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Emergency of Under-Treatment – Panel of 8 prominent doctors and scientists say earlier treatment is the only way out of health emergency


62 minute read

Produced by Roundtable Media

Panelists Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Heather Gessling, D. Brian McDonald, and Dr. John Littell discuss “Kids and covid”, “covid vaccines”, “variants”, and “your immune system”.  They also discus the controversy around Ivermectin and why that drug has not been approved to fight covid.

Most importantly, all 8 panelists call for the adoption of early treatment to turn covid from the terrible killer virus we now know, into one that even many of the most vulnerable can expect to survive.

Roundtable Media was launched in June, 2021 by Brock Pierce, James Heckman and David Bailey.  The Digital Media and Bitcoin Pioneers are setting out to finance and distribute the work of hundreds of the world’s top journalists, activists and news producers. Click here for more information about the Roundtable Media venture.

This discussion was moderated by Rob Nelson, a former Executive Producer/Anchor with ABC, FOX, UPN, E! and A&E.  Click here to see the biography of Rob Nelson, as well as the principle members of Rountable Media.

Unfortunately Youtube keeps taking down the video.  We will check periodically and load the actual video when/if it comes up again.  You can see it at this link.

In the meantime, the transcript is attached.

Panelists included Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Ryan Cole, Mayo Clinic-trained, board certified pathologist who has diagnosed 300,000 patients, Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D, M.P.A, a Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist and President, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, leader in intensive care and author of medical student textbooks used across the world. Kory has influenced the standard of care for COVID and given US Senate testimony.

Also on the panel were Dr. Richard Latell, a Family practice doctor, Dr. Heather Gessling, MD, FABFM, a Hospital Chief of staff that has been working with children and families around COVID since the beginning of the pandemic, Dr. Mark MacDonald, Psychiatrist, Dr. Brian Tyson, who has possibly treated more COVID patients than anyone in the world, seeing over 6,000 of them, Dr. Richard Urso, an Ophthalmologist and inventor of FDA-Approved wound healing drug and an eye surgeon with one of the largest clinics in the country and has spent the last year and a half deep in COVID, Mathew Crawford, a Biomedical statistician with Metaprep Education Group and Moderator Rob Nelson.

Moderator: We are seeing a spread of Delta right now. Officials say we’re all going to get Delta. Should we be scared? Is Delta upon us? Are we in a permanent pandemic right now?

Dr. Richard Urso, MD FAAO: It’s like the same song, second verse. We’re going to keep seeing variants. It’s normal. I don’t expect that to change. We’re vaccinating in a very narrow framework. And so when you vaccinate just the spike, you’re going to get variants because we are doing very specific treatments, what you’re seeing now in the Delta variant is you’re seeing the same thing. Just a small change will allow the virus to mutate and get around that and you’re going to see this happen over and over again.

Moderator: Dr. Malone, We’re seeing all these variants and I think the question people often ask is, why?

Dr. Malone: This is really controversial. There’s a lot of discussion that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated are the ones that are driving these escape mutants. That from a fundamental evolutionary standpoint, as a molecular virologist, doesn’t make sense. This virus now is known to mutate and throw off mutants at a much higher rate than we expected it to be. So there are very many mutants. The virus is evolving very rapidly. This is akin to what happens if you overuse antibiotics. So in sum, what we’re doing with universal vaccination is driving towards this end point of vaccine resistant mutants. We don’t have to.

Moderator: So it sounds like we’re on the defensive. We’re trying to defensively vaccinate our way out of something that we’re already deeply in.

Dr. Cole: Here’s my optimistic view on Delta. Yes. Delta’s new, it’s shaped differently. Technically it has escaped the antibodies from the vaccine. So we give a shot, give another shot and say, we’re going to give a booster with the same shot for a virus that existed five variants ago. It’s like saying to healthcare workers, we’re going to give you a flu shot for the upcoming flu season, but we have leftover flu vaccines from four or five years ago in the freezer. Illogical, no common sense in that whatsoever. So the variant has escaped it. And if you use a vaccine only approach you select for these variants, my optimistic point is Delta is a wildfire. A lot of people are going to get it. If you look at countries that handled it right, the death rates from Delta in most countries were far lower from this variant than other variants. So I want to give that optimistic message. Does it mean people aren’t going to get sick, not be hospitalized, not going to die? No, it doesn’t mean that, but what we do need to look at, is early treatments because if you’ve been vaccinated, I think scientifically we need to be 100% honest with everybody and say, even if you’re vaccinated or you’re not. We can get the virus now, vaccinated or not. And the vaccinated can carry equal or higher viral loads.

