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New Scandal, Same Story


9 minute read

From the Brownstone Institute


Mr. Bates vs the Post Office tells the sorry tale through the eyes of one brave man, Alan Bates, unflinchingly supported by his wife Suzanne Sercombe, who kept fighting the entire system and establishment to clear his name, exonerate their colleagues, and indict the senior executives.

The UK has been consumed by a scandal involving the use of faulty accounting software, Horizon from Fujitsu, used by the Post Office to accuse postmasters and postmistresses of stealing funds. Under UK law, the Post Office is empowered to prosecute alleged offenders directly. Between 1999 and 2015, an astonishing 700-750 hardworking and conscientious managers of local community post offices, often the pillars of society and the very backbone of small businesses in the country, were convicted.

Their protestations of innocence and suggestions of glitches in the software were dismissed: the computer does not lie, the courts were told, and they accepted the infallibility of technology. Many were coerced into pleading guilty because they could not afford to fight a state behemoth. They lost the respect of their peers, many were ruined financially, several went to jail, and some committed or tried to commit suicide.

It was only in 2019 that High Court Judge Peter Fraser cleared the postmasters and pinned responsibility for the financial discrepancies on the software. The Criminal Cases Review Commission has described the scandal as the ‘biggest single series of wrongful convictions in British legal history.’ But the scandal wasn’t over yet. Their efforts to overturn the wrongful convictions and receive reparations have been painfully slow and around 70 claimants died in the interim with their names still not cleared. As of January 2024, just 93 convictions have been reversed and only 30 people have received any compensation.

Although the scandal has been bubbling away under the radar for more than 20 years, a four-part ITV dramatisation that screened recently finally caught the public’s attention, and then some. Mr. Bates vs the Post Office tells the sorry tale through the eyes of one brave man, Alan Bates, unflinchingly supported by his wife Suzanne Sercombe, who kept fighting the entire system and establishment to clear his name, exonerate their colleagues, and indict the senior executives. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to introduce a Bill this year to exonerate all the postmasters convicted through the dodgy Horizon-based evidence.

The Metropolitan Police have launched an investigation into potential fraud, perjury, and perverting the course of justice.

There are many parallels of this scandal with the Covid saga over the last four years. In what follows, I draw in particular on comments on the Horizon scandal in two recent articles in the UK Telegraph by columnists Allison Pearson (which attracted nearly 5,000 online comments) and Allister Heath (2,600 comments), and a third article in the Conservative Woman by Professor Angus Dalgleish.

The first obvious parallel is the blind faith in computers and technology that was untested in the real world. The two equivalents in the case of Covid are the elevation of mathematical models to science and the use of unreliable PCR tests, especially with elevated cycle threshold counts. The PCR machine can be made to run multiple ‘cycles’ (like a washing machine) to keep amplifying the target viral material in the sample to make it detectable. The CT value, the number of cycles it takes to detect the virus, becomes increasingly less accurate beyond 25-28 CT yet in some cases it was raised up to 40 and those who tested positive were treated as Covid cases.

Another parallel is in the awarding of state honors and medals to the perpetrators of mass cruelty. The then-CEO of the Post Office Paula Vennells got a CBE for her services to the PO, (she has since bowed to public pressure to hand back the honour) while the number of health officials and scientists receiving honours have been sickeningly high.

A third is in the refusal of ministers and parliamentarians to listen to the ordinary people desperate to get their honour and lives back.

The Post Office minister at the time, Sir (another one) Ed Davy, refuses to accept responsibility and instead blames it all on civil servants: they lied to him on an industrial scale! In fact it is the complicity of all the top institutions and their smug and self-righteous senior personnel – from cabinet ministers to judges, lawyers, executives, investigators, the Post Office board and the Fujitsu board, the engineers, and technicians – that has been so sickeningly repeated in the Covid years.

It seemingly did not occur to anyone to ask why over 750 managers with hitherto unblemished records were suddenly all committing financial fraud at the same time, which coincided with the mass rollout of a new accounting software to post office branches across the country. No one seems prepared to stand up for the victims of the wrongs and the harms.

And no one still today is prepared to inquire into the dramatic explosion of reported adverse events and excess deaths that coincide with lockdowns and mass vaccinations. They too have encountered unconscionable delays in having their cases investigated and compensation awarded. In a related vein, very few countries seem prepared to take back healthcare workers and civil servants dismissed for refusing to comply with vaccine mandates.

