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Open letter to Canada’s Premiers calling for pivot in response, end to lockdowns


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It has been over one full year since the declaration of the Pandemic. SARS CoV-2 has been in Canada much longer than that, as you well know.

You are responsible for the response in each of your jurisdictions.  While the Medical Officers of Health (MOH) are equally responsible for the advice they have given, you personally were elected to lead. They were not.

Your own statistics prove that for people under the age of 60, SARS CoV-2 is not something to be feared. In one full year, people under the age of 60 are twice as likely to die from a heart disease. For people 20 – 40 years old, they are five times more likely to die in a car accident. Worldwide 2.54 million people die from Pneumonic annually. SARS CoV-2 has killed under 2 Million in a year. The risk from SARS CoV-2 has been widely exaggerated, by you, your MOH and the media.

For people over 60, your approach has failed our seniors.

Canada has ranked last in the Organization of Economically Developed Countries (OECD) in care of those most at risk to SARS CoV-2. Over 96% of all reported SARS CoV-2 deaths were in our seniors. Even Canada’s Chief Medical Officer of Health admitted this is Canada’s shame.

Your use of “lockdowns” did not save over 21,000 of our seniors. It failed them.

The use of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) which we now call “lockdowns” was known to have little effect on the spread of infectious diseases long before SARS CoV-2 arrived. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) assembled the best infectious disease doctors in the world to write the 2019 version of “Non-Pharmaceutical Public Health Measures”. If you read the document, for a Pandemic of the severity of SARS CoV-2, most of these measures were not recommended for use. Yet we used almost all of them.

Top infectious disease doctors in the world have proven in repeated detail peer reviewed research papers all over again that “lockdowns” do not have significant impacts on either the spread or deaths for SARS CoV-2. Yet you and the media constantly tell us they do. But one of the many in depth studies found: “While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with lessrestrictive interventions”.

What is also know is that “lockdowns” cause terrible collateral damage. The damage to Canadians Mental Health, Societal Health, Children’s Education and Social Development, Patients with other Severe Illnesses and to our National Economy (Federal and Provincial/Territorial) will continue, until you remove and promise never to inflict “lockdowns again. These impacts and deaths seem not to be considered in any cost benefit analysis by you or your MOH.

Many of the world’s experts have tried to help target the response to SARS CoV-2 to save the most vulnerable, while minimizing the effects on the rest of our population. You have ignored these experts. In fact, most of these experts have been completely censored by you, your MOH and the media.

Please read the attached Paper, “One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada”. The Paper states what we had collectively planned to do in a Pandemic, what we have done, and how to pivot out of our failed response.

It is time to stop.

Listen to all expert voices.


Thank you for your time.

David Redman

Lieutenant Colonel (Retired)

Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta


One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

Emergency Management

Pandemics happen continuously. Since 1955, this is the world’s fifth pandemic. In the next fifty-five years there is going to be five more. We have never responded to a pandemic like we responded to COVID-19.

It must be clear that a pandemic is not a Public Health Emergency, it is a Public Emergency because all areas of society are affected: public sector, private sector, not- for-profit sector, and all citizens.

In Canada, we have an Emergency Management Process that we normally use in a pandemic. We have pre-written Pandemic Response plans. These plans were written incorporating the hard lessons learned from previous pandemics.

Part of the lessons learned from previous pandemics is contained in the World Health Organization (WHO) “Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza” dated 2019.

This document included the world’s best studies and information on the use of 15 separate non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs). The use of these NPIs was discussed in the development of the existing Provincial Plans.

The 2019 WHO document was known, or should have been known, by all Medical Officers of Health in Canada. The use of each of the NPIs was dependant on the severity of the pandemic. Even in a High or Extraordinary Pandemic the use of all or most of these NPIs at the same time was not envisioned.

Prior to the use of each NPI, the Federal and Provincial/Territorial governments needed to demonstrably justify how each NPI would protect the life of Canadians. Some of the NPIs were not recommended for use in any pandemic, including:

  • Contact Tracing (not recommended after first two weeks)
  • Quarantine of Exposed Individuals
  • Entry and Exit Screening
  • Border Closures


One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

Some of the NPIs were recommended for use only as a last resort, including: • Workplace Measures and Closures

Despite this, they were used as a first resort.

