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Bruce Dowbiggin

The China Syndrome: The Cover-Up Catastrophe


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A liberal wants happy endings. A conservative wants satisfactory endings. Liberal happiness usually involves great unhappiness. Conservative satisfaction usually means things that work.

In the Covid-19 crisis the West has sought a vaccine-powered happy ending where everyone goes to heaven but no one dies. As we see now,Ā  a more realistic end gameā€” that conceded some death and hardshipā€” was needed for a satisfactory ending. What produced the former and actively suppressed the latter was China.

As we wrote in April of 2020, only the Chinese knew what was happening on Covid-19: Repeat. No one but the Chinese knew anything till at least March (2020). (U.S. President Donald) Trump only knew what he was told by his crack science team of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Karen Birkx, Dr. Anthony Redfield and the armies of CDC and Health Department apparatchiks. Who said in March that masks were ineffective. But now science proves theyā€™re boffo. (In D.C. opinions are like belly buttons. Everybodyā€™s got one.)

Trump is not an epidemiologist. Heā€™s a businessman, a salesman whose focus was on preventing a total collapse of the economy. So when the initial calming sounds from his advisors proved fatally wrong, Trump played for time. He mobilized supply chains, supplied states with ventilators, PPE and beds. Even his bitter enemy Cuomo, governor of New York, was forced to concede that Orange Man Bad had done alright by the people of the Empire State. His policies did ā€œflatten the curveā€, preventing an earlyĀ  meltdown of U.S. hospitals and their health system.

Likewise, Trudeau is not an epidemiologist. The PM got his talking points, largely,Ā from his virus expert Dr. Theresa Tam (via the WHO). Reading from the Chinese script she scorned masks and the closing of borders. While Trump closed Americaā€™s borders and sanctioned China, Trudeau, Health Minster Patty Hajdu and senior public health officials insisted that the risk of transmission was low in Canada right up until early March.Ā 

ā€œWhen the risk level suddenly jumped to ā€˜highā€™ on March 15, the government scrambled to impose an economic lockdown to curb the spread of the virusā€ reports

Which is where we have been since the fabled 15 days in 2020 to flatten the curveā€” the first of many Orwellian bromides to deflect from the tragedy of executive overreach.Now we have an extensive article saying just that.

In the Westā€™s abject panic over the virus, says Tablet magazine in The Masked Ball of Cowardice, the assembled political and health elites of the West took their marching orders from Chinaā€™s carefully manicured script on how they beat a virus that most everyone now concedes they launched themselves. The script was a lie that launched an estimated 4.5 million deaths worldwide.

“At the heart of the lockdown madness was the collective fantasy of controlling a common respiratory pathogenā€”a feat the epidemiology profession had agreed was impossible and self-destructive just months prior.ā€

In The Masked Ball of Cowardice Michael P. Senger documents how the pandemic can be explained by initial gullibility on alleged Chinese treatment of the virus and the subsequent attempts by the West to cover their ass for being suckered.Ā  ā€œ…since ā€œ15 days to slow the spreadā€ā€”from fear propaganda to masks to school closures and vaccine passesā€”has been a cover-up of catastrophe that was the original lockdowns and denial of insanity of trusting scientists and billionaires who treat information from China as real.ā€

A few samples from Sengerā€™s blistering of the Westā€™s elites. Starting with our favourite: the blunderbuss PCR tests.“Based on WHOā€™s guidance on COVID-19 testing, again citing Chinese journal articles, labs used, and continue to use, PCR cycle thresholds from 37 to 40, and sometimes as high as 45. At these cycle threshold levels, approximately 85% to 90% of cases are false positives.ā€

ā€œThe WHOā€™s PCR guidance wasā€¦ quite possibly the deadliest accounting fraud of all time. According to coding guidance, if the decedent had either tested positive or been in contact with anyone who had, within several weeks prior to death, then death should be classified as COVID-19 death.ā€

Senger points out that in swallowing the Chinese prescription the West ignored the far-greater catastrophe of social costs. “In March 2020, the DutchĀ  commissioned a cost-benefit analysis concluding that the health damage from lockdown would be 6 times greater than the benefit. The government then ignored it, claiming ā€œsociety would not acceptā€ optics of an elderly person unable to get an ICU bed.”

