In a world ruled by fear, where do we turn?

It has been said that there are no atheists in fox holes.
During any time of armed conflict, that adage is true, whether it was WWI, WWII, the Vietnamese Conflict, the Boer War, Afghanistan, the Gulf War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Peloponnesian Wars or the Crusades.
After studying history, I believe that our modern age is not the first to use disinformation and media spin to control and direct populations.
Umberto Eco, in his novel the Prague Cemetery, writes of a late 19th Century spin doctor/document forger who reimagines historic documents to either support or discredit governments and individuals for personal gain. The ‘writer’ is without loyalty, morals and scruples and is a master manipulator who counts human lives and friendship as the cost of business. Under his master hand, his employers direct him to sabotage, murder and ruin men of good character and intent.
I had thought that my re-reading of this tome was coincidental, but the more I dig into the 400 plus page novel I realized that Eco could be writing about the world of today, not the 1870s or 1890s.
While I have not read the Art of War, I can imagine that the tactics recommended in that classic work are also topical.
The conclusion that is obvious and easy to reach is that the games that the politicians have been playing are not new, nor are their techniques modern. It is only the method that we handle the misinformation and sleight of hand that is different. The internet with Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have merely accelerated the pace and penetration of deception.
That said, I will not discuss the minutiae of the Covid 19 narrative, but only to say that those behind the scenes will either be seen as guilty of government over reach and medical over reaction, or the architects of a new tomorrow.
Either way, the consequences of decisions made by governments and medical organizations does not change one immutable fact.
I will re-state my original theses.
There are no atheists in our pandemic present.
I believe that God is in control, and that he does not allow anything out of His will to occur to allow those created in His image to turn to Him in humility for redemption.
If we accept the basic tenet that we have been created by an omniscient God, and that our days are indeed numbered no matter what circumstance we find ourselves in, then we can logically and faithfully state a few things.
- If our days are numbered, then it does not matter what we do. He knows when we will be called home, pandemic or not.
- All authority is God given, to governments, presidents, prime ministers, premiers and mayors, so IF our rulers are God fearing, they will act reverently and responsibly. IF they do not and are not God fearing, then they will be removed and the results of their sinful decisions will come to them on the day of their judgement. It is not the role of any leader to BE God to their country, but to SERVE God…if we presume to act as God and see ourselves as all powerful and all wise, we will be shown to be fools and earn the reward for our arrogance.
- We are told numerous times in the Bible that we as sinners (no matter what circumstance led us there) can call on the Lord and he will redeem us according to His everlasting love. (Psalm 107) So, in the midst of pandemic, floods, war or conflict, God will save us in his wisdom according to His great will.
- Free will gets us in trouble. As King David found with Bathsheba, yet David was redeemed by God and through that, his lineage was honored. Those medical researchers who have developed those venomous viruses we have been threatened by will face judgement at the throne of God. If we make good choices, then our world will benefit from our knowledge, not reel in death.
- God is in control. He has the victory (see the last chapter of Revelation). We are to live IN victory and give Him the glory and honor of a well lived life.
That all said, if we do not accept the tenet that we have been created by an omniscient God, then our present state could be one of depression, anger, violence and fear. Any one of these negative outcomes lead to extremism movements and an incredibly unhealthy mental and moral state. That is what we have seen over the last year with riots in the US and Canada, with demonstrations we once thought impossible, with historic monuments being defaced and destroyed and even professional sports bowing to social movements rooted in Communism.
While all these scenarios carry on, those who see beyond the headlines and conflicts, it is obvious that we are in the midst of a major spiritual battle. Our world view tells us that we are to fear, to hide, to mask up and physical distance and to remember that ‘we are in this together,’ and that ‘we will get through this together.’
ON the other side of the theological coin, God is in control and we are not to stop living and love as we have been taught to. We are not to live in fear but rather live knowing that it is only through faith, hope and love that mankind has any future.
