
A game of elimination with the potential to win lots of wine & more! That’s right this time around we have added a twist! Wine not your thing, maybe its craft beer or favourite spirit? This year the winners will be awarded liquor store gift cards so they can make their own choice!
As a team member, you have TEN chances to win a boat-load of wine, spirits and more! In the end the winners get to choose.
Fifty percent of the registration fee supports TLC!
Join a team or pick 5 friends and start your own team. Each team must appoint a Team Captain who will keep the other team members informed.
Each team must have 6 members and they will give their team a fun name. TLC will assign each team member their own unique number once we receive the Team Registration Form. Your team will not be registered until ALL team members have
submitted their $40 registration fee. No exceptions! Your team captain will collect your money and email addresses. Your registration fee and email address must be submitted to your team captain no later than Wednesday, October 20th, 2021.
All teams must be registered, paid in full and delivered to TLC no later than Wednesday, October 20, 2021 (TLC is opened Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 4:30pm). You can increase your odds of winning by joining more than one team! Just remember that you will need to pay the $40 registration fee each time you join a team.
Why Support The Lending Cupboard?
The Lending Cupboard is a registered charity that provides equipment to enhance quality of life by maintaining mobility, independence and dignity to people in Central Alberta. Since 2006 The Lending Cupboard (TLC) has been providing medical equipment to those who need it. Whether your needs are short term or long term, minor or more serious, we are here to help. We lend out medical equipment for: extreme sports injuries, those recovering from illness or surgery, end of care, children, youth and adults, senior citizens.
Equipment available through the TLC: Air cast, bed rails, bath chairs, bath lifts, commodes, toilet risers, crutches & canes, hydraulic lifts, toilet safety rails, transport chairs, walkers, wheelchairs, super poles, roho cushions.
We hope to have a minimum of 100 teams involved but of course the more teams the larger the prize so connect with your family, friends and colleagues. Please spread the word and let’s see how many teams we can put together for this great cause!
For information on how to register for TLC Survivor please email one of the following:
Janice Shimek – [email protected]
Kathy Cole – [email protected]
AGLC Lic. #578554
Good Luck and Thank You for Supporting The Lending Cupboard!
Based on 100 teams entering:
The Biggest Loser = each team member will receive 2 gift cards ($240 team value)
9th Place Finish = each team member will receive 4 gift cards ($480 team value)
8th Place Finish = each team member will receive 5 gift cards ($600 team value)
7th Place Finish = each team member will receive 6 gift cards ($720 team value)
6th Place Finish = each team member will receive 8 gift cards ($960 team value)
5th Place Finish = each team member will receive 10 gift cards ($1,200 team value)
4th Place Finish = each team member will receive 12 gift cards ($1,440 team value)
3rd Place Finish = each team member will receive 14 gift cards ($1,680 team value)
2nd Place Finish = each team member will receive 16 gift cards ($1,920 team value)
Final Surviors
1st Place Finish = each team member will receive 23 gift cards ($2,760 team value)
This is a game of elimination – YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR NAME/NUMBER TO BE DRAWN!
Draws will begin on Monday, October 25th, 2021 and will be held daily until the final draws are made on Friday, October 29th, 2021.
The team Captains will receive an email each draw day showing the standing of each team. The team captain will then forward the information on to their individual team members. As long as one member of your team remains you are still in the game – you have six chances to win! The first team to be eliminated will be our “Biggest Losers” and each team member will receive two $20 liquor store gift cards.
Support local healthcare while winning amazing prizes!

SPARC Caring Adult Nominations now open!

Check out this powerful video, “Be a Mr. Jensen,” shared by Andy Jacks. It highlights the impact of seeing youth as solutions, not problems. Mr. Jensen’s patience and focus on strengths gave this child hope and success.
👉 Be a Mr. Jensen:
Do you know a Mr. Jensen? Nominate a caring adult in your child’s life who embodies the spirit of Mr. Jensen. Whether it’s a coach, teacher, mentor, or someone special, share how they contribute to youth development. 👉 Nominate Here:
Nominate someone who makes a positive impact in the lives of children and youth. Every child has a gift – let’s celebrate the caring adults who help them shine! SPARC Red Deer will recognize the first 50 nominees. 💖🎉 #CaringAdults #BeAMrJensen #SeePotentialNotProblems #SPARCRedDeer
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