Figures from Trudeau to (now former) NY state governor Andrew Cuomo hopped on board the Zero Covid train early. As we wrote in April 2020:Ā  Justin Trudeau, has suggested that losing even one Canadian to the virus is not worth any economic benefit. In the U.S., the key health advisors to president Donald Trump talk about not being able to re-start society till the virus is stopped and no lives are in danger. This humanist position enjoys the approval of the mainstream media which has turned the Covid-19 death toll into a telethon of tragedy, bereft of context and precedent.

That implausible goal of crushing the virus at all costs has now resulted in a choked health-care system, untold millions dying or suffering from the isolation and desolation of lockdowns and, despite the buoyant stock market, the destruction of supply chains. To give just one example, August production of Toyota vehicles is to be slashed by 60,000 to 90,000 vehicles. Why? Microchips are impossible to source and petrified labour is staying home, not working.

We foresaw the supply-chain monster in March of 2020. One revelation that will not pass, however, is just how vulnerable North Americaā€™s indulged society is to events in China. The virus, which originated in Wuhan, has become the unwanted party guest who wonā€™t leave till heā€™s soiled the carpets and broken the furniture as he plays air guitar.Ā 

But itā€™s also informed Americans and Canadians that almost all their prescription drugs and a host of other products come exclusively from China. Or near enough. So those high-blood-pressure pills we gobbleā€” especially the generic brandsā€” are 95 percent dependent on Chinese labs after successive governments in North America allowed the business to migrate eastward. And supplies are dwindling.

This dependence has been around for some time now, waiting to emerge. It just took the Covid-19 emergency to make citizens aware. You certainly didnā€™t hear it it discussed in media circles when the new North American trade deal was being discussedā€¦ We can see why now. Canadaā€™s PM Justin Trudeau is too busy currying favour with the geopolitical swells to watch out for his nationā€™s vulnerability. Like ceding our sovereignty on energy to the Saudis or Americans, it was getting in the way of him winning a seat on the UN Security Council in his priorities.Ā 

As conservative radio host Jesse Kelly writes: I donā€™t understand. I was told repeatedly that you could just ā€œpauseā€ an economy as if it was Netflix. After all, someone got sick. Did ā€œpausingā€ the economy and dumping trillions of unbacked currency into it cause widespread economic dislocation? Weird.

Weird indeed. And with Canadaā€™s GDP dropping, about to get weirder.

Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public Broadcaster ( The best-selling author of Cap In Hand is also a regular contributor to Sirius XM Canada Talks Ch. 167. A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada’s top television sports broadcaster, his new book Personal Account with Tony Comper is now available on

BRUCE DOWBIGGIN Award-winning Author and Broadcaster Bruce Dowbiggin's career is unmatched in Canada for its diversity and breadth of experience . He is currently the editor and publisher of Not The Public Broadcaster website and is also a contributor to SiriusXM Canada Talks. His new book Cap In Hand was released in the fall of 2018. Bruce's career has included successful stints in television, radio and print. A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada's top television sports broadcaster for his work with CBC-TV, Mr. Dowbiggin is also the best-selling author of "Money Players" (finalist for the 2004 National Business Book Award) and two new books-- Ice Storm: The Rise and Fall of the Greatest Vancouver Canucks Team Ever for Greystone Press and Grant Fuhr: Portrait of a Champion for Random House. His ground-breaking investigations into the life and times of Alan Eagleson led to his selection as the winner of the Gemini for Canada's top sportscaster in 1993 and again in 1996. This work earned him the reputation as one of Canada's top investigative journalists in any field. He was a featured columnist for the Calgary Herald (1998-2009) and the Globe & Mail (2009-2013) where his incisive style and wit on sports media and business won him many readers.

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Bruce Dowbiggin

The High Cost Of Baseball Parity: Who Needs It?

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This week we are heading over to Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter, Florida, to see how MLB is getting along with its new ABS system for calling balls and strikes. According to our source at MLB the challenge system is being readily accepted by fans. If it goes as well as the time clock and catchers callig pitches elctronically it will be welcome.

