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There’s no scientific evidence of ‘human-induced climate change’ causing stronger hurricanes


9 minute read

From LifeSiteNews

By Paul Schwennesen

The scientific consensus on hurricanes, which isn’t covered by breathless climate reporting, is that humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. We must demand honesty and contextual complexity on climate reporting.

As Hurricane Beryl barreled its way across the Gulf of Mexico and into the U.S. mainland, the attention-getting headlines had beaten it there by a long shot – claims that it was a remarkable outlier were appearing in climate-frantic narratives more than a week earlier.

CBS News claimed it was “historic,” alongside headlines on “How to talk to your kids about climate anxiety.” The BBC reported that it was “the first hurricane to reach the category four level in June since NHC [National Hurricane Center] records began and the earliest to hit category five – the highest category – in July.” While technically true, and warranting some mention, the claims tend to misrepresent, by implication and association, the current scientific understanding of hurricanes and human impacts on climate change.

The scientific consensus on hurricanes, a consensus not covered by breathless reporting on climate, is that humans have had no detectable impact on hurricanes over the past century. The National Climate Assessment published by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, for instance, in Appendix 3 reads:

There has been no significant trend in the global number of tropical cyclones nor has any trend been identified in the number of US land-falling hurricanes.

So what’s actually going on? Is Beryl’s historic early arrival an indication of something fundamentally different about hurricane activity? Does it or does it not represent the bitter fruit of humanity’s ecological sins? The answer is almost certainly not. Rather, the hype around Beryl’s early arrival represents a major misunderstanding, a mass-bias phenomenon which sees evidence where evidence doesn’t really exist.

Historically speaking, of course, hurricanes are commonplace in the Gulf. “Hurricane” derives from the prehistoric Taíno name for the god of evil winds, Jurucán. The Spanish quickly adopted the name to describe the violent storms which wreaked such havoc on their exploratory efforts in the New World. Both the 1527 Narváez and 1539 De Soto expeditions, for example, were pummeled by hurricanes that may well have reached category five, had the NHC been around to classify them as such. So while it is conceivable that Beryl is a major anomaly and portent of evil tidings, it is very unlikely to be.

Instead, its media portrayal as Exhibit A in the case for anthropogenic climate change is fundamentally inaccurate. Today’s dire headlines are a perfect example of what Steve Koonin, in his book Unsettled, calls “the long game of telephone that starts with the research literature and runs through the [scientific] assessment reports to the summaries of the assessment reports and on to the media coverage.”

The media, he says, often end up distributing a narrative that is directly counter to the actual evidence. They do this partly from misunderstanding the scientific and statistical significance of observations, but mostly because extreme headlines fit a generally understood narrative. Such reports are far more likely to be recognized and absorbed by the news-reading public. This selective attention pushes a bias toward extremism in climate reporting that significantly inflames the political climate, to our collective detriment.

Instead, what happens is that reports which are technically true (like Beryl’s record early arrival) make it into the common current only if they fit the general alarmist narrative. The BBC perfectly exemplifies this in its coverage, noting that “Hurricane Beryl’s record-breaking nature has put the role of climate change in the spotlight.” It then goes on to say, toward the end of an article most people will never fully read:

The causes of individual storms are complex, making it difficult to fully attribute specific cases to climate change. But exceptionally high sea surface temperatures are seen as a key reason why Hurricane Beryl has been so powerful.

This is how the slight-of-hand works: BBC reporters, no doubt in interviews with hurricane experts, were obliged to quibble somewhat about the implications of Beryl’s record-setting classification. They properly note that it is “difficult” (impossible, in fact) to attribute Beryl’s record to climate change as such. And they are correct that high sea surface temperatures are a major factor in Beryl’s extraordinary rise. But it is the way these technical truths are presented that leads to errors in association. Very few casual readers would be likely to read the article, headlined with “How record-breaking Hurricane Beryl is a sign of a warming world” and not make an inductive leap to the causal inference of human-induced warming. This is a problem, because such an inference is in fact not substantiated by any scientifically accepted observations.