In short: Fear and sin leads to death and Faith leads to life everlasting.

Jesus taking the hand of Peter in the middle of the lake.
When we are faced with uncertainty, we need to realize that that we are powerless without God. Covid19, heart attack, cancer, emphysema and other potentially fatal ailments along with sin and the results of sin will not take us away from the Love of God. His grace for forgiveness is eternal.
The difficulty that we, as modern day citizens struggle with is the battle between media messages that lead us to believe that a vaccine and more governmental intervention (regulations) will save us. Their economic policies will save our businesses and livelihood.
That is the lie, only God CAN (and will) deliver us from evil and bless those who honour and revere Him. We have to choose to live in the promises of God, not the lies of man.
As men and women of God, we need to rest and trust underneath the pinion feathers of our mighty Eagle and see the world through the eyes of Jesus, not through eyes tainted by fear and faithlessness.
Conspiracy Facts With Jeffrey Rath
Where’s the data on miscarriages linked to COVID Injections?
So-called “public health” bureaucrats are also deliberately hiding this information from the citizens of Alberta. Citizens of Alberta deserve to know whether Deena Hinshaw and the Alberta Government were responsible for killing babies through their negligent promotion of COVID Injections without adequate safety data and a clear indication from the Pfizer COVID Injection trial data that the COVID shots were contraindicated for pregnant women not wanting abortions.
The Alberta Government has recently issued the “ALBERTA’S COVID-19 PANDEMIC RESPONSE Alberta COVID-19 Pandemic Data Review Task Force FINAL REPORT”. This Government of Alberta Report showed that Pfizer itself reported 31 “SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS” and only 1 “NORMAL OUTCOME” out of 32 pregnant women reported on by Pfizer during the Pfizer COVID Injection trials.
This means that Pfizer’s own data showed that the effective spontaneous abortion rate of a drug that DEENA HINSHAW PROMOTED TO PREGNANT WOMEN AS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE was 96.9% EFFECTIVE AT KILLING BABIES IN THE WOMB. Hinshaw should have known that Pfizer’s trial data showed that the Pfizer COVID SHOT was more effective than the “morning after pill” at inducing abortions in pregnant women.
To quote Premier Danielle Smith’s own TASK FORCE FINAL REPORT :
Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats have been deliberately hiding data that implicates them in the largest public health scandal since Thalidomide.
Alberta bureaucrats have scrubbed post July 30, 2021 Alberta Still Birth data from public websites.
On a website, ironically named ““, under the heading ALBERTA ANNUAL STILL BIRTHS TOTALS we find the following advisory :
Total number of still births occurring in the province of Alberta by year. Please note: effective July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset.”
When one goes to the Government of Canada, website you see the same disclaimer saying that Government of Alberta post “July 30, 2021 csv file downloads have been removed from the dataset”.
Confidential sources within the Alberta Government have confirmed that Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services bureaucrats refused to cooperate with Premier Smith’s own Task Force and failed or refused to provide information on post COVID Injection health outcomes to the PANDEMIC DATA REVIEW TASK FORCE when requested. This is why the COVID TASK FORCE repeatedly stated that a public inquiry is required to get to the bottom of how many Alberta babies, children and adults were killed or horribly injured by the negligent repetition of the grossly misleading mantra of “safe and effective”. Needless to say, if the still birth data post “July 30, 2021” DID NOT show an increase in post COVID Injection spontaneous abortions the data would have been gleefully provided to the Danielle Smith Pandemic Data Review Task Force.
The so-called COVID “vaccines” were only made available to pregnant women after March 31, 2021. It is clear that the failure to provide Still Birth Data after July 30th, 2021 was a likely attempt by Alberta Health bureaucrats at preventing Albertans from seeing in real time or even retrospectively what the effect of Pfizer and Moderna Spike Proteim shots were on miscarriage rates in Alberta. This cover up is even more insidious than the scrubbing of post vaccine hospitalization rates once it was clear that more “vaccinated’ than unvaccinated people were hospitalized and dying detailed in the Task Force Final Report.
