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I Stood Straighter on Saturday


9 minute read

I Stood Straighter on Saturday

Saturday marked the day I had been thinking about for the past few years.  I’d been invited to consider the role of Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of 41 Signal Regiment by then Honorary Colonel Ron Woodward, former President of Red Deer College. Ron and I had spent considerable time together when I served on the RDC Foundation Board between 2006 and 2014. My guess is that during this time together, Mr. Woodward saw something in me that led him to believe I would bring value to the role. Over the ensuing months I attended several dinners and events as a guest of the Regiment, both for me to get a good sense of the role I’d play, and for the army to get a sense of who I am and whether or not I’d be a fit. It is not uncommon for HLCol’s to be from non-military backgrounds as one objective of the HLC program is to create a bridge between the military and the community. Because we will be closely associated for the next 6 years, this part of the process is very important.

My appointment was finalized about a month ago and after a frantic series of appointments to get my “kit” together, and then the subsequent lessons on how to wear the various elements of my combat fatigues and my soon to arrive uniforms.  I woke up early, dressed in my CADPAT (Canadian Army Disruptive Pattern) or camouflaged combat uniform to the rest of the world, checked myself closely in the mirror as I fretted about my new beret. I’ve been warned that you’re judged by how your beret fits and looks so it gets a bit more time than the rest. Then I set off to Banff with an incredible sense of both excitement and terror.  My first indication that something was different came as I entered Banff National Park. I pulled up to the Park gate with my cash ready to pay the 24-hour fee only to be thanked and waved through.

I arrived at Central Park in Banff where the troops were staging, getting ready to march to City Hall in what I’m told is the first time a military unit has marched in a Canadian National Park with Bayonets fixed. I made my way through a large group of soldiers, some of who noticed my rank and saluted. I awkwardly returned the salute and carried on. And I stood a little taller and pulled my shoulders back. I soon spotted Commanding Officer LC Gilson. Eric, as I know him, is a veteran officer who served as part of the NATO Stabilization Force in Bosnia.  He also had the honour of being Guard Commander for the 90th Anniversary and re-dedication ceremony of the Vimy Ridge Memorial in France in 2007. He’s tasked with helping me settle into the role.  An engineer by trade, he seems to have a fine sense of humour, something I’ve come to appreciate as I wrestle with how to ask the many questions I have, knowing that each one does nothing to dispel the notion that I’m a rookie.

It’s not too long before I find Honorary Colonel James Graham. While LC Gilson and I will work closely together for the good of the Regiment, it’s really this man who will teach me the ropes for the next few years.  He’s a former Signaler, a “lineman”, a role I can tell he is intensely proud of. He’s forthright, decisive, runs a large company, and regularly flies in from some Europe or the United States to lend his support to the Regiment. I’m once again reminded of what incredible shoes I have to fill.

The reason we are all in Banff is for the The “Freedom of the Town” march.  This is the greatest honour a town can bestow on a military unit. It’s a historic tradition that signifies respect and trust for the unit and its soldiers. The relationship between the 41 Signal Regiment and the Town of Banff began 40 years ago. In 1976, the 746 Communications Squadron under Commanding Officer Major L. Maes, approached the Royal Canadian Legion in Banff and requested that the Calgary-based Signalers participate in the Remembrance Day Parade. The 41 Signal Regiment continues this annual tradition.

The practice of appointing “Honoraries” to units has been in place in Canada for more than a century. The first Honorary Colonel appointment in Canada was that of Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable J.M. Gibson, a Provincial Secretary in the Ontario Government. He was appointed as Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel to the 13th Battalion of Infantry in 1895. There are different types of Honorary appointments in the Canadian Army: Colonel-in-Chief, Colonel of the Regiment, Honorary Colonel and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel. In the Reserve Army, units usually have two Honorary positions: Honorary Colonel and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel. The Honorary is seen to be the guardian of Regimental traditions and history, promoting the regiment’s identity and ethos and being an advisor to the Commanding Officer on many different issues.

My goal in the next 6 years is to bring awareness to the 41 Signal Regiment and the Army Reserve and the important role it plays. I want to help us all understand how businesses can benefit by supporting their employees who are also members of the Army Reserve.  From leadership to project management, there are incredible advantages that can come from the kind of training that’s provided in the Armed Forces.  From the experience I’ve had in 35+ years of media and corporate life, this kind of leadership training is not readily available and anything we can do to create better leadership has spinoffs into all areas of society.

I’ve had a camera in hand since I was a teenager and my love of photography will hopefully provide a visual sense of the passion and commitment that I witnessed first-hand this weekend.  I will continue to post updates periodically as I go on this 6 year journey as HLCol of 41 Signal Regiment.

Lloyd Lewis, Honorary Lieutenant Colonel, 41 Signal Regiment

Lloyd Lewis is President of Todayville Inc.  A veteran of more than 35 years in private television in Western Canada (most recently VP/GM CTV Edmonton), and a musician and photographer, he has a history of community service, currently serving on a number of volunteer Boards including the United Way of Alberta Capital Region, The Alberta Lieutenant Governor Arts Awards Foundation, and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel 41 Signal Regiment in Alberta.



President Todayville Inc., Honorary Colonel 41 Signal Regiment, Board Member Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Award Foundation, Director Canadian Forces Liaison Council (Alberta) musician, photographer, former VP/GM CTV Edmonton.

