personal freedom.
Libertarian journalist John Stossel created Stossel TV to explain liberty and free markets to young people.
Prior to Stossel TV he hosted a show on Fox Business and co-anchored ABC’s primetime newsmagazine show, 20/20. Stossel’s economic programs have been adapted into teaching kits by a non-profit organization, “Stossel in the Classroom.” High school teachers in American public schools now use the videos to help educate their students on economics and economic freedom. They are seen by more than 12 million students every year.
Stossel has received 19 Emmy Awards and has been honored five times for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club. Other honors include the George Polk Award for Outstanding Local Reporting and the George Foster Peabody Award.


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