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Censorship Industrial Complex

If you find Trump’s VP choice “weird”, it’s because you’re still paying attention to legacy media.


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Opponents of Donald Trump are trying a new line of attack. For the last few years both the Democratic party and much of the legacy media have been claiming that electing Trump to a second term will somehow pose a deadly “risk to democracy”.  That line of attack is on hold for now, and it’s being replaced by a new approach to smear Trump and especially his choice for VP, JD Vance.

What’s interesting in this compilation video below is that not 0nly are the interviewees engaging in this attack, but so are the interviewers!

Below the video ‘supercut’ is an article from The Daily Caller regarding this new line of attack.

From the Daily Caller News Foundation


‘Fox & Friends’ Host Brian Kilmeade Says Many Voters May Resonate With Trump, JD Vance Being ‘Weird’

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade said on Tuesday that voters may resonate with Republican nominee Donald Trump and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance for allegedly being “weird.”

The Democrats’ new line of attack ahead of the 2024 election has been to attack Trump and Vance for being “weird.” Kilmeade said the Democrats’ label for the Trump-Vance ticket will fail among independent voters in the same way many of their previous lines of attacks have fallen apart.

“You know what wasn’t working? Saying Trump’s a threat to democracy, because no one thinks that,” Kilmeade said. “There are people who don’t like him that think that, but you’re not winning over independents, it wasn’t resonating. So you’re trying to scare people, you try to put him in court, you try to put him in jail, that didn’t work. Then you say he’s a threat to democracy, that wasn’t effective. So now you go, okay, now let’s just say they’re weird.”

“I’ve got news for you,” Kilmeade continued. “There’s a lot of people in America that go, ‘you know what? I’m a little weird, my friend’s a little weird, my parents are a little weird, so, you know, I kind of relate to somebody that’s not perfect, a little quirky.’ You cannot define Donald Trump to anybody on this planet, they already made their opinion. And for J.D. Vance, maybe this approached him, but you watched the movie, you read the book, you know about his upbringing, you watched him run for Senate, you’ve seen him in the last six years or year-and-a-half, but you watched him run for one, so I don’t know how much weird is there.”

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt said the Democrats’ talking point will likely not turn off candidates to Trump and Vance, while Kilmeade said every person they watched on television growing up was “special” due to their quirkiness.

“Almost everybody that we watched on television was quirky and weird, that’s what made them special,” Kilmeade added. “Right? We’re starting then. So I just think that weird is cool, actually. I don’t have any problem with weird.”

“Well, they’ll do it for two days, it’s not gonna stick,” Earhardt said.

Democrats have particularly branded Vance as a “weird” candidate by pointing to the “childless cat lady” remark he madein 2021 during an appearance on Fox News’ former show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Vance mocked Democratic women, including Vice President Kamala Harris, by branding the political left as a party of anti-family values.

Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz used the new term against Vance in an interview last week, sparking Democratic politicians and liberal media pundits to repeatedly accuse the vice presidential candidate and Trump of being “weird.” Harris said during a campaign event that Vance’s commentary and viewpoints “are just plain weird,” and Democratic Illinois Rep. J.B. Pritzker repeated that terminology during a Sunday appearance on ABC News.

Featured Image Credit: Screenshot/Grabien/Fox News

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Censorship Industrial Complex

Jordan Peterson agrees to social media ‘training’ mandate to defend free speech for all Canadians

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

The Canadian author and psychologist revealed that he will undergo ‘re-education’ mandated by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to fight for Canadian professionals who are not able to stand up to the  mob.

Dr. Jordan Peterson accepted the College of Psychologists of Ontario’s (CPO) social media “training” as a way to defend free speech for all Canadians.

In an op-ed published September 14th by the National Post, the best-selling Canadian author and clinical psychologist who gained fame for his opposition to compelled speech and gender ideology, announced that he will undergo the social media “training” mandated by the CPO for challenging the LGBT agenda.

“I have accepted the college’s ruling, even though the so-called ‘social media experts’ recommended by that board are members of a profession that does not exist, and that there is no evidence whatsoever that their recommendations for altering my behaviour, whatever they might be, will have any effect whatsoever on improving my ability to function as a professional psychologist,” he wrote.

