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More victories for freedom as ArriveCAN charges dropped and fines reduced


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Gheorghe and Carmen Neferu

News release from The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is pleased to announce that it continues to see dropped charges and significantly reduced fines for Canadians who allegedly violated the Quarantine Act or who chose not to use the ArriveCAN app at Canadian borders.

The Justice Centre has provided defence counsel to eight Canadians who chose not to comply with a mandatory ArriveCAN.

Added together, these eight Canadians received a total of 13 tickets, with combined fine amounts totalling $54,815. Defence counsel provided by the Justice Centre negotiated with the Crown to secure admissions that amounted to fines totalling $1,216, not $54,815. All hearings for these cases were scheduled to take place in April at the Ontario Court of Justice in Mississauga, Ontario.

Here are their stories.

Cory Thorn, along with his wife, Guiseppina Lamacchia, their two small children and Guiseppina’s mother Carmela Lamacchia, were returning from a trip to Italy on September 8, 2022, when they were stopped at the Canadian border. They had not downloaded the ArriveCAN app because they did not feel comfortable with the app. They asked if they could submit the required information on paper but were told they could either use the app or face fines. The three adults were given two tickets each, one for $955 and another for $6,255. Together, the family faced a total of $21,630 in fines for violating two sections of the Quarantine Act: section 58, failing to comply with an order prohibiting or subjecting to any condition the entry into Canada and section 15(1), failing to answer a relevant question asked by a screening officer or to provide the officer with any required information or record. Their trials were scheduled for April 15, 2024. Five of the six tickets were dismissed. Carmela pled guilty to one charge and received a reduced fine of $615.

On September 22, 2022, a mother and her adult daughter, who have requested anonymity, were returning from a trip to Italy when they were each fined $6,255 for failing to use the ArriveCAN app. The women felt uneasy providing private health information through the ArriveCAN app. They offered to provide the information orally to border officials. Their offer was refused. Each had trial dates set for April 23, 2024. The daughter’s charge was withdrawn by the Crown, while her mother pled guilty and paid a significantly reduced fine of $300.

Daniel Sauro and his partner, Gina Campoli, traveling with their one-year-old daughter, returned from a family vacation on September 24, 2022, when each adult was issued a ticket for $6,255 under section 58 of the Quarantine Act for not using the ArriveCAN app. They were uneasy about disclosing private medical information and were concerned about the app’s security. Their trial was scheduled for April 18, 2024 -nineteen months after the tickets were issued. The public health officer did not appear at trial, and so the prosecutor was forced to withdraw all charges.

Gheorghe and Carmen Neferu traveled back to Canada from abroad on August 3, 2022, when they were each given two tickets with fines for failing to use the ArriveCAN app, totaling $14,420 They did not want to answer invasive questions regarding their medical status. Their trials were scheduled for April 8, 2024. The charges against Carmen were withdrawn, while Gheorghe had one charge withdrawn. He pled guilty to the other, paying a reduced fine of $300.

A constitutional challenge to the ArriveCAN app requirement continues to proceed in the Ontario Court of Justice.

Chris Fleury, lead counsel on the Charter challenge to the ArriveCan app requirement, says, “Each and every Canadian who refused to provide their vaccination status via ArriveCAN was also subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine in addition to their ticket. The quarantine had no scientific or public health basis and was a breach of Canadian’s Charter right not to be arbitrarily detained. While we would have preferred that no one was charged in the first place, we are pleased to see the prosecution taking a more reasonable approach to these cases.”

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Heroic Nurses in Horrible Hospitals

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From the Brownstone Institute


Even those who already know a lot about the recent man-made medical disaster may be shocked by the raw, firsthand accounts in this book of the horrors perpetrated at many American, British, and Canadian hospitals. Many do not yet fully realize that great numbers of putative “Covid deaths” were actually the result of deliberate hospital medical malfeasance.

What follows is a review of What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back to Save Their Patients by Ken McCarthy.

McCarthy interviews nurses, a respiratory therapist, and a public medical expenses analyst to reveal the terrible practices of many hospitals dealing with the Covid situation. His previous work includes the documentary HIV=AIDS-Fauci’s First Fraud, which explores an older debacle mirroring recent events – from the unreliable tests for HIV to the deadly, ineffective (but profitable) medical interventions undertaken to combat an overblown disease threat.

The book really helps the reader appreciate the heroic, vital role that nurses often play in hospital care. They have been indispensable advocates for their patients since the days of Florence Nightingale, whose quotes begin most chapters in the book. As one interviewed nurse puts it, “We troubleshoot to prevent errors…the value of a nurse is, her ability to critically think through these dangerous situations instead of just following orders blindly.”

However, during Covid, responsible nurses were unable to perform their advocate role in many hospitals. Under the cover of a medical emergency, many hospitals devolved into rigidly hierarchical, protocol-driven, inflexible, brutal institutions paying more attention to orders from above than to the well-being of their patients.

Nurses and others who opposed or questioned dangerous, irresponsible practices were ruthlessly punished and often fired. In other cases, nurses voluntarily had to quit their jobs because they were unable to continue witnessing the murder and abuse of patients.

In McCarthy’s words, “You couldn’t have created a better system if your goal was to use the doctors and nurses in hospitals to kill as many people as possible.” Nurse Kimberley Overton also remarks, “It was the complete and total medical mismanagement of Covid that was killing all of our patients.”

The nurses recount a multitude of examples of this “medical mismanagement.” They include the widespread use of the deadly, ineffective antiviral drug Remdesivir, the rejection of steroids and other standard anti-inflammatory drugs, and the common misuse of ventilators by unqualified staff. Such practices led to many unnecessary deaths, often later attributed incorrectly to Covid.