Now, to be sure, this works both ways. This is not a claim that human emissions have no impacts, after all, only that we must be very careful about what the evidence actually says before channeling it into policy recommendations. Nor is my point that we can safely disregard all negative reports about the environment, since there are clearly issues that warrant our genuine collective attention. For instance, I’ve played a bit of sleight-of-hand myself: I correctly noted that major hurricanes are below the historical average, but I did not highlight the fact that overall hurricane count is up. Likewise with the Great Barrier Reef: while coral coverage is remarkably up, the kind of monoculture coral crop accounting for the rise still leaves room for ecological concern.

The real point is that we must demand honesty, including contextual complexity, on climate reporting. Especially since the stakes are so high (either in matters of our environment or individual liberty), we cannot afford to play games with half-truths and obfuscations. Intelligent free people deserve fuller, more comprehensive, less-activist reporting on climate change. Beryl has made a record of sorts, yes. What that record really means in the context of human-induced climate change is fundamentally, scientifically unknown. Maybe that would be a better headline.

Reprinted with permission from the American Institute for Economic Research.

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Trump and the 1960s Assassinations:

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News release from Who Is Robert Malone

On September 15, 2024, the American people witnessed another attempt on the life of Donald Trump, a former President and a current presidential candidate. A candidate who the deep state, the administrative state, and the globalists profoundly fear. Simply stated, the blob views President Trump as a threat to both the current AND the new world order.

As I have been watching the news, the alternate news, reading the would-be assassin’s rantings on his now-deleted Facebook and X accounts, it is hard not to think back to that period in American history in the 1960s when it appears that the government decided that it needed to remove certain political actors from the chessboard.

In our recent book, PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order, we wrote the following about this dark time in American history:

“The PsyWar campaign on America goes back decades. Senator Rand Paul stated recently: “There was a coup, and we lost our government”

The day of that coup was November 22, 1963. That was the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. That was the day the U.S. government turned against its own people and began a PsyWar campaign against all of us. We just didn’t know it yet.  Nothing has been the same since.

It has taken over fifty years to realize the extent of this PsyWar campaign fully, but now there is no denying it. A new book titled: “The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two Headshots from the Right Front and One from the Rear” documents that President Kennedy was almost surely assassinated by the U.S. government, who also led the cover-up and the ensuing propaganda/PsyWar campaign regarding the events of his death. The author and scientist, Dr. David W. Mantik, uses modern imaging to prove that the wound in the president’s throat and the massive blow-out in the back of his head involved frontal bullet wounds. As Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot the President from behind the motorcade, this analysis provides data which refute the government’s analysis that he was the lone assassin does not hold up to scrutiny. This book presents clear and compelling testimonial and documentary evidence that the surgeons performed pre-autopsy surgery on the President’s head to remove evidence of the forehead bullet, as well as to gain access to his brain. Hence, they were able to “sanitize the crime scene” by removing bullet fragments as well as bullet tracks in the brain tissue. The forensic evidence is clear that the CIA, the FBI, and/or the U.S. Secret Service have been involved in and covered up the assassination of a sitting U.S. president [1].

As good as the forensic evidence is, there are now a vast number of books on the circumstances leading up to and after the assassination that reveal that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. In fact, there are books, studies, publications, and video reanalyzing the Warren Commission Report hearings and Exhibits, as well as the House Select Committee Report, records from the Assassination Records Review Board, the National Archives and Records Administration records, and testimony from many eyewitnesses (including the many witnesses, who were not allowed to speak to the Warren Commission).  Taken together, this evidence works to prove that the Warren Commission Report was a sham with a predetermined conclusion and was never meant as a real investigation to determine who assassinated President Kennedy. One book that stands out as thorough and compelling on this subject is “The JFK Assassination Evidence Handbook” [2].

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty authored another important book on this topic. Prouty was a former CIA operative who worked for the agency during this period. His historic account shatters what we have all come to believe about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. This book was the basis for Oliver Stone’s movie JFK. Prouty outlines how Kennedy’s death was a coup d’état, and he presents strong evidence to that effect as well as details of the elite power base that was and is the hidden hand of the U.S. government [3]- what is often referred to as the “Deep state”.

