From StosselTV The government is tracking you. Here’s HOW they do it and WHY you should care. @NaomiBrockwellTV has a popular YouTube channel where she points...
From StosselTV The government tells us 33 million Americans suffer from food insecurity! Really? 33 million Americans are hungry? “That’s just not true,” says Rachel Sheffield,...
From StosselTV Progressives attack capitalism because it lets some become very rich while others stay poor. Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez call such a...
From StosselTV The betting odds say a Trump vs Biden rematch is probable. That’s sad, since polls also show most Americans don’t like either man. There...
From StosselTV Climate alarmists insist there’s a “scientific consensus” that says climate change is a crisis, and man causes it! Researcher Judith Curry tells me, “it’s...
From Stossel TV Hong Kong was the freest place on Earth. Then the Communists took over and thoroughly oppressed it. Jimmy Lai is in jail for...
From StosselTV All big companies now require “DEI” training for employees, but studies say that often BACKFIRES. One study looked at 800 companies, and found that...
From StosselTV This Thanksgiving, Say Thank You to “Private Property” Did you know that the pilgrims almost starved after they arrived at Plymouth Rock? That’s because...
From StosselTV The Greens’ New Target In Sri Lanka people rioted when the country slipped into extreme poverty. Why did it happen? Here’s one big reason:...
From Stossel TV Government Creates the Baby Formula Shortage Politicians blame “corporate greed” for the formula shortage. But it’s their own destructive policies that are to...