From LifeSiteNews By Calvin Freiburger “The treaty would put us under the thumb of the U.N. and communist China and the WHO for whatever they wanted...
From the Fraser Institute By Jake Fuss and Grady Munro Had the government simply limited the growth in annual program spending to 0.3 per cent for two years,...
Ontario nurse Kristen Nagle From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch Ontario nurse Kristen Nagle, a well-known figure in Canada’s pro-freedom movement during COVID, said her sentence of...
28-year-old Dutch woman Zoraya ter Beek (YouTube Screenshot) From LifeSiteNews By Louis Knuffke 28-year-old Zoraya ter Beek plans to die by assisted suicide over her struggles...
From the Macdonald Laurier Institute By Philippe Lagassé Mary Simon’s impartiality was undermined by hosting a symposium tied to controversial government legislation. Mary Simon has been a...
Larry Fink on stage at the 2022 New York Times DealBook on November 30, 2022. in New York CityPhoto by Thos Robinson/Getty Images for The New...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Brian Giesbrecht Scotland had 8,000 complaints in the first week. Is it likely that a similar avalanche of...
From StosselTV The government may soon be able to shut down your car. Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill includes a kill switch for new cars. In...
From Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Lee Harding Even former Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau told the Financial Post the capital gains tax increase would be “very troubling...
From LifeSiteNews By Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender “The evidence submitted in support of the motion clearly shows that attorneys from the Department of Justice concealed...
From the Macdonald Laurier Institute By J. Edward Les Despite the Cass Review’s alarming findings, trans activists and their enablers in the medical professions continue to...
It was the launch pad for CNN. The demise of Martin Luther King’s dream and Ground Zero for racial reparations in America. The O.J. Simpson trial...