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ParticipACTION Community Challenge 2023


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Red Deer Community Better Poster

Red Deer let’s get active together!

We’re excited to announce that Red Deer is participating in the 4th annual ParticipACTION Community Challenge from June 1 – June 30, as we strive to keep the title of Canada’s “Most Active Community”.

The ParticipACTION Community Challenge is helping strengthen communities through physical activity and sport because Everything gets better when you get active. ParticipACTION is awarding a $100,000 prize to the community who rallies the most participants and accumulates the most active minutes during the challenge. Individual participants can also win prizes by recording their activity through the ParticipACTION app.

Red Deer will be awarding local prizes through the Move Your Mood ParticipACTION grant. Local residents will have a chance to win an Apple Watch, a $100 Sport Chek gift card, a $100 Save On Foods gift card, and a five punch pass to the Breathing Room Yoga Studio. To be entered to win, simply share a photo of you or a group getting active on social media and use hashtag #communitybetterreddeer.  If you are not on social media, you can also e-mail a photo to [email protected] . We will draw the winners at the end of June.

We invite all individuals and organizations to get involved. You can participate as an individual by downloading the app and tracking your activity. As an organization you can get involved by creating an active group and track your group activity on the ParticipACTION website. If you have a family, you can track your kids’ activities, sports teams and family activities on the website. You can record any physical activity from exercise classes, team sports and even house cleaning!  Make sure you track from June 1-30. If you have not started tracking already it is not too late, you can go back to June 1 and add your activities on the website. See QR codes on the attached poster.

Thank you for participating in the Community Challenge and helping connect Red Deer citizens through physical activity.

SPARC Red Deer is a local non-profit coalition designed to promote and educate community members and families about the '40 Developmental Assets”. The 40 Developmental Assets, developed by the Search Institute, are research-proven life experiences or building blocks which all children need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible. Research shows that the higher number of these assets a young person has, the more likely they are to thrive and to engage in positive behaviors. Research also shows that the lower number of these assets a young person has, the more likely they are to engage in risky behaviors. To learn more about SPARC, visit, or contact Rania Page, SPARC co-chair at 403.896.9431 or [email protected].

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Support local healthcare while winning amazing prizes!

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When you purchase tickets for Red Deer Hospital Lottery and Mega Bucks 50, you do more than just play—you become part of something bigger. You help bridge the gap between what government funding provides and what your hospital truly needs to deliver exceptional care.

Your support helps fund state-of-the-art equipment that doctors and nurses need right now to care for patients across Central Alberta. While plans for the hospital expansion move forward, healthcare doesn’t wait. Patients in our community need access to life-saving technology today, and your generosity makes that possible. 

This year’s lottery will fund essential new and replacement equipment, ensuring your hospital can continue to serve the 500,000 people who rely on it. When you purchase your ticket, you’re investing in innovation, excellence, and a healthier future for Central Alberta. 

Step into your Million Dollar Dream Home
by Sorento Custom Homes

Sorento Custom Homes, known for their fine craftsmanship, has continued the tradition of building an exceptional Hospital Lottery Dream Home, located at 128 Emmett Crescent in Red Deer’s Evergreen neighborhood.  This gorgeous bungalow features 2,824 sq ft of developed living space and showcases a tall, vaulted ceiling.

This outstanding home features a screened deck off the dining room, a large family room on the lower level, and of course, a beautiful primary suite. Sorento’s ensuites are always something to behold, and this one features a clawfoot tub. There’s an office on the main level, two bedrooms below, and a large fitness room that includes a two-person infrared sauna.



1 for $20 • 8 for $100 15 for $150  30 for $250

Win half of an increasing jackpot of up to $500,000


$10 EACH | 10 FOR $25
25 FOR $50 | 50 FOR $75

Thank you so much for your support, and best of luck in the draws.
403.340.1878      1.877.808.9005
Red Deer Hospital Lottery
Red Deer Hospital Lottery
PO Box 1098
Red Deer AB T4N 6S5

Lottery Licence #724321 | Mega Bucks 50 Licence #724322

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SPARC Caring Adult Nominations now open!

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Check out this powerful video, “Be a Mr. Jensen,” shared by Andy Jacks. It highlights the impact of seeing youth as solutions, not problems. Mr. Jensen’s patience and focus on strengths gave this child hope and success.

👉 Be a Mr. Jensen:

Do you know a Mr. Jensen? Nominate a caring adult in your child’s life who embodies the spirit of Mr. Jensen. Whether it’s a coach, teacher, mentor, or someone special, share how they contribute to youth development. 👉 Nominate Here:

Nominate someone who makes a positive impact in the lives of children and youth. Every child has a gift – let’s celebrate the caring adults who help them shine! SPARC Red Deer will recognize the first 50 nominees. 💖🎉 #CaringAdults #BeAMrJensen #SeePotentialNotProblems #SPARCRedDeer

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