Some NPIs were not recommended for a pandemic with the severity of COVID-19, including:

  • School Measures and Closures
  • Face Masks for Public These recommendations were ignored.The lack of any attempt to publicly demonstrate a cost benefit analysis based on life and impact on lives shows a complete disregard for “Due Diligence” by both our Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and our Premiers.

    In summary on NPIs, the collateral damage from the use of each NPI needed to be justified in a cost benefit analysis, showing not only what life saving could be expected, but what the short-term and long-term impact on lives would be. Further, it needed to be demonstrably shown why the WHO recommendations were ignored. This was never done for any of the NPIs invoked.

    The aim of the pre-written pandemic plans is to allow our leaders to rapidly minimize the impact of a new pandemic on our society. The four goals of the pandemic plans are clearly defined:

    • Controlling the spread of influenza disease and reducing illness (morbidity) and death (mortality) by providing access to appropriate prevention measures, care, and treatment.

    • Mitigating societal disruption in Alberta through ensuring the continuity and recovery of critical services.

    • Minimizing adverse economic impact.

    • Supporting an efficient and effective use of resources during response and recovery

    The purpose in writing these plans in advance is to ensure the government could rapidly advise the public of the scope of the new hazard and publicly issue a complete written plan to address it. That way the public can see the entire plan, see the phases of the plan, and all steps that will be taken. The public understands their role in the plan. The response to the pandemic would then be coherent.

    This has not happened.


One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

The Canadian Response – Not Based on Emergency Management

The Canadian response to COVID-19 has been incoherent, constantly changing, and with no plan. The sole focus on COVID-19 case counts led to a completely flawed response trying to deal only with the first pandemic goal, and failing.

In February and March 2020 we knew that over 95% of the deaths in China and Europe were in seniors, over the age of 60, with multiple co-morbidities.

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One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

We should have immediately developed options for the protection of concentrations of our seniors over 60 with co-morbidities. Our Long Term Care (LTC) homes should have developed and offered quarantine options, for both the residents and the staff.

In our first full year of COVID-19 in Canada, 96% of our over 22,800 deaths have been in seniors, over the age of 60, with multiple co-morbidities. See Figure 5 in link below, updated weekly by Health Canada. cases.html

That is over 21,890 deaths. It is likely that thousands of these deaths could have been avoided, as over 80% of the deaths in the first wave occurred in LTC homes.

After one full year, we stand at 73% of the 22,880 deaths in LTC homes, 16,700 of our seniors. Our country ranked last in the OECD for protecting our seniors.

Long-Term Care Homes in Canada – The Impact of COVID-19 for-covid-deaths-among-wealthy-nations-report/ar-BB1f76sw

This may have cost $2 billion, but could have saved over 16,700 lives as 73% of Canadian deaths have been in LTC homes in the first year of COVID-19. Instead we locked down healthy Canadians and our businesses and spent well over $240 billion to force over 8 million healthy Canadians to stay at home. The cost mounts daily. 1.5827045

We did not need to follow the failed lock down practice of China or Europe. Lockdowns have not saved 21,890 of our Canadian seniors. We knew who was most at risk and had time to provide the option of quarantine for our seniors, both in LTC homes and in society. Instead, we sacrificed our seniors.

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In June 2020, the Canadian Institute for Health Information reported that Canada had a higher


proportion of COVID-19 deaths within LTC settings than other OECD countries included in its

comparison. At that time, deaths in Canadian LTCs from COVID-19 were at 81% of the total, while

OECD countries reported LTC COVID-19 deaths of 10-66% (average of 38%) of their totals.


The CBC News analysis has tracked $105.66 billion in federal payments to individuals; $118.37


billion that has gone to businesses, non-profits and charitable organizations; and a further


$16.18 billion in transfers to provinces, territories, municipalities and government agencies.

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One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

Our leaders and doctors constantly tell us we are in danger of overwhelming our medical system. If we had acted to quarantine our seniors’ long term care facilities, our hospital capacity would not have been challenged, as 71% of our hospital beds and 64% of our ICU capacity continue to this day to be filled with seniors. See Figure 5 in link below, updated daily by Health Canada. cases.html

We would not have needed to stop other medical procedures. ever-because-of-covid-19

We should never have forced healthy medical staff to self-isolate. We should have made rapid testing a priority for all orders of government.

We ignored the other three goals of our pre-existing pandemic plans:

• Mitigating societal disruption in Alberta through ensuring the continuity and recovery of critical services.

• Minimizing adverse economic impact.

