Your next defining moment is just through the doors of The Greatest Discovery. What is The Greatest Discovery? It’s a truly immersive, one-of-a-kind Young Living Wellness Expo and it comes to the Sheraton Red Deer Hotel this Friday!
Young Living is a world leader in wellness whose mission is to champion nature’s living energy, essential oils, by fostering a community of healing and discovery while inspiring individuals to wellness, purpose, and abundance.
At The Greatest Discovery, local Young Living Leaders are uniting to inspire Central Alberta towards greater wellness, purpose and abundance. So what do we have in store for you? Let’s begin with the OolaGuys!
Featured speakers The OolaGuys are co-authors of the international best-selling book Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. Dr. Dave (OolaSeeker) and Dr. Troy (OolaGuru) are renowned experts in teaching a proper work-life balance. They travel the world helping people find balance and growth in the seven key areas of life (the 7 F’s of Oola): Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends, and Fun.
By revealing how to remove the stress related to a life out of balance, the OolaGuys help unlock the greatness that is inside all of us, paving a way for a better you, a better family, a better community, and—ultimately—a better world. The OolaGuys are committed to changing the world with their simple, life-changing message. And they’ll be right here in Red Deer!
What is Oola?
When Young Living and The OolaGuys came together, it was a perfect synergy…
So combine Young Living and The OolaGuys and what do you get? The Greatest Discovery! It is what happens when you infuse wellness, purpose and abundance with your OolaLife!
Now you might be thinking “Okay that’s great! But why Red Deer, and why me? Should I attend?”
To answer that let me tell you my Young Living story:
Young Living came into my life in the summer of 2013 when my daughter Liberty’s dreams of becoming a professional dancer appeared to be over as she suffered with terrible pain in her body and couldn’t dance.
As a mom watching my girl, who since the age of 5 wanted to be a ballerina, who never complained about dance, who was dedicated and driven, who danced over 15 hours a week, who never missed a class…now sitting out and watching her dreams crumble, I needed to find something to help her. I was desperate for a change! That’s when I experienced my Greatest Discovery.
When I first carried home my oil investment and started applying oils, I realized it was more than just my daughter these oils were helping! I began sharing oils and the changes they made in my life and our family, with extended family and friends. I was feeling healthy for the first time ever and Liberty was dancing pain free! I found myself changing lives and growing a business- something I never thought I would do! To be honest I was trying to balance it all without really knowing how, and failing miserably with no sense of direction….then OOLA came into my life!
Infuse wellness, purpose and abundance with Oola consistently and you are unstoppable!! It feels Oola-la! And you can’t help but spend your life inspiring others to achieve this same state of awesomeness! I implemented the simple system of Oola, first individually, then as a family, and now with my oil team; lives all over the world are better because of these guys, one word, and one dream.
Here’s an exercise you can do right now! Simply click here to take a short quiz which will help show you which areas of your life could use some work and some Oola-la!In order to grow, you must be real. You need to objectively see things for how they truly are at this moment. By answering three simple questions in the 7 key areas of life, you will establish a starting point.
The OolaWheel and the OolaScore will quickly reveal where you are today and expose which areas of your life could use some care and attention. It helps to imagine your life as a bicycle wheel, with the various parts representing key components within your life. Although all parts are independent they are also interdependent on each other. A balanced wheel rolls smoothly and freely with minimal stress and tension on the entire wheel. It can seemingly roll endlessly with only gradual and natural wear and tear. If parts are missing, broken, or worn, the wheel can continue to roll, although with more stress on the wheel, increased chance of a crash, and certainly less life on the wheel.
My hope through this event is to inspire you towards greater wellness, purpose, and abundance. Imagine the ripple effect into our community of just loving others and giving them the opportunity to bring awareness to their current state and the ability to rise above it- the possibilities are incredible!
On Friday, 6 April 2018 there’s only one place to be… The Greatest Discovery!
6:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Sheraton Red Deer Hotel
We hope to see you there!