Dr. Kory: This path that we’re on, which is this sort of monolithic vaccine only strategy. We’re explaining the science, why that can’t be the only solution. We can not vaccinate ourselves out of this problem. The positive that I want to say is that there we know of strategies. They’re actually largely being ignored and suppressed. And I don’t want to sound conspiratorial about this, but the reason why is because there’s still a firmly held belief that the vaccines will solve this. The evidence that you just articulated is that it’s becoming increasingly clear that that’s not true. And so my hopes are that more and more attention is going to be paid to the other strategies, which have so far been ignored, which is that of early treatment. Especially now that the vaccinated are getting sick. Many of the vaccinated, many people were led to believe that if you get your vaccine, we’re going to end this thing. You don’t have to worry about it. You can carry on with your lives. But guess what, we’re talking about variants. My colleagues are now talking about even scarier variants that are coming. And so we need more tools to fight this. We need more weapons to fight this. And guess what the positive message is. We have them. And I’ll tell you the strategies that we have are independent of the variants. They can handle any variant that comes at us. We just need to get that message out.

Moderator: None of you are against vaccinations in general, meaning the idea of vaccinating, you probably all have vaccinations. Your kids have vaccinations, your family, right? Is that a fair statement?

Dr. Cole: That’s a fair statement. I’ve had all my childhood vaccines as have my children. I’ve had plenty of military vaccines back in the day. I’m not anti-vaccine, never have been, but I am pro good science. And right now there’s science that’s very questionable with something that’s very quick and we’re seeing things that we’ve never seen before. So I’m hesitant in this regard.

Dr. Malone: I think that the vaccines need to be used intelligently. That’s my objection. And as Dr. Cole has mentioned this set of vaccines that we have right now, Moderna, Pfizer and J & J, they’re all gene therapy based vaccines. And they all have a common problem. They only have one antigen: the spike antigen. And when they were developing them, they didn’t realize that spike was biologically active–no fault of theirs. Everybody was in a rush. It was the fog of war and they made decisions on the fly. But now it’s time to take a breath and say, ‘Hey, does this really make sense? And where does it make sense?’ We don’t have to be just left or right. Pro or anti-vaccine, there’s a middle ground. And I’m suggesting, and I think we all are aligned that what we’re talking about is intelligent deployment, strategic and tactical deployment of vaccines. We, as a community, need to protect these people at high risk, not just here in our community, in our states, in my opinion, we need to protect the elders throughout the world. We don’t need to hoard all the vaccine for people that don’t really need it. We need to make it available across the world for all cultures, for those people that are at very high risk.

Moderator: Dr. McDonald, you’ve talked a lot about fear and about how you feel the pandemic has created almost an incurable fear.

Dr. McDonald: I think fear has really been the driving force of this pandemic from the very beginning. I said, as early as may of 2020, that we’re not in a medical pandemic, we’re in a fear of pandemic. I think that it is evolved. However, a bit beyond fear. I think that what’s driving the fear now is propaganda.

Moderator: Your point is it’s really messed kids up. And that struck me the first time I heard you say that, that, that kids, unlike adults, don’t just bounce back. That’s your point kids. And you said, you think an entire generation of kids has been screwed by this, that they will not get their psychological health back, which is really depressing. If that’s true.

Dr. McDonald: I work with children. I see kids all day long. I’m a child psychiatrist. This is happening all the time. Every day in my practice. My concern is that the developmental stage that children need to go through: babies. toddlers, young adults, is being foreclosed on them. Brown university department of pediatrics published a study two weeks ago that found that babies born after January 1st, 2020, which is when this whole pandemic started, have a IQ point drop of 20 points compared to babies born before January 1st, 2020. That’s huge. Why? They don’t see faces. They don’t play, they don’t have exposure to friends. They don’t go to school. They’re basically locked in their homes, looking at their parents for a year and a half. And their brains have not developed. My concern is that we are building a generation of young people who are so traumatized that they will never fully recover from this. And even if we give them therapy and treatment, they’re always going to be damaged. They’re always going to be scarred emotionally. I don’t mean for it to be depressing. I mean, for it to be alarming so that everyone can finally say “stop.” We’ve got to stop the damage and then figure out what to do about it.