• Supporting an efficient and effective use of resources during response and recovery

Ignoring these three goals and following a failed lockdown response has caused massive collateral damage in terms of deaths and long-term effects on our population. Collateral damage, largely ignored by mainstream media, includes but is not limited to:

  • Societal health,
  • Mental health,
  • Other health conditions,
  • Children’s education and social development,
  • Economic health

    We are told that lockdowns (i.e. the persistent use of NPIs) has decreased the spread and deaths from COVID-19. Therefore, it is assumed that the collateral deaths are somehow justified. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

We knew from the WHO 2019 NPI document cited earlier that the use of most NPIs have little effect on the spread of a virus. It was a lesson learned. Unfortunately, it had to be proved again through studies by some of the best infectious disease doctors in the world. One such study on the spread of COVID-19 is quoted:

“European Journal of Clinical Investigation
Assessing mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closure effects on the spread of



We first estimate COVID‐19 case growth in relation to any NPI implementation in subnational regions of 10 countries: England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Sweden and the United States. Using first‐difference models with fixed effects, we isolate the effects of mrNPIs by subtracting the combined effects of lrNPIs and epidemic dynamics from all NPIs. We use case growth in Sweden and South Korea, 2 countries that did not implement mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closures, as comparison countries for the other 8 countries (16 total comparisons).

While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less‐restrictive interventions.”

Further comment on deaths from COVID-19 and non-lockdown countries compared to lockdown countries: worked-it-wasnt-supposed-to-work/

COVID-19 has followed the annual seasonal infection curve almost exactly, in spite of lockdowns in our country. Our MOH and Premiers take credit for the seasons when it is in their favour and blame their citizens when seasons dictate “exponential increases”. Our Premiers and MOHs continue to abandon our Emergency Management Process and give in to fear.

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One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta


Conclusions – An Emergency Management and Science Based Way Ahead

Canadians deserve a confidence-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic and all future pandemics. An eight-point process is proposed for the immediate future:

1. Releaseacomprehensive,FourGoal-basedPandemicPlan,showingwhatis to be done phase by phase, and what the public’s role is in each phase.

  1. Vigorouslyenactaplantoprotectourmostvulnerable(thoseoverage60 with multiple co-morbidities).
  2. Ensureallcriticalinfrastructure(includingbutnotlimitedtohospitals)isready for people who get sick and who need to take sick days.
  3. Removethefearcampaignfromthemedia.ThisneedsaPLANandwillnot be easy. Government and the MOH daily facts must be given with context. There is no need to announce how many people have tested positive from COVID-19 each day. Introduce solid messaging that, with the context of what we know now, the way ahead is not based on case counts but rather on a confidence that we have the medical resources in our system, and speak to all Four Goals of the Pandemic Plan.
  4. Endalltalkoffuturelockdownsandloosensocialdistancingrules.Making people fear each other is always the wrong approach to any challenge.
  5. Guaranteetokeepschoolsanddaycaresopen,withrelaxedsocial distancing like in Sweden.

One Year of COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Canada March 31, 2021
David Redman
Former Head of Emergency Management Alberta

7. Geteveryoneunder65withoutpre-existingcompromisedimmune systems, who can and want to work, fully back to work.

8. Continuetovaccinateassafeandeffectivevaccinesbecomeavailable,for the current strain of COVID-19.


Canada’s Response to COVID-19 After One Year



After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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Alberta pushes back on illegal U.S. tariffs

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Alberta’s government is implementing a proportionate, measured response to U.S. tariffs and taking decisive action on internal trade with free trade and mobility agreements.

As part of its non-tariff retaliatory measures, Alberta is altering its procurement practices to ensure Alberta’s government, as well as agencies, school boards, Crown corporations and Alberta municipalities, purchase their goods and services from Alberta companies, Canadian companies or countries with which Canada has a free trade agreement that is being honoured.  

“I will always put the best interests of Alberta and Albertans first. These non-tariff actions are measured, proportionate and put an emphasis on defending Alberta and Canada against these economically destructive tariffs imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump, while breaking down restrictive provincial trade barriers so we can fast-track nation building resource projects and allow for the unrestricted movement of goods, services and labour across the country. I understand this is an uncertain time for many Albertans, and our government will continue to do all it can to prioritize Alberta’s and Canada’s world-class products and businesses as we face this challenge together. I also look forward to working with my provincial counterparts to help unite Canada and ensure free and fair trade throughout our country.”