In planning for seeing aĀ  game we had a choice between seeing the homestanding Miami Marlins or St. Louis Cardinals, who share the stadium in the spring. Our 16th-row seats for the Marlins/ Washington Nationals game are US $16 each. Had we chosen a Cardinals game versus Washington the next day that same seat would cost US $79.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is called dynamic pricing. The unloved Marlins canā€™t draw flies. The Cardinalsā€” even a bad Cardinals teamā€” are still a big draw. The gap between the two realities is growing fast. Leading many to say, What about parity?

As we wrote in December of last year, ā€œMLB has seen parity and proclaimed, ā€œWe donā€™t give a damn!ā€ Okay, they didnā€™t say that. In fact they insist the opposite is true. Theyā€™re all about competition and smaller markets getting a shot at a title. But as the 2024 offseason spending shows, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see in MLB.

Hereā€™s the skinny: Juan Soto‘s contract with the NY Mets — 15 years and guaranteeing $765 million, not a penny of which is deferred. Max Fried signed an eight-year, $218 million deal with the New York Yankees. Later, Nathan Eovaldi secured a three-year, $75 million contract to return to the Texas Rangers. Blake Snell (five years, $182 million with the Los Angeles Dodgers) and Matthew Boyd (two years, $29 million with the Chicago Cubs) added to the splurge.

Thereā€™s one moreĀ  thing that stands out. MLB has no trouble with the financial big boys in New York, Los Angles, Texas, Toronto, Atlanta and Chicago shelling out money no small market dare pay. In the MLB cheap seats, Tampa, PittsburghĀ  and Miami canā€™t send out quality players fast enough. But MLB is cool with that, too, as those paupers get a healthy slice of TV money.Ā 

So yes, theyā€™re all about talking parity with their luxury-tax system. But to keep the TV, digital, betting and marketing lucre flowing they have to have large media markets swinging the heaviest bats come postseason. The question is, do MLB fans care anymore the way they used to about parity? It says here they donā€™t. More want to seed best-on-best more often. Which is brutal but refreshing.

Their sister leagues, married to draconian salary cap systems, are still pushing parity, even as they expand beyond recognition. In our 2004 our book Money Players, legendary Boston Bruins coach/ GM Harry Sinden noted, ā€œThe problem with teams in the league, is that there were (then) 20 teams who all think they are going toĀ win the Stanley Cup, and they all are going to share it. But only one team is going to win it. The rest are chasing a rainbow.ā€

And that was before the expansion Vegas Golden Knights won a Cup within five years while the third-year Seattle Kraken made a run in those same 2023 playoffs. There are currently 32 teams in the league, each chasing Sindenā€™s rainbow of a Stanley Cup. That means 31 cranky fan bases every year demanding changes. And 31 management teams trying to avoid getting fired.

Maybe weā€™ve reached peak franchise level? Uh, no. Not so long as salary-capped leagues can use the dream of parity to sell more franchises. As we wrote in October of 2023, ā€œIf you believe the innuendo coming from commissioner Gary Bettman there is a steady appetite for getting a piece of the NHL operation. ā€œThe best answer I can give you is that we have continuous expressions of interest from places like Houston, Atlanta, Quebec City, Salt Lake City, but expansion isnā€™t on the agenda.ā€ In the next breath Bettman was predicting that any new teams will cost ā€œA lot, a lot.ā€

Deputy commissioner Bill Daly echoed Bettmanā€™s caution about a sudden expansion but added, ā€Having said that, particularly with the success of the Vegas and Seattle expansions, there are more people who want to own professional hockey teams.ā€ Translation: If the NHL can get a billion for a new team, the heck with competitive excellence, the clock might start ticking sooner. After all, small-market Ottawa just went for $950.ā€

Itā€™s not just the expansion-obsessed NHL talking more teams. MLB is looking to add franchises. Abandoned Montreal is once more getting palpitations over rumours that the league wants to return to the city that lost its Expos in 2005. Recent reports indicate that while MLB might prefer Salt Lake City and Nashville it also feels it must right the wrong left when the Expos moved to Washington DC 19 years ago.Ā 

The city needs a new ballpark to replace disastrous Olympic Stadium. Theyā€™ll also need more than Expos draftee Tom Brady to fund the franchise fee and operating costs. And Quebec corporate supportā€” always transitory in the Expos yearsā€” will need to be strong. But two more MLB franchises within five years is a lock.