On top of that, many hospitals administered excessive amounts of potentially lethal sedatives such as midazolam, fentanyl, and morphine in order to induce passivity in resistant or anxious patients. However, these sedatives often had the effect of exacerbating their breathing problems, at times fatally.

Overton recounts one instance in which a patient received three different such medications in the space of twenty-nine minutes. At the same time, many patients were not administered medicines to prevent blood clotting, an obvious danger for bedridden, immobile patients.

The motive for these institutionalized crimes was money, plain and simple. Large amounts of money can be a very corrupting influence, as we can observe in various realms, including academia, which often receives huge amounts of money from foreign governments such as China.

Staggering sums went into the coffers of hospitals that adhered to the strict treatment protocols for presumed Covid patients. These massive funds came from a variety of government programs and agencies. For example, in the US in 2020, the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) showered healthcare providers with $178 billion.

In his interview, A. J. DePriest reports, “HCA, one of the largest for-profit hospital systems in America, received about a billion dollars in CARES Act relief funds. Tennessee’s billionaire Frist family, which owns HCA, doubled their wealth between March 2020 and 2021, from $7.5 billion to $15.6 billion.”

To guarantee receipt of such funds, hospital administrators, acting in sync with federal bureaucrats, followed the written rules rigidly and rejected any contrary feedback. The only criterion was whether or not something was in the protocols. The interviewed nurses constantly heard doctors and others parrot this justification.

With the application of each approved medical intervention for a patient, hospitals received a separate large bonus payment from government programs. In particular, ventilators and Remdesivir, both highly dangerous interventions, procured large amounts of money for hospitals using them.

Aiding the profiteering hospitals, the UN, the mainstream news media, and much of the Internet helped to maintain this inflexible, destructive system by vilifying and persecuting nurses fighting for the lives and rights of patients. Nurse Nicole Sirotek explains how the UN and the WEF created Team Halo to mobilize mobs on social media like Facebook and TikTok (UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communication Melissa Fleming has admitted working with Halo). Activists recruited and directed by Halo proceeded to attack dissident nurses and doctors on social media and besiege state nursing boards, which led to nurses having their licenses suspended.

The harassment did not stop at such things. Sirotek recounts that “people broke into my house, vandalized my car, and threatened to rape and murder my children. They poisoned my dog.”

Nevertheless, those interviewed by McCarthy did not respond as their attackers expected – by backing down. Despite their hardships, a number went on to form organizations like Frontline Nurses and create services to rescue many abused patients and their families from the hospital holocaust. In doing so, they demonstrated that they are the true heirs of Florence Nightingale.

The Kindle ebook version on Amazon is currently only $0.62 US dollars and 99 yen in Japan, certainly a bargain at that price.


Bruce Davidson is professor of humanities at Hokusei Gakuen University in Sapporo, Japan.

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Canada’s COVID vaccine injury program tops $14 million in payouts, hundreds still waiting

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

According to official data from Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program, a total of $14,080,434 has been paid out to those harmed by the COVID injections, representing just 183 of 2,628 claims filed.

Canada’s program to compensate those injured by the COVID vaccines has now spent $14 million, but the vast majority of claims remain unpaid.

According to official data from Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), which was updated on June 1, a total of 2,628 claims have been filed by COVID-19-injured people, but only 183 have been approved for compensation. The total amount paid out sits at $14,080,434.

Broken down, each claimant would have received or will receive an average of just $78,000 in monetary compensation.  

While a total of 2,172 claims have been “prepared to move forward to a preliminary medical review,” after this point, each claim goes through a lengthy process of approval. 

For example, 982 claims are in the process of “collecting medical records,” which VISP states is “often the longest step in the claims assessment process.” 

There has been a total of 166 appeals made, however only 8 have been approved to date by the Medical Review Board. 

A total of 339 claims are “pending administrative review for eligibility.”  

All Canadian provinces except Quebec are covered by VISP, who has its own vaccine compensation program that also appears to be slow at paying out to applicants. 

Despite the need for a federal program to address those injured by the vaccines once mandated by the Trudeau government, Health Canada still says “[I]t’s safe to receive a COVID-19 vaccine following infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. Vaccination is very important, even if you’ve had COVID-19.”   

Interestingly, the claims of safety did not stop the Trudeau government from earmarking an extra $36 million for VISP in its 2024 budget.   

The federal government is also continuing to purchase COVID jabs despite the fact the government’s own data shows that most Canadians are flat-out refusing a COVID booster injection.   

Some people who were successful in getting payouts from VISP have said that the compensation awarded was insufficient considering the injuries sustained from the COVID shots.   

As reported by LifeSiteNews last year, 42-year-old Ross Wightman from British Columbia launched a lawsuit against AstraZeneca, the federal government of Canada, the government of his province, and the pharmacy at which he was injected after receiving what he considers inadequate compensation from VISP.    

He was one of the first citizens in Canada to receive federal financial compensation due to a COVID vaccine injury under VISP. Wightman received the AstraZeneca shot in April 2021 and shortly after became totally paralyzed. He was subsequently diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome.    

Whitman was given a one-time payout of $250,00 and about $90,000 per year in income replacement, but noted, as per a recent True North report, that he does not even know if those dollar amounts “would ease the pain.”  

LifeSiteNews has published an extensive amount of research on the dangers of receiving the experimental COVID mRNA jabs, which include heart damage and blood clots.  

The mRNA shots have also been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.   

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