Danielle Smith, Premier

Alberta’s government has also directed Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis to suspend the purchase of U.S. alcohol and video lottery terminals (VLTs) from American companies until further notice. This will ensure Alberta and Canadian brands take priority in restaurants, bars and on retail shelves.

“We are committed to putting Canadian businesses first. By suspending the purchase of U.S. produced alcohol, slot machines and VLTs, we are ensuring that Alberta and Canadian brands take priority in our restaurants, bars and retail stores. We will continue to take bold steps to support local industries and strengthen our economy.”

Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction

To encourage the purchase of stock from vendors in Alberta, Canada and other countries with which Canada has a free trade agreement, the government will help all Alberta grocers and other retailers with labelling Canadian products in their stores. In the coming weeks, Alberta’s government will augment these efforts by launching a “Buy Alberta” marketing campaign. Spearheaded by Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson, this campaign will remind Albertans of their options for local food and the importance of supporting Alberta’s agriculture producers and processers.

“Alberta’s agriculture producers and processers are the best in the world. Although these U.S. tariffs are incredibly concerning, this “Buy Alberta” campaign will put a spotlight on Alberta’s farmers, ranchers and agri-food businesses and support Albertans in choosing goods from right here at home.”

RJ Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation

Building on Alberta’s reputation as a leader in removing barriers to trade within Canada, Alberta’s government will continue to push other provinces to match our ambition in providing full labour mobility and eliminating trade barriers through work like mutual recognition of regulations. This will allow for goods, services and labour from other provinces to flow into and out of Alberta without having to undergo additional regulatory assessments.

“While no one wins in a tariff war, this situation underscores the need to develop Canada’s trade infrastructure and the diversification of our trading partners and could be the catalyst to unlocking Canada’s true potential. As we look at how best to support Albertans and our businesses, we must also work to reduce internal trade and labour mobility barriers while expanding markets for Alberta energy, agricultural and manufactured products into Europe, Asia, the Americas and beyond. Albertans and Canadians are counting on us.”

Matt Jones, Minister of Jobs, Economy and Trade

Alberta’s government is also focused on doubling oil production. With U.S. tariffs in place on Canadian energy products, Alberta is looking elsewhere for additional pipeline infrastructure, including east and west, in order to get our products to new markets.

Alberta’s government will continue to engage with elected officials and industry leaders in the U.S. to reverse these tariffs on Canadian goods and energy and rebuild Canada’s relationship with its largest trading partner and ally.

Quick facts

  • On March 4, U.S. President Trump implemented a 25 per cent tariff on all Canadian goods and a 10 per cent tariff on Canadian energy.
  • The U.S. is Alberta’s – and Canada’s – largest trading partner.
  • Alberta is the second largest provincial exporter to the U.S. after Ontario.
    • In 2024, Alberta’s exports to the U.S. totalled C$162.6 billion, accounting for 88.7 per cent of total provincial exports.
    • Energy products accounted for approximately C$132.8 billion or 82.2 per cent of Alberta’s exports to the U.S. in 2024.
  • About 10 per cent of liquor products in stock in Alberta are imported from the United States.
    • U.S. products represent a small minority of the beer and refreshment beverage categories; however, a significant number of wines originate in the U.S.
    • In 2023-24, about $292 million in U.S. liquor products were sold in Alberta.
  • Alberta has been a longstanding supporter of reducing barriers to trade within Canada. In 2019, the province removed 21 of 27 exceptions, including all procurement exceptions, and narrowed the scope of two others. Since then, the province has only added 2 exceptions, which allow for the management the legalization of cannabis.
    • Removing party-specific exemptions has helped facilitate even greater access to the Alberta market for Canadian companies in the areas of government tenders, Crown land acquisition, liquor, energy and forest products, among others.
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Securing the Alberta-U.S. border

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Alberta’s border security plan is advancing rapidly with more measures in place to stop illegal activity at the Alberta-U.S. border.

In December 2024, Alberta’s government announced a $29-million investment to create an Interdiction Patrol Team (IPT) within the Alberta Sheriffs to crack down on illegal cross-border activities threatening lives and livelihoods on both sides of the Alberta-Montana border. Alberta’s government recognizes the need for swift and decisive action that will curb drug trafficking and illegal border crossings to strengthen the province’s border security.