Our government not only lied about this to the American people, but they created a massive cover-up story, which included framing an innocent man for the murder. For over sixty years, our government has not only covered up this murder, but they also made up an alternate reality of facts that have been presented as truth to the entire world.

In 1865, we almost lost our democracy due to the assassination of President Lincoln. Is November 22, 1963, the day when we truly lost our democracy to the deep state? Can we believe anything that we have since been told by our government? Why hasn’t any U.S. President come forward to tell the American people about what really happened that day?

The assassination of President Kennedy was a pivotal moment in the history of the modern PsyWar campaign against the American people by a rogue shadow government that has persisted up until this day. The rogue government that instigated this psyops upon the American people is still in control. The U.S. intelligence community is the operational organization at the very heart of this PsyWar campaign, as well as the assassination.  Full public disclosure of what has taken place and the dismantling of that apparatus is well past its due date.

The censorship-industrial complex has restricted our constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech by interfering with and manipulating what we are allowed to see and hear. With the advent of the internet, the tools available to this industry have only become more sophisticated.”

Our government is complicit in the second assassination attempt. At a minimum, deep-state actors and state-sponsored media outlets have been spinning dangerous rhetoric about how Trump is a threat to democracy and must be removed. Another scenario is that an alphabet agency was actually involved in the assassination attempt. At this point in time, that theory can not be discounted.

But getting back to the idea that propaganda promulgated by the government, government actors, the deep state, and state-sponsored media drove Ryan Routh to try to kill Donald Trump, read what Jimmy Dore wrote on X about a 2022 Newsweek propaganda video featuring this assassin:

This is Donald Trump assassination attempt suspect Ryan Wesley Routh, he was interviewed by Newsweek Romania in 2022.

He’s a zealot for Ukraine war because he’s been fully propagandized by corporate media to support the war.

He has ZERO idea what the war is actually about, his mind is very childlike: “It’s a battle of good vs evil”, just like the corporate news told him.

That’s how propaganda works.

That’s why I warned TYT about pushing Russiagate; it would lead to a war and brainwashed guys like this. He has no idea what the war is actually about, so when Trump & RFK say they want to END the war, he thinks the moral thing to do is assassinate Trump.

This is the direct result of corporate news & “independent” news repeating pro-war CIA talking points uncritically. Nobody in corporate news will ask, “Where was he radicalized?” because if you watch this video, it’s clear he was radicalized by corporate news right here in the United States.

Here is the Newsweek video of Routh in 2022:

Alan Richards wrote in the comments section of my last post – that Ryan Routh’s deleted X account can be viewed on this Telegram account.

Here are some of Routh’s more recent Tweets:

The CIA collects such people. They are useful.

Jack Posobiec has revealed that Ryan Routh appeared in another propaganda video for the AZOV BATTALLION in May 2022. The Ukrainian Azov Battalion is known for its neo-Nazi ideology and was incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2023. A rumor on X states that the CIA funded the Azov Battalion propaganda video. But no direct evidence of that was found.

What is clear is that somehow Ryan Routh ended up in these two videos—more evidence of a US government link with the assassin.

The screenshot below references Mariupol, a city in southeastern Ukraine that the war has significantly impacted.

Of interest:

The intelligence community is scared about a second Trump presidency. They are focused on the world order, the new world order – whereby such a win threatens Western hegemony.

The BBC writes:

The international world order is “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”, the heads of the UK and US foreign intelligence services have warned.

The chiefs of MI6 and the CIA also said both countries stand together in “resisting an assertive Russia and Putin’s war of aggression in Ukraine”.

In the FT op-ed, they wrote: “There is no question that the international world order – the balanced system that has led to relative peace and stability and delivered rising living standards, opportunities and prosperity – is under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War.”

“Successfully combating this risk” is at the foundation of the special relationship between the UK and US, they added.

What is the intelligence community willing to do to protect what they see as the disintegration of their control?

Bottom line:

The attempt on President Trump’s life failed… again.

At this point, the assassin, Ryan Routh, is in a Federal detention center somewhere. He is alive. Whatever he has to say will be edited through the filter of the FBI and DHS. Most likely, we will be propagandized that this person suffers from paranoid schizophrenia or some such story, which may or may not have an element of truth.