Moderator: What does the damage to you guys actually mean?

Dr. Heather Gessling: I’ll speak to that. I think stopping the damage means to acknowledge what we have done wrong. I think that we should reverse all of the measures that have been implemented. I feel like patients, families, and parents should take it upon themselves to feel empowered. We need to get back to the basics because we’ve done this wrong for so long. It’s been so damaging. One of the books that I had in medical school and that we all had in medical school was Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. This is basic medicine. This is what we have forgotten. “Many specific host factors, (That’s us) influence the likelihood of acquiring an infectious disease, age, immunization history, prior illnesses, level of nutrition, pregnancy status, coexisting illnesses, and perhaps emotional state all have some impact on the risk of infection after exposure to a potential pathogen. All we have done is focus on one of those–immunization history. And so the factors level of nutrition, emotional state, as we have discussed can not be underestimated. The ability to provide early effective treatment should make us feel empowered. We should not feel afraid anymore.

Moderator: Are kids more at risk? The numbers don’t seem to suggest that. I mean, the number of deaths of kids from COVID was lower than the number of deaths from the flu. But now people are saying Delta’s more severe. So are kids at risk?

Dr. Urso: I’ll just give a few statistics. There are about 330 children that have died of COVID in a year and a half. There’s typically about 50,000 children per year, who die. Many more have died of drowning and car accidents. So if we look at the relative risks, COVID has killed about 330 children in the last year and a half. So I think you need to look at that as you look forward to the risk to children. Do they spread? No, they don’t spread. There’s at least seven different studies that show that essentially the spread of children to adults is close to zero. So children are not super spreaders and children don’t die from the disease.

Dr. Tyson: I own three urgent cares in the Imperial valley area, which is one of the hotbeds for COVID-19 because Mexicali sits right across from us. That’s two and a half million people. So we see about 200 to 300 patients a day. I don’t do telemedicine. We do straight face-to-face encounters. So one of the things that I wanted to differentiate was,’Are these infections truly COVID?’ because they have the cough, cold and rhinitis and sore throat. Or, are there other viruses going on? So I decided to buy a $100,000 PCR machine, and we’ve been running these PCR tests. And recently I can tell you, we’ve seen 90% of rhinovirus and also RSV in the kids. So RSV typically is a winter illness. It causes pulmonary symptoms. It causes pulmonary bronchiolitis, not bronchitis, but bronchiolitis in the lower, lower airways. And that’s why the kids are having trouble right now. It’s not in my opinion from COVID, but from RSV.

Moderator: Clearly, kids are being hospitalized. I know the CDC recently said it’s actually not a higher proportion, it’s the same proportion, but kids are getting sick.

Dr. Tyson: You’re correct to say, kids are getting sick. And, under that CDC data that Dr. Ursa was talking about, healthy children didn’t die from COVID-19. Okay. It was those children who had four or five risk factors, morbid obesity being number one, diabetes being number two and weakened immune system being number three, kids on chemotherapy and things like that. So, it’s no different than RSV, rhinovirus, influenza, that would normally take out these kids anyway, unfortunately. But yes, we are seeing a higher number of COVID cases in the morbid obese and the severity of illness in the morbid obese in kids is problematic.

Moderator: Do healthy people die of COVID? I mean, is it all comorbidities? Is it obese people? Is it people with, you know, immunocompromised?

Dr. Kory: Greatest predictor for dying from COVID is age. With every decade of life, your risk goes up and it’s a straight line. Then you have to worry about comorbidities, right? So, the diseases that they have make them more prone like obesity and diabetes. However, we are seeing younger people now coming into ICU. We are seeing relatively healthy people die. We’re now seeing people with less comorbidities than before in the first wave last spring, almost everybody was either obese or diabetic. Now we’re seeing much less of that. You know? So when my colleagues said not one healthy kid died of COVID, I would also like to say, I don’t believe that there’s anybody who’s died who’s gotten an effective early treatment.

