Title: Alberta Spirit Show Kiwanis Gallery, 4818 49 Street, in Red Deer Public Library Media: Various Exhibition Dates: August 29 – October 15, 2023 #FirstFridaysRedDeer opening reception September...
Creating life chances for students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 and beyond, the Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools launches its third annual LIFE CHANCES 50/50...
Yet another long national nightmare has passed for Toronto Maple Leafs Nation. After a prolonged summer silence from star forward Auston Matthews about his intentions for...
Morning view of a coal-fired power station in China. Getty Images photo From the Canadian Energy Centre Ltd. By James Snell and Deborah Jaremko Government can...
As we navigate through changing seasons and face the challenges posed by seasonal viruses, such as the flu, maintaining optimal health and a robust immune system is...
From StosselTV The betting odds say a Trump vs Biden rematch is probable. That’s sad, since polls also show most Americans don’t like either man. There...
From Bjorn Lomborg of the Copenhagen Consensus Center One of the most common tropes in our increasingly alarmist climate debate is that global warming has set...
The problem with history is that you can attach your name to passing fads— say, Ukraine flag emojis— and be considered one of the cool kids....
From the Brownstone Institute BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER Two nights ago was supposed to be a night of reckoning and truth. The intrepid and independent journalist Tucker...
The SpaceX headquarters is seen, May 25, 2012, in Hawthorne, Calif. On Thursday, Aug. 24, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice filed suit against SpaceX, the...
From Red Deer RCMP On August 02, 2023, a report was made to the Red Deer RCMP that a female teen was followed off a city...
News release from the Red Deer Rebels Rebels trade Coward to Prince Albert Red Deer Rebels Owner, President, and General Manager Brent Sutter announced on Tuesday...