While the NBA is mum on going past 30 teams it has not shut the door on expansion after seeing the NHL cashing in. Neither has the cash-generating monster known as the NFL where teams currently sell for over six billion US. The NFL is eyeing Europe for its next moves.

The question that has to be asked in this is, WTF, quality of competition? The more teams in a league the lower the chances of even getting to a semifinal series let alone a championship. Fans in cities starved for a championshipā€” the NFLā€™s Detroit Lions or Cleveland Browns are entering their seventh decade without a title or the Toronto Maple Leafs title-less since 1967ā€” know how corrosive it can be.

Getting to 34, 36, maybe 40 teams makes for a short-term score for owners, but it could leave leagues with an entire strata of loser teams that no oneā€”least of all networks, carriers and advertisersā€”wants to see. Generations of fans will be like Canuck supporters, going their entire lives without a championship.Ā 

In addition, as weā€™ve argued in our 2018 book Cap In Hand: How Salary Caps Are Killing Pro Sports and How The Free Market Can Save Them, watering down the product with a lot of teams no one wants to watch nationally or globally seems counter productive. The move away from quality toward quantity serves only the gambling industry. But since when has Gary Bettman Truly cared about quality of the product? So long as he gets to say, ā€œWe have a trade to announceā€ at the Draft, heā€™s a happy guy.ā€

When we published Cap In Hand we proposed a system like soccer with ranked divisions using promotion and relegation to ensure competition, not parity. Most of the interviewers we spoke to were skeptical of the idea. But as MLB steams closer to economic Darwinism our proposal is looking more credible every day. Play at the level you can afford. Or just watch Ted Lasso. Your choice. ā€œ

Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public BroadcasterĀ  A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada’s top television sports broadcaster, heā€™s a regular contributor to Sirius XM Canada Talks Ch. 167. His new book Deal With It: The Trades That Stunned The NHL And Changed hockey is now available on Amazon. Inexact Science: The Six Most Compelling Draft Years In NHL History, his previous book with his son Evan, was voted the seventh-best professional hockey book of all time by . His 2004 book Money Players was voted sixth best on the same list, and is available via

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Bruce Dowbiggin

Canada’s Liberals: Looking For A Place To Picnic In A Minefield

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Breaking: ā€œMexicoā€™s president Claudia Sheinbaum believes she will have a deal to avoid U.S. tariffs by next Tuesday. Meanwhile Canada’s PM Skippy McDoodlesā€” he of 22 percent approvalā€” is flying around Europe delivering billions to the Ukraine bribery-recyclingĀ  mechanism and chatting with 18% approval Macron in Paris. God help Canada.ā€

For a party that consumes language the way Prime Minister Trudeauā€™s plane consumes jet fuel the ruling Liberals seem willfullyā€” blissfullyā€” ignorant of the meaning of the word Urgent. As in, get something done yesterday.

While Mexico seemingly recognizes the value of time in coming up with a deal by March 4 to avoid tariffs and Trumpā€™s displeasure, viewers of the Xanax Liberal debates on Monday and Tuesday were treated to a government languorously floating down a river of polite debate, staying inside the guardrails of good taste.

The prevailing take was ā€œwe f**ed up the past decade, okay? But you know us and can depend on us to keep pandering to your romantic notions that donā€™t include Chinese money laundering, drug kingpins and cyber crime.ā€ Apparently that should be enough for Canadian Boomers to flock to them like the swallows at Capistrano.

As most know by now the elders of the party disqualified two leadership candidates, Ruby Dhalla and Chandra Araya, from the debates because they couldnā€™t be relied upon to spare the cadaverous banker Mark Carney who famously has three different passports, a passel of corporate board seats and a halting grasp of French.

