From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Philip Cross It’s remarkable how much our international reputation has faded over the past 10 years, both diplomatically and economically....
Federal failures broke Canada’s asylum system From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Michael Barutciski Our quiet asylum crisis is largely a self-inflicted wound. Introducing the problem ...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Kevin Bardosh It is critical that an attitude of impartiality and a willingness for self-criticism emerge, data on Covid policy harms...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Richard Fadden We are now in a period of crisis such that we must step up our efforts to bolster...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Jack Mintz Chrystia Freeland’s new economy is fuelled by old-fashioned subsidies. With Canadian GDP per capita dropping like a stone,...
From the Fraser Institute By Grady Munro and Jake Fuss Adjusting for population growth and inflation, the Trudeau government has recorded the five-highest years (2018-2022) of per-person spending...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Katherine Leung and Ivy Li Two politicians alleged by security experts to have close connections with the Chinese Consulates have been...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Michael Bonner Where is the “fine line” between free speech and offence or hatred and what does it mean not...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Ken Coates For generations, decisions about the North were made in Ottawa. While consultations improved, final decisions still rested outside...
From the MacDonald Laurier Institute By Peter Menzies What the reaction to David Menzies’ arrest tells us about the profession in Canada The best part about...