A fourth commonality is the role of Andrew Bridgen MP crying in the wilderness in both tragedies that something wrong was happening to the Horizon- and vaccine-injured that needed to be looked at. While his name has become familiar in the time of Covid, he had the conviction and the courage to act on it in trying, in vain, to highlight the plight of the postmasters for many years.

A fifth common theme is the class divide, where the rapacious political, bureaucratic, and business elites got the financial and social rewards but the harms, pain, and suffering were borne by the workers. The rewards – promotions, bonuses, honours – for ruining so many innocent, decent, honourable lives really stick in the craw.

A final common theme is that justice will not be seen to be done and the sense of justice will not be appeased unless many of the top people responsible are put behind bars. There will be no emotional closure for the victims and their families and no effective deterrent to future wrongdoing by jumped-up and condescending members of the ruling class without full and transparent criminal justice accountability. As Heath writes, the postmasters, ‘the best of Britain, were persecuted by the worst of Britain: the overpromoted corporate-bureaucratic class, the useless apparatchiks of Britain’s Kafkaesque bureaucracies, the unaccountable arms-length bodies, the out of control lawyers, the civil servants and the subsidy-hungry corporations.’

What we need to close this particular circle is both a proper inquiry and a human-interest personalised TV dramatisation of the Covid-related injustices inflicted by the unholy collusion between the different components of Big State, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the mainstream media.

Republished from The Spectator Australia


  • Ramesh Thakur

    Ramesh Thakur, a Brownstone Institute Senior Scholar, is a former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, and emeritus professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University.

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COVID lockdowns in Canada cost small businesses $60 billion in first year alone

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From LifeSiteNews

By AnthonyMurdoch

In the first year of COVID lockdowns Canada’s small-to-medium-sized businesses, many of which are family-run, lost a combined $60 billion in gross profit, according to recently released statistics. 

On February 18 Statistics Canada released a report regarding “Borrowing, repayments and bankruptcies” from Ottawa’s Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program, finding that businesses with less than $1.5 million in annual expenses “experienced a drop in gross profit, totaling a loss of nearly $60 billion” from 2019 to 2020. 

The CEBA program was struck in March of 2020 to give out businesses affected by COVID lockdowns interest-free loans of up to $60,000. The loans came with strings attached, however, and had to be paid back by a certain date to only have to pay a partial amount back.   

The report noted that the COVID lockdowns, which were imposed by all provincial governments as well as mandated by the federal government for the agencies it ran, from 2020 to most of 2021, were “most challenging for client-facing industries.

Businesses that reported the biggest declines in gross profit were “client-facing ones, such as food service and drinking places, hotels, and offices of dentists and physicians,” noted the report. Many of these are family-run businesses. 

When it comes to bankruptcies, the report noted that they rose sharply from about mid-2022 to early 2024, notably coming after businesses had to start repaying the CEBA loans, which came due on January 18, 2024.  

COVID vaccine mandates, as well as lockdowns, which came from provincial governments with the support of the federal government, split Canadian society. The mRNA shots have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children. 

In many provinces, such as Alberta, small and medium-sized businesses also fought back via lawsuits against their governments and health agencies, which put in place COVID rules.  

LifeSiteNews reported last November, that a class-action lawsuit on behalf of dozens of Canadian business owners in Alberta who faced massive losses or permanent closures due to COVID mandates, was given the go-ahead to proceed by a judge. 

As a result of COVID dictates, many Canadians fought back, most notably in the form of the 2023 Freedom Convoy, which saw thousands of Canadians from coast to coast come to Ottawa to demand an end to COVID mandates in all forms. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government enacted the never-before-used Emergencies Act (EA) on February 14, 2022. 

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the Freedom Convoy’s two main leaders Tamara Lich and Chris Barber face a possible 10-year prison sentence. LifeSiteNews reported extensively on their trial, the verdict of which will be released on March 12.  

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Conspiracy Facts With Jeffrey Rath

Where’s the data on miscarriages linked to COVID Injections?

