Tap Into Your Inner Gordon Ramsay This Christmas!
Ever wanted to try your hand at making a festive dish like Gordon Ramsay? Maybe you’ve got that little bit of extra time on hand this year. Why not get adventurous using the power of YouTube. Join Gordon and family in the kitchen and see how Christmas Day can go next Level. Not to worry though, this process showcases Gordon’s much softer side as there’ll be no “idiot sandwiches” found here…
For more Gordon Ramsay Christmas ideas and gifts check
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Pretty People With Nothing To Do?
Germany reaches to younger audience with viral Covid-19 public service campaign
Sometimes in the tsunami of news coming from south of the border, we forget there are other countries fighting wars, having elections, and trying to win the battle against a pandemic that is wreaking havoc with their people and their economies.
Germany has been a leader in this since the start and after a summer of relatively low infection rates, is now facing a far bigger second wave. They’ve been leaders in testing and tracing initiatives and while its caseload climbed in the early stages, the number of deaths remained lower than many countries hardest it. Now the country is seeing its second wave and it’s much more dramatic with nearly four times as many infections.
A series of public service announcements have been produced to help convince the population to stay at home, and they’re funny.
The humorous campaign focuses on the idea of “Coronavirus Heroes”. It’s shot in a documentary style and features older people reflecting on how they fought the pandemic when they were young. The three clips are featured below and they all contain English sub-titles. Enjoy!
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