Supporting vulnerable children in central Alberta Alberta taxpayers are spending $3.4 million to help build a new Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre (CACAC) in Red Deer...
Helping students catch up after pandemic disruption As part of Alberta’s Recovery Plan, up to $45 million will support younger students who have fallen behind during...
Health guide, tool kit and on-site vaccination ensure safe school year ahead New health guidance will ensure students’ safety and help school officials prepare for the...
From Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools RDCRS opts out of piloting new draft Kindergarten – Grade 6 curriculum this fall Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS)...
Alberta’s government is getting students the training they need to better understand saving, budgeting, spending and investing. To make sure junior and senior high students have...
The following is a news release from the Province of Alberta New K-6 curriculum: Renewing focus on essential knowledge and skills Alberta’s updated draft kindergarten to...
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many Albertans were struggling with addiction and mental health. And now, with the immense challenges that the pandemic has placed on...
With spiralling unemployment, business closures, and the threat of “irreparable” damage to our economy the Red Deer & District Chamber of Commerce is taking action. The...