THE CHILD SOLDIER A short film by Eppo Eerkes Two friends from a war ravaged North American village head out for school. Their journey is...
RED DEER SENIOR RUSTLERS WIN 5-4 IN NCHL DEBUT The Red Deer Senior Rustlers erase a 3-0 defecit to defeat the Devon Barons 5-4 in inagural...
On the Thanksgiving weekend, the Red Deer Market bid farewell to its part-time home by the Memorial Centre, Lindsay Thurber Comprehensive High School and Ecole Camille...
From The Province of Alberta Noah and Olivia top baby names in 2017 Noah has unseated Liam to claim the top name among baby boys in...
When Charlie Ellis sold his farm to Union Carbide 40 years ago he took a leap of faith. Some would say he jumped right out of...
For thanksgiving, I wanted to acknowledge farmers and scientists for the hard work they do keeping us fed. We’ll all be gorging on mountains of food...
At Red Deer College, we are very proud of the breadth of more than 100 programs that we offer. In my column in June, I shared...
First-Ever National MNP Canada Games Torch Relay Kicks Off Thursday, 4th October 2018 (Ottawa, Ontario) – Today, the first-ever national MNP Canada Games Torch Relay kicked off...
By Michael Dawe Another Thanksgiving holiday will soon be upon us. It is one of the most popular annual family holidays- in some cases, second only...
From the Red Deer Rustlers RED DEER SENIOR AA RUSTLERS OPEN INAUGURAL SEASON IN DEVON Photos courtesy of Dennis Berg. The Red Deer Senior Rustlers...