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Ex-NHL player who refused COVID jabs recounts ‘escaping’ Canada to play hockey again in US


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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Ian White recounted how he walked across the Canada-U.S. border in minus-20 degree weather just to be able play hockey without a COVID jab mandate.

A former National Hockey League (NHL) star who refused to get the COVID jabs recounted his harrowing ordeal to escape Canada on foot into the United States so he could continue to play the game he loved.

Recently resurfaced footage from a 2022 Slangin’ The Bizkit podcast shows former NHL player Ian White tell his tale to the interviewer of how he had no choice but to walk across the Canada-U.S. border in minus-20 degree weather just to be able to go to the U.S. to play hockey in a “normal” land.

“I was just happy to get out of get out of Winnipeg, get out of Canada. I know life was fairly normal down in the southern states,” he said.

The former NHL star played on multiple teams, including the Toronto Maple Leafs, Calgary Flames, Carolina Hurricanes, and San Jose Sharks. He said he got the idea to leave Canada to play in the U.S. after getting a call from an acquaintance from years ago that there was a job waiting for him in the U.S.

Because he had not gotten the COVID shot, he was not able to play in any league in Canada. His acquaintance told him he had heard there was a chance he could play hockey in the Federal Prospects Hockey League (FPHL) in Georgia. However, due to a mandate in place at the time from the Canadian federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, those without COVID shots were barred from traveling by air or rail. This meant the only way White could get into the U.S. was to try do so via a land border crossing.

“I’m like, man, I have this opportunity to go play hockey again and just break out of this,” said White, adding that he hoped to escape the “misery that has been kind of foisted upon humanity with the lockdowns and everything else.”

Undeterred, White spent about three weeks figuring out a way he could drive down to the border. He eventually got the help of a friend, who ran a pizza shop that was forced shut due to the COVID mandates.

When the pair got to the Canada-U.S. border at the Pembina crossing, he was told by Canadian border agents that, should he be refused entry into the U.S., he would be forced to quarantine for two weeks. He decided to call the U.S. side to see if they would let him in. According to White, the U.S. customs agent told him to walk down to the U.S. side in the car lane, and he would be “good” to go.

White noted he was apprehensive about doing this, noting that “nobody crosses the northern border by foot.” He said after about “five minutes” of sitting in the car thinking, he decided to take a chance and cross the border.

Besides White, other prominent Canadian professional athletes have recalled their oppression due to choosing not to get the COVID shots.

In October 2021, Trudeau announced unprecedented COVID-19 jab mandates for all federal workers and those in the transportation sector. He also announced that the unjabbed would no longer be able to travel by air, boat, or train, both domestically and internationally.

This policy resulted in thousands losing their jobs or being placed on leave for non-compliance. It also trapped “unvaccinated” Canadians in the country.

The mandates remained in place until June 2022.

COVID jab mandates, which also came from provincial governments with the support of the federal government, split Canadian society. The shots have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects, such as death, including in children.

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Censorship Industrial Complex

Journalist sues after she was fired for interviewing COVID narrative skeptics on YouTube

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From LifeSiteNews

By Dan Frieth of Reclaim The Net

Alison Morrow (formally Westover) is suing the Washington State Department of Natural Resources for wrongful termination after she was fired for interviewing doctors skeptical of the mainstream COVID narrative on her YouTube channel.

Alison Morrow (formally Westover), an accomplished journalist, found herself in the throes of a legal battle over her right to free speech. Represented by the Silent Majority Foundation, Morrow has filed a lawsuit against the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and its top officials, citing wrongful termination after she was dismissed for airing an interview on her YouTube channel.

The channel, a personal project crafted during her tenure as an environmental reporter at KING 5 in Seattle, became the subject of controversy following her post featuring a highly censored doctor, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, and his views on COVID-19.

We obtained a copy of the lawsuit for you here.

Morrow’s career at KING 5, which spanned from 2013 to 2019, was marked by significant accolades, including two Emmy awards. Recognized for her independent journalism, DNR was fully aware of her YouTube activities when they recruited her as a communications specialist. Initially, her independent media pursuits were supported by DNR, but the tide turned with her decision to feature Dr. Kheriaty. DNR’s leadership warned Morrow that her continued interviews could lead to termination, a threat she met with a staunch refusal to abandon her First Amendment protections.

Determined to uphold her freedoms of speech, press, and association, Morrow chose to defy DNR’s directive to adhere to approved narratives. This act of resistance ultimately led to her dismissal, prompting her to seek legal assistance from the Silent Majority Foundation, which took up her case to safeguard these fundamental rights.