Last August, the regulatory body mandated that he undergo social media “training” after complaints related to his posts social media opposing gender ideology, specifically the mutilation of children. Peterson was threatened with the removal of his clinical license if he refused the training.

Peterson has spent months fighting the CPO’s mandate. His case made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada. However, in early August, the court rejected Peterson’s appeal, leading him to finally agree to the re-education program.

Peterson explained that he is “financially independent” and does not need his license to support himself, having closed his clinical practice some time ago.

Nevertheless, he declared that he will not leave quietly, instead fighting for other professionals who do not have the resources to stand up against the LGBT mob.

“However, this is not only about me, since all regulated professionals in our fair country find themselves in the same leaky boat I currently occupy,” he explained.

“Thus, if I capitulate in any manner — if I simply resign, if I settle in any other way without addressing the public issues that have been raised by the case — then all the engineers, teachers, lawyers, physicians, psychologists etc. in Canada remain at risk for reputation, financial security and livelihood every time they dare open their mouths,” he warned.

Peterson also repeated his pledge to publicize “the details of this charade as widely and effectively as possible.”

“There is no bloody way I am going to allow my professional organization to maneuver as they prefer behind closed doors, in the secretive style all petty tyrants prefer,” he declared.

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‘No One Is Paying Attention!’: Google Whistleblower Tells Rogan ‘Free And Fair Election’ Is An ‘Illusion’

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation

By Hailey Gomez


Senior research psychologist and Google critic Dr. Robert Epstein told popular podcast host Joe Rogan on Wednesday that a “free and fair election” is an “illusion” now, warning about the rise of the “technological elite.”

In June 2019, Epstein addressed Congress over his concerns that Google not only poses a “serious threat to democracy and human autonomy,” but also advising how the lawmakers could “end Google’s worldwide monopoly on search.” Appearing on the “Joe Rogan Experience,” Epstein explained his belief that there hasn’t been a “free and fair election” nationally since 2012, because tech has been used to manipulate public opinion.

“We are finding overwhelming evidence that they are very deliberately and systematically messing with us and our elections, especially. I personally believe that as of 2012 the free and fair election, at least at the national level, has not existed,” Epstein said. “It’s just been manipulated since 2012. I say this in part because I met one of the people on Google’s tech team — on Obama’s Tech Team, I should say — which was being run by Eric Schmidt, head of Google at the time.”

“I talked to him at great length about what the tech team was doing. They had full access to all of Google’s shenanigans, all those manipulations and one member of that team, asked by a reporter, how many of the four points by which Obama won, how many of those points did he get from the tech team? And the guy said … two of the points came from us. Now Obama won by 5 million votes, roughly, and two out of four points came from the tech team — that’s two and a half million votes,” Epstein said.

Epstein, along with several others at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology (AIBRT), released a study that claimed tech companies have the ability to influence decisions of undecided voters through search suggestions on search engines. The Google whistleblower told the Daily Caller News Foundation that search engine operators controlling search suggestions could have “the power to shift a large number of votes without people’s awareness.”

Epstein continued to call out the 2016 election between former President Donald Trump and former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, stating that if Google’s interference had been taken out, the popular vote “would have been tied.”


“By 2016 I had calculated that Google could shift — and it would be toward Hillary Clinton of course, whom I supported at the time — that Google could shift between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes to Hillary Clinton in that election with no one knowing. She won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes,” Epstein said. “If you take Google out of that election the popular vote would have been tied. Couple days after that election everyone — all the leaders in Google get up on stage … and they’re talking to all of Google’s 100,000 employees and one by one they’re going up to the mic and saying, ‘We are never going to let that happen again.’”

The Google whistleblower added that between President Joe Biden and Trump, if Google had been taken “out of the equation,” Trump would have won “11 out of 13 swing states instead of five.”

“So going forward from roughly 2012 I think the free and fair election has been an illusion, an illusion. And this is something — it’s very weird and kind of ironic, but this is something that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in that last speech of his farewell speech he warned about the rise of the military-industrial complex, everyone’s heard about that,” Epstein continued.

“But he also warned about the rise of a technological elite that could someday control public policy without anyone knowing. And the technological elite are now in control. That’s what we have. That’s where I get back to my ranting and my pain because I realize no one is paying attention! Eisenhower said we have to be alert or this will happen,” Epstein said.

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