A woman daydreams about a romantic ride with an attractive male, wending along a coastal highway that brings them to an elegant restaurant – she’s driving. A stunning SUV pulls up to a destination in a vibrant city, the door opens and a high heel emerges from below the door – she’s driving. These are examples of how auto marketers are putting women in the driver’s seat. Long gone are the commercials with women draped over hoods of cars that played to male audiences. Neither are women confined to being the chauffeurs for groups of neighbourhood kids.
Society has changed in the past 30 years, and women have far more buying power than ever. Studies show women influence almost all car-buying decisions, but statistics also show that women are making more and more of those purchases themselves. Women now have 85 percent of the influence when it comes to family decisions on a car purchase. Power Information Network states, “Close to 45 percent of women account for all new car and truck purchases and in certain segments, especially compact cars and midsize cars, women make up nearly half of all buyers.”
A women spends a majority of her time during the shopping process online, where she will feel least intimidated. It allows her to move the process on her own time, be more anonymous if she wants, and very often come into a dealership knowing exactly what she is looking for. We’ve taken this information and applied it to how we treat everyone.
When you come into the dealership, you will receive straight, up front information that is important to you. No pressure, quick and easy transactions, and above all an honest approach. We make it a mission to address any fears and concerns so you can drive out of the dealership with full confidence in your purchase as a bonafide consumer who is interested in what a car is all about, not just the colour.
Next month we will put together a very informative article to address the question, should I lease or finance my new car? Thank you for reading.