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There are no licensed COVID shots for kids under 12 – but CDC wants babies to get 3 Pfizer shots by 9 months


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From LifeSiteNews

By Ray L. Flores II, Esq. and Suzanne Burdick Ph.D., The Defender

“This is an insult to people’s intelligence,” she said, “I pray that parents will have the good sense to say no to these dangerous and unnecessary shots for babies.”

Nine-month-old babies must receive multiple doses of an unlicensed mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to be considered “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC’s updated guidance, issued August 30, states that children – as young as 6 months old – should get either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

If getting the new Pfizer shot, the baby is supposed to receive the first dose at 6 months, the second dose three weeks later and the third dose at least eight weeks after the second dose – meaning, that by 9 months old, babies are supposed to have received three Pfizer shots.

If getting the latest Moderna shot, the CDC recommends babies get the first dose at age 6 months and the second dose a month later.

The latest Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots for children under 12 are unlicensed in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted only emergency use authorization (EUA) for the vaccines.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) CEO Mary Holland told The Defender, “The earlier COVID shots have been proven unsafe and ineffective. Now we’re asked to believe that newer versions are miraculously safe and effective?”

“This is an insult to people’s intelligence,” she said, “I pray that parents will have the good sense to say no to these dangerous and unnecessary shots for babies.”

Of those, 187 reports were for children and teens under 18. Nearly 13,000 reports listed the age as “unknown.”

VAERS analyst and expert Albert Benavides recently told The Defender he believes VAERS is “throttling” and underreporting deaths of all ages following COVID-19 vaccination.

Meanwhile, the CDC continues to tell the public that COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”

CDC ‘absolutely misleading’ public on safety of EUA vaccines

Holland said the CDC is “absolutely misleading” the public by asserting that COVID-19 EUA vaccines are safe and effective because EUA vaccines are not held to the same safety or efficacy standards as licensed vaccines.

“By law,” she explained, “EUA products ‘may be effective,’ and they have not undergone the safety testing required to permit licensing.”

“This is one more horrific example of the CDC putting profits before people and acting as an unethical arm of Big Pharma’s marketing operation,” Holland added.

CHD Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker agreed. “It is criminal that these untested vaccines are being recommended to infants and children, especially given the fraudulent tactics to market them to an unsuspecting public,” Hooker told The Defender.

There’s no licensed COVID vaccine for kids under 12

There are still no licensed COVID-19 vaccines available for children under 12, Hooker said – so all COVID-19 vaccines given to young kids are EUA products.

The FDA’s website on EUA for medical products states that EUA vaccines only have to meet the standard of “may be effective” as long as if, “based on the totality of the scientific evidence, it is reasonable to believe that the product may be effective for the specified use.”

“The ‘may be effective’ standard for EUAs provides for a lower level of evidence than the ‘effectiveness’ standard that FDA uses for product approvals,” the website states.

Before a vaccine can be fully licensed, the vaccine maker typically is required to conduct numerous clinical trials to demonstrate that the product is safe. However, the safety requirements for EUA are more flexible.

According to the FDA:

The amount and type(s) of safety information that FDA recommends be submitted as part of a request for an EUA will differ depending upon a number of factors, including whether the product is approved for another indication and, in the case of an unapproved product, the product’s stage of development.

Despite this, the first statement on the CDC’s “6 Things to Know about COVID-19 Vaccination for Children” says, “COVID-19 vaccination for children is safe.”

Risks outweigh benefits for kids

Hooker said the CDC’s actions are especially problematic as, historically, the meaning of “safe” has been interpreted by regulatory authorities as meaning that the benefits of a drug outweigh its risks.

“With the risk to children of dying from a COVID-19 infection being statistically zero, it is unclear if there is any benefit,” he said.

Meanwhile, the CDC still claims that “while adverse reactions are rare, the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known risks of COVID-19 and possible severe complications.”

Pfizer fact sheet more forthcoming about risks

For licensed vaccines, the CDC typically provides an official vaccine information statement (VIS) that describes the vaccine’s risks and potential benefits.

According to the CDC website, “Federal law requires that healthcare staff provide a VIS to a patient, parent, or legal representative before each dose of certain vaccines.”

However, for EUA COVID-19 vaccines, the CDC directs people to “fact sheets” – produced by the vaccine manufacturer, not the CDC, and authorized by the FDA – which detail the product’s risks and benefits.

There is no federal law requiring healthcare providers to share these fact sheets with patients, or parents of minors, before a COVID-19 vaccination.

“Pfizer’s own ‘fact sheet’ for its latest COVID-19 vaccine appears to give a more accurate picture [of the vaccine’s risks] than the CDC’s own websites,” Hooker said. “Shouldn’t the CDC be more a watchdog than Pfizer?”

For example, Pfizer’s fact sheet states, “A product authorized for emergency use has not undergone the same type of review by FDA as an FDA-approved product.”

The Pfizer fact sheet also acknowledges that its vaccine “may not protect everyone” and that reported side effects associated with the Pfizer vaccines include myocarditis and pericarditis.

Hooker pointed out that research has shown that vaccine-induced myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, and pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart, can be fatal.