“The 1st Amendment is one of the most sacred rights of Americans. It is what differentiates our country from most others, that we have the freedom to question our government. It is also central to a free press. I was willing to lose my job – and all that it provided for our family – in order to stand up against the encroaching erosion of this right that I was witnessing at the time, not just in my case but in thousands of others across the country during the pandemic,” Morrow stated.

“There was no way to do science or journalism, in the culture of censorship that was driven by our government at the time. That meant millions of people made decisions without informed consent. Given my commitment to seeking truth wherever it leads, I was unwilling to acquiesce to a demand that I remain silent.”

Those who wish to support Morrow’s lawsuit can do so here.

Reprinted with permission from Reclaim The Net.

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Censorship Industrial Complex

‘Silicon Curtain’ Is Protecting Government Censorship

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From Heartland Daily News

By AnneMarie Schieber

Citing Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” metaphor describing the Cold War division of Europe, health care policy expert Dr. Jay Bhattacharya told an audience, “We are now in the middle of a Silicon Curtain of censorship descending across the previously free West.”

In a keynote address at The Heartland Institute’s Benefit Dinner in Chicago on September 13, Bhattacharya said public health is the new “fig leaf” for justifying government censorship.

“Free speech is in dire danger in the U.S.,” said Bhattacharya. “The government will use its power to suppress criticism [of] its own misinformation.”

Bhattacharya is a plaintiff in Murthy v. Missouri, in which the Supreme Court lifted a preliminary injunction directing the Biden administration not to “coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to suppress protected speech” and remanded the case to a lower court.

“This gives a way to the government to censor at will,” said Bhattacharya. “All they have to do is send emails and algorithms to social media companies without naming a single person—just name ideas not allowed to be said online.

“The First Amendment, in effect, is an unenforceable dead letter,” said Bhattacharya.

Under Fire for Opinions

Bhattacharya, a medical doctor and professor of medicine, economics, and health care research policy at Stanford University, rose to prominence when he published The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) on October 4, 2020, with epidemiologists Martin Kulldorff and Sunetra Gupta. The declaration criticized COVID lockdowns and urged authorities to focus on keeping children in school and protecting the elderly instead of imposing broad-based restrictions.

Although the writers were highly recognized for their work and associated with Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford Universities, respectively, powerful government figures denounced them. Francis Collins, then director of the National Institutes of Health, and Anthony Fauci, then director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called the trio “fringe epidemiologists” in emails that were made public later.

Ostracized and Blacklisted

Bhattacharya was ostracized by other professors at Stanford and was blacklisted on Twitter. When Elon Musk purchased the social media giant, he discovered the list and shared it with Bhattacharya.

Google “de-boosted” the GBD, which was posted online and signed by more than 940,000 doctors, researchers, and concerned citizens. Facebook banned posting of it altogether.

Using internal government emails they obtained, the plaintiffs showed the government was controlling social media companies by threatening to regulate them out of business if they didn’t abide by the Biden administration’s censorship demands.

The White House also used universities to help with the censorship work, which the government is prohibited from doing directly. Bhattacharya brought up the case of the Stanford Internet Observatory, which received government grants to develop algorithms to target a particular idea. The government shared that information with social media platforms.

Rising Worldwide

Europe, Canada, the U.K., and Australia have led the way on legislation to control speech, Bhattacharya told the audience. The bills and laws ostensibly outlaw violence, pornography, and hate on the internet, carry Orwellian names, and establish authorities to do the enforcement.

These include the Digital Services Act in the E.U., the Online Harms Act in Canada, and the Online Safety Act of 2023 in the U.K. A bill in France establishes a digital “safety” commission for the same purpose.

“It is dangerous to let governments have control over the definition of hate,” said Bhattacharya. “It’s even more dangerous to allow government to determine what is misinformation because science and medicine depend on free speech to operate properly.”

Censoring Political Opponents

Scott Jensen, a medical doctor and Minnesota state senator who ran against Tim Walz for governor in 2022, says his respect for Bhattacharya is immense. Jensen was a prominent critic of COVID-19 policies, and Facebook censored his election page. Jensen lost the race, and Walz went on to implement some of the most draconian COVID-19 restrictions and is Vice President Kamala Harris’s running mate in this year’s election for president.

“Dr. Bhattacharya’s willingness to present and stand by a contrarian narrative—which ultimately proved to be profoundly wise—will go down in history as an act of immense courage in the face of smothering government censorship fueled by behemoth, profit-driven technological companies,” said Jensen.

“American’s First Amendment rights are under attack by a political elite, but Dr. Jay Bhattacharya continues to stand in the breach and do whatever is necessary to protect and defend free speech,” said Jensen.

AnneMarie Schieber ([email protected]is the managing editor of Health Care News.


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