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New Documentary “Cooking with Hot Stones” Explores History of Fort Assiniboine, Alberta

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February 14, 2025 – Alberta, Canada – A compelling new documentary, Cooking with Hot Stones: 200th Anniversary of Fort Assiniboine, is set to air on Wild TV, RFD TV Canada, Cowboy Channel Canada, and you can click here to stream for FREE on Wild TV’s streaming service, Wild TV+. This engaging one-hour feature will take viewers on a journey through time, exploring Fort Assiniboine’s rich history from 1823 to 2023.

Fort Assiniboine is a significant landmark in Alberta, playing a crucial role in Indigenous history, the fur trade, and the western expansion of Canada. This documentary captures the spirit of the region, illustrating how it has evolved over two centuries and how it continues to shape the cultural fabric of the province today.

Wild TV will make the documentary free to stream on Wild TV+ on February 14th so that it can be easily accessed in classrooms and other educational settings throughout the region, ensuring the historical significance of Fort Assiniboine reaches a wider audience.

Produced by Western Directives Inc., Cooking with Hot Stones: 200th Anniversary of Fort Assiniboine brings historical moments to life with vivid storytelling, expert interviews, and breathtaking cinematography.

“We are very excited to partner with Wild TV as part of our one hour documentary production. Based in Alberta, we respect the hard work and quality programming that Wild TV brings to a national audience. With the broadcast opportunity, Wild TV gives our production the ability to entertain and educate Canadians across the country on multiple platforms,” said Tim McKort, Producer at Western Directives.

Scott Stirling, Vice President of Wild TV, also expressed enthusiasm for the project: “At Wild TV, we are passionate about telling Canadian stories that resonate with our audiences. This documentary not only highlights a crucial piece of our nation’s history but also celebrates the resilience and contributions of Indigenous peoples, traders, and settlers who shaped the land we call home today. We are proud to bring Cooking with Hot Stones: 200th Anniversary of Fort Assiniboine to our viewers across Canada.”

Airtimes for Wild TV can be found here.

For airtimes on RFD TV Canada, click here.

For airtimes on Cowboy Channel Canada, visit CCC’s schedule.

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100+ Women Who Care Red Deer celebrates 10th season in 2025 with new leadership

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L to R: Cindy Jefferies, Susan Knopp, Lane Tomalty, Bre Fitzpatrick
Photo credit: The SnapHappy Photographer

After a decade of leadership under Cindy Jefferies and Susan Knopp, 100+ Women Who Care Red Deer (100+ WWCRD) is proud to celebrate 10 years of supporting local charities and the announcement of Bre Fitzpatrick and Lane Tomalty as its new co-leaders. This marks an exciting new chapter for the group, which has made a significant impact on not-for-profit organizations in Central Alberta.

Cindy and Susan have led 100+ WWCRD with vision, dedication, and a commitment to empowering women to lead and inspire change. Under their stewardship, the organization has raised over $630,000 for local charities by hosting 4 annual 1-hour meetings. Since 2015, more than 36 local charities have received funding through the group.

Reflecting on their tenure, Cindy and Susan stated:

“Leading 100 Women has been an honour and a privilege. When we began this journey, we didn’t know where it would go – we simply loved the simple, elegant, and fun ‘100 Who Care’ concept and thought it was a great fit for our community. We are grateful to the many women who have stood with us. They are the magic of the organization! We are confident Bre and Lane will steward this leadership role well and we look forward to supporting it – just not from behind the microphone!”

Bre and Lane bring a dynamic energy and fresh perspective to the organization. Both have been involved with the group and have been mentored by Susan and Cindy over the past year. They are eager to continue the collaboration, connection, and local support this team of women have established in Red Deer.

In their joint statement, Bre and Lane shared:

“We are humbled to step into this role and build on the incredible foundation Cindy and Susan have laid. Many needs are at the doorstep of our community and in the hearts and minds of our members. We know a powerful, caring, and united group of individuals can play a huge role in driving change and breaking barriers.

To celebrate this milestone and leadership transition, the 100+ WWCRD hosted the final meeting of 2024 on November 25th at the Red Deer Golf and Country Club. The evening featured reflections from Cindy and Susan, the selection of the Salvation Army as the charity of choice, an opportunity for members to connect with Bre and Lane as they outline their vision for the organization’s next chapter, and a toast to 10 years.

For more information, please visit

About 100+ Women Who Care Red Deer

100+ Women Who Care Red Deer is a network of compassionate, empowered, and dedicated women who make a direct, immediate, and positive impact in Red Deer and area. We support local non-profit and charitable organizations that work every day to make our community a better place to live. 100% of funds donated go to the selected charities – there are no
administration fees, and all costs are covered by the generosity of sponsors. Collectively, we make a difference.

The group meets 4 times annually for 1 hour. Non-profit and charitable organizations are nominated by members. After hearing 3 randomly drawn pitches, the members vote to select their top choice. The group with the highest number of votes receives the members’ donations. Each member or team commits to donating $100 at each meeting. Since 2015, the average raised has been more than $15,000 per meeting.

Membership is open to all women In Red Deer and area. We invite you to join us! The first meeting of 2025 will be on Monday, February 3, 2025.

Founded in February 2015, the organization currently has about 150 members. We are committed to uniting this powerful group of 100+ women who care and lifting the amazing non-profits and charitable groups they support.

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