But who needs debate? The Liberals have settled on their enemy and itā€™s not Pierre Poilievre. Itā€™s Donald Trump. Theyā€™re convinced themselves that targeting Beelzebub Trump, not addressing the tariff crisis, is all they need to expunge the Trudeau Follies and win a March election. Instead of engaging in serious talks (see: Danielle Smith) theyā€™ll talk amongst themselves. The recent hockey win over over Tyrannus U.S. has apparently inspired Canadians to reward Liberals with another five years of sitting in first class while paying economy.

Emboldened 1A) candidate Chrystia Freeland, the former Finance minister and Truck Convoy caudillo, blasted Trump on Tuesday, urging Canada to join withā€¦ Denmark. ā€œThe U.S. is turning predator, and so what Canada needs to do is work closely with our democratic allies, our military allies. I would start with our Nordic partners, specifically Denmark who is also being threatened.ā€

Maybe she can do an anti-Trump rally at the Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen? The problem beingā€” for those who applauded Nazis in the Visitors Galleryā€” this fatuous nonsense all makes perfect sense. The capacity for denial in the Libs aging Boomer base seems inexhaustible. Currently theyā€™re memory-holing the Rez School buried babies claims that the PM recited before the U.N.

While the social-justice Left was routed in America in 2024, Team Carney is acting as if Canadaā€™s culture cancellation scheme still works. Meanwhile the Libs seem unaware or uncaring about South of 70ā€” the collapse of the CDN dollarā€” and the hollowing-out of Canadaā€™s GDP (the total market value of all the final goods and services produced and rendered in a specific time period).

EconomistĀ  @TrevorTombe writes that itā€™s Code red time. ā€œReal GDP per capita in the U.S. was 43% higher than in Canada in 2023. In 2024, I estimate this gap will widen to nearly 50% … This stunning divergence is unprecedented in modern history.ā€™ But no sweat, Carney will print all the money Canada needs to keep diversity programs functioning.

It all mirrors the last desperate, flailing attempts by the U.S. Democrats to save their grasp on ultimate power in the 2024 election. Having used the Media Party that hid Bidenā€™s bribery schemes to disguise the senility of Joe Biden for four years they discovered they would be wiped out by Trump in the voting. Presto change-o, they tossed the primary results, threw Biden into the dumpster, got friendly pollsters to make its look like Kamala Harris was ahead.

In the American model the DEMs still got smokedā€”every state voted more for Trump than 2020. Trump easily won the Electoral College. But Canadaā€™s Libs seem assured that they can make an end run on the CPCā€™s big lead. Already the Media Party pollsters are showing a Lazarus-like ascent from Trudeauā€™s 22-percent approval to a lead in some polls and a closer call in others.

There are no Rasmussen polls as there were in the U.S., which consistently showed Trump on the road to his win. And Canada has yet to digest the full Carney record. Already his controversial record on climate and printing money has started to trip him up, as in recent revelations that he lied about his role in sending Brookfieldā€™s head office from Canada to the U.S.

If all else fails Canada can still repatriate Wayne Gretzky. Donald Trump has made him a ā€œfree agentā€ again. ā€œHeā€™s the Greatest Canadian of them all, and I am therefore making him a ā€˜free agent,ā€™ because I donā€™t want anyone in Canada to say anything bad about himā€¦ He supports Canada the way it is, as he should, even though itā€™s not nearly as good as it could be as part of the Greatest and Most Powerful Country in the World, the Good Oleā€™ U.S.A.!ā€

Besides, there are other Canadian fish for Trump to fry: ā€œ@Tablesalt13 If Donald Trump really wanted to hurt Canada he could offer (vetted) citizenship to any Canadian with an advanced degree or a sought-after skill. 40-50% of skilled Conservatives would leave… and only the socialists would remain….. This would be extinction level.ā€ Just donā€™t call it urgent.

Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public BroadcasterĀ  A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada’s top television sports broadcaster. His new book Deal With It: The Trades That Stunned The NHL And Changed Hockey is now available on Amazon. Inexact Science: The Six Most Compelling Draft Years In NHL History, his previous book with his son Evan, was voted the seventh-best professional hockey book of all time by You can see all his books at

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