The reason that this cover up is even more shocking is that even AFTER the Task Force Final Report clearly showed that the COVID Spike Protein Shots were harmful to pregnant women… THE GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA STILL RECOMMENDS THESE SHOTS FOR PREGNANT WOMEN.
Citizens of Alberta need to be aware and outraged that the cover up extends to the courtroom. At a recent hearing in the Court of King’s Bench Alberta Government lawyers moved to have Carrie Sakamoto’s vaccine injury class action case struck on the basis that the ALBERTA GOVERNMENT HAS NO DUTY OF CARE towards citizens of Alberta. Alberta’s legal position is led by Attorney General Mickey Amery. Mr. Amery was a member of the Kenney COVID Cabinet, the group that had been found by Justice Feasby to have engaged in a “plausible misfeasance in public office” through the issuance of coercive cabinet orders under the guise of Chief Medical Officer of Health orders. Citizens who were negligently advised by Deena Hinshaw to mix and match COVID Injections against the direction of the manufacturers, dangerously take COVID shots while pregnant, or to give the shots to children even though Hinshaw was warned that Pfizer’s own trial data showed that the COVID shots were statistically more likely to kill children than COVID deserve answers. They do not deserve to have Danielle Smith’s Government of Alberta Lawyers smugly tell them that the Government of Alberta owed them NO DUTY OF CARE.
Danielle Smith needs to get out in front of this issue and call a public inquiry. Much like the AHS contracts issue caused by incompetent bureaucrats is being blamed on her, soon people will be unfairly saying :
Jeffrey R.W. Rath, B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. (Hons.)
Foothills, Alberta
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Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich says her trial verdict now delayed to unknown date

From LifeSiteNews
Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich said she is “disappointed” in the Canadian “justice system” that her and convoy co-leader Chris Barber’s verdict for their mischief trial, which supposed to have been released in two weeks, has now been delayed to an unknown date.
In a X post late Thursday, Lich shared the news with her followers, noting, “We just received news that our March 12th verdict date is unfortunately being postponed.”
“At the end of our criminal (longest) mischief trial last August, when Her Honour set the verdict date, she let us know the court system assigned her a full trial schedule to help clear the backlog from the Covid years,” wrote Lich.
“This is the sad state of the justice system in Canada. While we are disappointed in yet another delay in our case, we know the importance of the upcoming decision not just for us, but for all Canadians.”
Lich said that as soon as she is told when the new verdict date will be, she will let everyone know.
As reported by LifeSiteNews, Lich and Barber’s verdict was supposed to have been announced on March 12.
They both face a possible 10-year prison sentence. LifeSiteNews reported extensively on their trial.
Lich and Barber’s trial concluded back in September of 2024, more than a year after it began. It was only originally scheduled to last 16 days.
Last week, Lich shared a heartwarming letter she received from a child, who told her to “keep fighting” for everyone and that “God will protect” her from the “enemy.”
As reported by LifeSiteNews, Lich recently spelled out how much the Canadian government has spent prosecuting her and Barber for their role in the protests. She said at least $5 million in “taxpayer dollars” has been spent thus far, with her and Barber’s legal costs being above $750,000.
Lich was arrested on February 17, 2022, in Ottawa. Barber was arrested the same day.
In early 2022, the Freedom Convoy saw thousands of Canadians from coast to coast come to Ottawa to demand an end to COVID mandates in all forms. Despite the peaceful nature of the protest, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government enacted the never-before-used Emergencies Act (EA) on February 14, 2022.
During the clear-out of protesters after the EA was put in place, one protester, an elderly lady, was trampled by a police horse, and one conservative female reporter was beaten by police and shot with a tear gas canister.
Trudeau revoked the EA on February 23.
The EA controversially allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of protesters, conscript tow truck drivers, and arrest people for participating in assemblies the government deemed illegal.
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