He urged parents to “read between the lines” when assessing the CDC’s COVID-19 vaccination recommendation for babies and children.

“Most of all,” he added, “use common sense to decide if the CDC’s and the FDA’s logic is sound.”

This article was originally published by The Defender – Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.

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Censorship Industrial Complex

Jordan Peterson agrees to social media ‘training’ mandate to defend free speech for all Canadians

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

The Canadian author and psychologist revealed that he will undergo ‘re-education’ mandated by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to fight for Canadian professionals who are not able to stand up to the  mob.

Dr. Jordan Peterson accepted the College of Psychologists of Ontario’s (CPO) social media “training” as a way to defend free speech for all Canadians.

In an op-ed published September 14th by the National Post, the best-selling Canadian author and clinical psychologist who gained fame for his opposition to compelled speech and gender ideology, announced that he will undergo the social media “training” mandated by the CPO for challenging the LGBT agenda.

“I have accepted the college’s ruling, even though the so-called ‘social media experts’ recommended by that board are members of a profession that does not exist, and that there is no evidence whatsoever that their recommendations for altering my behaviour, whatever they might be, will have any effect whatsoever on improving my ability to function as a professional psychologist,” he wrote.

Last August, the regulatory body mandated that he undergo social media “training” after complaints related to his posts social media opposing gender ideology, specifically the mutilation of children. Peterson was threatened with the removal of his clinical license if he refused the training.

Peterson has spent months fighting the CPO’s mandate. His case made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada. However, in early August, the court rejected Peterson’s appeal, leading him to finally agree to the re-education program.

Peterson explained that he is “financially independent” and does not need his license to support himself, having closed his clinical practice some time ago.

Nevertheless, he declared that he will not leave quietly, instead fighting for other professionals who do not have the resources to stand up against the LGBT mob.

“However, this is not only about me, since all regulated professionals in our fair country find themselves in the same leaky boat I currently occupy,” he explained.

“Thus, if I capitulate in any manner — if I simply resign, if I settle in any other way without addressing the public issues that have been raised by the case — then all the engineers, teachers, lawyers, physicians, psychologists etc. in Canada remain at risk for reputation, financial security and livelihood every time they dare open their mouths,” he warned.

Peterson also repeated his pledge to publicize “the details of this charade as widely and effectively as possible.”

“There is no bloody way I am going to allow my professional organization to maneuver as they prefer behind closed doors, in the secretive style all petty tyrants prefer,” he declared.

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Doctors don’t know how many COVID shots to order for children due to plummeting interest

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From LifeSiteNews

By Calvin Freiburger

Just 15% of eligible children received COVID-19 shots in the 2023-2024 vaccination season, leaving pro-jab pediatricians struggling with how many doses to order for the fall.

Pediatricians across the United States are scaling back on their orders of updated COVID-19 vaccines for children after portions of previous stock went unused, and are opening up about their difficulty judging waning interest from parents.

MedPage Today reported that some doctors admit they’ve been reduced to “‘guessing” how much reformulated COVID vaccine to order after a paltry 15% of eligible children were vaccinated in the 2023-2024 season. Compounding the issue is that unused COVID shots often last shorter than other childhood vaccines.

“This is where we usually store our COVID vaccines, but we don’t have any right now because they all expired at the end of last year and we had to dispose of them,” Orange Country, California pediatrician Dr. Eric Ball said, opening a refrigerator of childhood shots. “We thought demand would be way higher than it was.”

“Watching it sitting on our shelves expiring every 30 days, that’s like throwing away $150 repeatedly every day, multiple times a month,” he continued, explaining that ordering just a bare minimum supply for the fall season still cost more than $63,000.

Adding to headaches is that the pharmaceutical giants behind the vaccines cannot be counted on to take back unused stock. Pfizer “will take back all unused COVID shots for young children, but only 30% of doses opens in a new tab or window for people 12 and older,” MedPage said. Moderna’s return policy varies on the basis of individual contracts with different providers.

“Pfizer is creating that situation. If you’re only going to let us return 30%, we’re not going to buy much,” South Carolina pediatrician Dr. Deborah Greenhouse said. “We can’t (…) Frankly, it’s not an ideal situation, but it’s what we have to do to stay in business.”

Doctors’ struggle to unload child COVID vaccine doses suggests, at a minimum, that parents are broadly rejecting the narrative that their children need to be immunized for COVID, if not necessarily widespread awareness of the shots’ risks.

Evidence finds that children face little-to-no-danger from COVID itself. In February 2024, the first interim report of a grand jury impaneled by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to investigate the COVID vaccines determined among other things that COVID was “statistically almost harmless” to children and most adults.

An analysis of 99 million people across eight countries published February in the journal Vaccine “observed significantly higher risks of myocarditis following the first, second and third doses” of mRNA-based COVID vaccines, as well as signs of increased risk of “pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis,” and other “potential safety signals that require further investigation.” In April, the CDC was forced to release by court order 780,000 previously undisclosed reports of serious adverse reactions, and a study out of Japan found “statistically significant increases” in cancer deaths after third doses of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and offered several theories for a causal link.

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