The team’s first cohort has been deployed and hiring will continue until all 51 positions are filled. The IPT is now operational, working closely with the RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency to identify and apprehend individuals suspected of drug smuggling, human trafficking and other illegal activities involving movement across the Canada-U.S. border. To date, 20 members of the Alberta Sheriffs have been assigned to the IPT to patrol between entry points, and to vehicle inspection stations along Alberta’s side of the border.

Sheriffs Interdiction Patrol Team mapSheriffs Interdiction Patrol Team map

“We are committed to strengthening security along Alberta’s southern border to put an end to the dangerous criminal activities that are destroying lives on both sides of the border. In addition to launching our new Interdiction Patrol Team, we are building three new vehicle inspection stations and increasing highway monitoring for suspicious activity. Our plan will ensure that Alberta’s southern border is secure.”

Danielle Smith, Premier

“Alberta’s government is increasing border security and has zero tolerance for illegal activities that threaten the well-being of Albertans or Alberta’s economy. The Alberta Sheriffs Interdiction Patrol Team puts more boots on the ground to identify where and when these activities are taking place, boosting security along our southern border and disrupting dangerous cross-border human, drugs and weapons trafficking in both directions. Let this be a message to all potential traffickers, especially those who traffic deadly fentanyl, you will get caught and you will go to jail.”

Mike Ellis, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Services

Alberta’s government continues to acquire equipment that will enable the IPT to detect and apprehend individuals committing illegal activity, including drones, night-vision optics and patrol canines. This team will patrol to detect and intercept illicit drugs, illegal firearms and unlawful attempts at illegal international border crossing. The IPT will be fully operational in coming months.

Through this process, Alberta has identified further significant concerns with the shared Canada-U.S. border. In response, Alberta’s government is advancing further measures to increase the security of the southern border.

In addition to the IPT, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors is dedicating $15 million over two years for three new vehicle inspection stations near the border, if Budget 2025 passes. This will give Sheriffs dedicated facilities to inspect commercial vehicles, whether they’re crossing into the United States or coming into Canada. The stations will be located on Highway 1 at Dunmore, Highway 3 at Burmis and Highway 4 at Coutts. The stations will include enhanced parking lanes for inspections, and winter ready buildings for year-round inspections.

Another measure undertaken by Alberta’s government is to train highway maintenance workers to identify and report suspicious activity during highway maintenance operations. Volker Stevin has a contract to maintain about 600 kilometres of highways in southern Alberta and by empowering their workers to identify and report suspicious activity, Alberta’s government is layering further security measures without adding additional costs.

“Border security is a priority, and Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors is doing its part to enhance security and surveillance through three new vehicle inspection stations and with the help of our highway maintenance contractors, who will be trained to detect and report suspicious activity, providing an extra pair of eyes along the border.”

Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors

“The Interdiction Patrol Team will play a key role in eradicating crimes that seek to exploit the Alberta-Montana border in both directions. The Alberta Sheriffs are pleased to collaborate with the RCMP, Canada Border Services Agency and our counterparts in the United States as we work to keep our shared border safe and secure.”

Bob Andrews, chief, Alberta Sheriffs

Alberta’s government also amended the Critical Infrastructure Defence Regulation in January 2025 to add a two-kilometre-deep border zone north of the Alberta-United States border to the definition of essential infrastructure under the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act. The act gives peace officers the authority to arrest individuals caught trespassing on, interfering with or damaging essential infrastructure and who do not have a lawful right, to be on the essential infrastructure.

“Amending the Critical Infrastructure Defence Regulation is a key piece of our efforts to strengthen security in the area near the international border. We have quickly taken action that will support law enforcement in improving public safety, and tackle cross-border crime, drugs, illegal migrants and human-trafficking.”

Mickey Amery, Minister of Justice and Attorney General

Quick facts:

IPT will be supported by:

  • 51 uniformed officers equipped with carbine rifles (weapons for tactical operations)
  • 10 support staff, including dispatchers and analysts
  • four drug patrol dogs, critical to ensure reasonable suspicion to search vehicles
  • 10 cold weather surveillance drones that can operate in high winds with dedicated pilots
  • four narcotics analyzers to test for illicit drugs

The IPT has already conducted more than 3,300 stops/contacts and has been successful in:

  • assisting with four Northbound unauthorized border crossings
  • executing 18 warrants and conducting two Judicial Interim Release hearings
  • conducting three arrests related to possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking

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