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So-called “public health” bureaucrats are also deliberately hiding this information from the citizens of Alberta. Citizens of Alberta deserve to know whether Deena Hinshaw and the Alberta Government were responsible for killing babies through their negligent promotion of COVID Injections without adequate safety data and a clear indication from the Pfizer COVID Injection trial data that the COVID shots were contraindicated for pregnant women not wanting abortions.

The Alberta Government has recently issued the “ALBERTA’S COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force FINAL REPORT”. This Government of Alberta Report showed that Pfizer itself reported 31 “SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS” and only 1 “NORMAL OUTCOME” out of 32 pregnant women reported on by Pfizer during the Pfizer COVID Injection trials.

This means that Pfizer’s own data showed that the effective spontaneous abortion rate of a drug that DEENA HINSHAW PROMOTED TO PREGNANT WOMEN AS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE was 96.9% EFFECTIVE AT KILLING BABIES IN THE WOMB. Hinshaw should have known that Pfizer’s trial data showed that the Pfizer COVID SHOT was more effective than the “morning after pill” at inducing abortions in pregnant women.

To quote Premier Danielle Smith’s own TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT :


Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats have been deliberately hiding data that implicates them in the largest public health scandal since Thalidomide.

Alberta bureaucrats have scrubbed post July 30, 2021 Alberta Still Birth data from public websites.

On a website, ironically named ““, under the heading ALBERTA ANNUAL STILL BIRTHS TOTALS we find the following advisory :


Total number of still births occurring in the province of Alberta by year. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset.”

When one goes to the Government of Canada, website you see the same disclaimer saying that Government of Alberta post “July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset”.

Confidential sources within the Alberta Government have confirmed that Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats refused to cooperate with Premier Smith’s own Task Force and failed or refused to provide information on post COVID Injection health outcomes to the PANDEMIC DATA REVIEW TASK FORCE when requested. This is why the COVID TASK FORCE repeatedly stated that a public inquiry is required to get to the bottom of how many Alberta babies, children and adults were killed or horribly injured by the negligent repetition of the grossly misleading mantra of “safe and effective”. Needless to say, if the still birth data post “July 30, 2021” DID NOT show an increase in post COVID Injection spontaneous abortions the data would have been gleefully provided to the Danielle Smith Pandemic Data Review Task Force.

The so-called COVID “vaccines” were only made available to pregnant women after March 31, 2021. It is clear that the failure to provide Still Birth Data after July 30th, 2021 was a likely attempt by Alberta Health bureaucrats at preventing Albertans from seeing in real time or even retrospectively what the effect of Pfizer and Moderna Spike Proteim shots were on miscarriage rates in Alberta. This cover up is even more insidious than the scrubbing of post vaccine hospitalization rates once it was clear that more “vaccinated’ than unvaccinated people were hospitalized and dying detailed in the Task Force Final Report.

The reason that this cover up is even more shocking is that even AFTER the Task Force Final Report clearly showed that the COVID Spike Protein Shots were harmful to pregnant women… THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA STILL RECOMMENDS THESE SHOTS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN.

Citizens of Alberta need to be aware and outraged that the cover up extends to the courtroom. At a recent hearing in the Court of King’s Bench Alberta Government lawyers moved to have Carrie Sakamoto’s vaccine injury class action case struck on the basis that the ALBERTA GOVERNMENT HAS NO DUTY OF CARE towards citizens of Alberta. Alberta’s legal position is led by Attorney General Mickey Amery. Mr. Amery was a member of the Kenney COVID Cabinet, the group that had been found by Justice Feasby to have engaged in a “plausible misfeasance in public office” through the issuance of coercive cabinet orders under the guise of Chief Medical Officer of Health orders. Citizens who were negligently advised by Deena Hinshaw to mix and match COVID Injections against the direction of the manufacturers, dangerously take COVID shots while pregnant, or to give the shots to children even though Hinshaw was warned that Pfizer’s own trial data showed that the COVID shots were statistically more likely to kill children than COVID deserve answers. They do not deserve to have Danielle Smith’s Government of Alberta Lawyers smugly tell them that the Government of Alberta owed them NO DUTY OF CARE.

Danielle Smith needs to get out in front of this issue and call a public inquiry. Much like the AHS contracts issue caused by incompetent bureaucrats is being blamed on her, soon people will be unfairly saying :



Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)

Foothills, Alberta

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