It would surprise me if they allowed him any interviews with the MSM.

The risk is that he will suffer an untimely death and will be Epsteined. Time will tell.

Who is Robert Malone is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order exposes the history and tactics of modern psychological warfare on the American people and offers a way forward for citizens to resist totalitarian control.

PsyWar is when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations (psyops) tools in campaigns designed to manipulate public opinion. The authors address critical topics including:

  • Propaganda and Behavioral Control
  • Psychological Bioterrorism
  • Deep State Censorship
  • Surveillance Capitalism
  • Administrative State Objectives
  • Fifth-Generation Warfare
  • PsyWar Tactics
  • Techno-Totalitarianism
  • The New World Order and Global Control

Free speech is the most pragmatic tool we have for ascertaining truth. Only by examining all sides of an issue can the truth be chiseled out like a statue out of marble. We must defend all speech—whether untrue, hateful, or intolerable, as that is the only way to protect our right to understand the world.  As soon as free speech is restricted, that restriction will be used to sway public opinion.

Now is a time when America needs hope. But more than hope, we need to restore our Constitution and Bill of Rights as the foundational documents of our Republic. These documents support and protect our personal sovereignty and are at the core of our fundamental rights as Americans. We must work to make this country great again by restoring our commitment to these foundational principles and ethics.

Pre-orders available on Amazon now.

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‘I Have No Faith’: House Speaker Mike Johnson Demands ‘Accountability’ After Second Trump Assassination Attempt

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Mike Johnson, Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt and Brian Kilmeade

From the Daily Caller News Foundation

By Harold Hutchison


Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson called for “accountability” Monday following the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump this year, saying the country needed to “demand” better protection for the former president.

A Secret Service agent fired shots at a man with a semi-automatic rifle while Trump was playing a round of golf at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sunday, with the alleged gunman being taken into custody by local law enforcement. Johnson praised the agent who thwarted the alleged attempt on Trump’s life but raised concerns about the Secret Service and “manpower allocation.” (RELATED: ‘Scary Times’: Donald Trump Jr Shares Intimate Update After Assassination Attempt)

“I got a briefing from the acting director of the Secret Service, Ron Rowe, within 90 minutes of the event. I was actually sitting with President Trump when he called. We listened to that in detail and what I understand happened is that those agents that were with him yesterday saw that barrel of that gun between the bushes on a golf course,” Johnson said. “I mean, you know, that’s a difficult thing to spot. Thankfully they did, unlike in Butler, they did not pause. They immediately pulled their weapons and fired. I think that’s why this guy, the suspect, the shooter threw the gun in the bushes and ran. Had they not been, had they not acted so quickly and decisively, we might having a different conversation here today.”



Trump was shot and slightly wounded in the right ear during an assassination attempt while giving a speech at a July 13 campaign rally in Butler Township, Pennsylvania, that left former volunteer fire chief Corey Comperatore dead.

“President Trump needs the most coverage of anyone. He’s the most attacked, he is the most threatened, even probably more than when he was in the Oval Office,” Johnson continued. “So we are demanding in the house that he have every asset available and we will make more available if necessary. I don’t think it’s a funding issue, I think it’s manpower allocation.”

“Fox and Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade asked if Johnson would look into using Navy SEALs who left active duty to enhance Trump’s security, while also moving the Secret Service from under the Department of Homeland Security.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Johnson said. “We will look at all those things. As you know, I put together in the task force in the immediate wake of the Butler, Pennsylvania, the shocking failures, lapses in security there. There are hearings coming up this month for that — that task force and of course, the Senate has its own homeland security committee looking into it as well. There is going to be reports and recommendations coming forward and Congress will act swiftly. We need accountability. We must demand that this job is being done. I think there are some really patriotic, great people working in the Secret Service, but it’s the leadership. We have no faith — I have no faith in Secretary Mayorkas.” (RELATED: Speaker Mike Johnson Promises ‘Full Investigation’ Into Trump Assassination Attempt)

The alleged gunman has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who appeared before a federal magistrate Monday after being held overnight, The New York Post reported.

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