Dr. Urso: People don’t die of the virus. They die of inflammation and they die of thrombosis. Do we have drugs for inflammation that are not off-label, steroids? There’s a bunch of drugs that are on-label that can be used for the purpose of inflammation in this disease. These are not controversial topics. There are many, many different products we can use: Lovenox, Aspirin, Eliquis, XARELTO® . There’s a bunch of drugs for thrombosis. So when people say they died of COVID, they died of an inflammatory thrombotic disease. They didn’t die from the virus running through their body. Hopefully at some point we’ll have a really good early, early treatment that’s directed to the virus itself. Right now, we have other treatments as Dr. Kory said, they weren’t originally designed for this virus, but they are very effective against this virus.

Dr. Latell: What we’re seeing now is that patients are getting early treatment with medications, such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and a host of other medications because of this free exchange of ideas and this group of physicians and others around the world.

Moderator: One thing I think we’ve all seen, Ivermectin is a great example, where the media has politicized the issue. So depending on your politics, you’re going to see one or two different things. And you’re going to hear, “oh, well, it’s horse medicine. People are taking horse medicine. But Ivermectin is an FDA approved drug for human treatment.

Dr. Kory: It’s how the system is designed, which is largely against the use of repurposed drugs. If you know what a repurposed drug is, it’s generally a drug that’s off patent and not profitable. It’s been approved for use in another disease for which it’s found to be effective. So Ivermectin is well known as an anti-parasite. In fact, the discoverers won the Nobel prize because it eradicated two globally endemic parasitic diseases. I mean, it transformed the health status of good portions of the world. We knew on the ground that corticosteroids were going to work. We knew it because of our experience treating severe lung disease. We started using it. And guess what we started to see? As we started to use steroids, people started to come off ventilators.

People who were needing oxygen were coming off oxygen, getting discharged. The entire landscape changed. And I went into the US Senate, and I testified to the world that it was critical we use corticosteroids in the hospitalized patient. And I did that at a time where every national international healthcare agency was recommending against its use because they thought it would increase mortality. And I got heavily criticized for that. It’s now the standard of care worldwide. Everything else that we’ve discovered, everything that’s in our protocols is because we have used good clinical sense, lots of experience. And we’ve used trial and error using our best judgments of risks and benefits. We don’t want to cause harm, but undertreatment and nontreatment is harm, I think this is a pandemic of undertreatment. Long-haul COVID is only caused by one thing–undertreatment. Hospitalized COVID is only caused by one thing–undertreatment. I’m even going to push the envelope here. Getting COVID is only caused by one thing, which is a lack of an effective preventative strategy. I thought, everyone thought and hoped it was going to be the vaccine. It’s not.

Moderator: You’re saying getting COVID itself is completely preventable?

Dr. Kory: There’s a number of agents that have been shown, if you take them regularly, your chances of getting COVID are far lower. For me the most effective is Ivermectin. There are dozens of trials. We’re now up to 14 trials with thousands of patients. In the trials which you take it the most frequently, you’re nearly perfectly protected from getting COVID. It is a highly effective agent. The reason why Ivermectin is so important in this disease is that it has numerous mechanisms of action. The most important mechanism is that we know it binds tightly to the spike protein. The spike protein on this virus is how it gets into our cell, how it’s allowed to replicate. If you can bind it, you can block it and you can prevent yourself from getting sick. The one caveat though, is what we’ve learned is that in the Delta variant, just like the vaccines, we have started seeing breakthroughs. So we have to change our dosing strategy of all of the trials done on Ivermectin. The strongest evidence is actually in prevention. It is a wickedly effective, highly potent preventative agent. You, if you take it regularly, your chances of getting sick or near nil.

Moderator: Matthew, you’ve done a lot of statistical research, particularly around the success of early treatments and it hasn’t gotten a lot of attention. Why don’t you take a second and talk about your findings?

Mathew Crawford: So early on, I was a little frustrated, not seeing much analysis. And so I started to reach out to doctors that I knew and said,”What do you see? And, numerous doctors told me “I’m using this and it looks good” and there wasn’t much data out. So I kept reaching out to more and more doctors around the world and eventually collected about 20,000 data points. And this is almost a year and a half ago. And it looked like those who were using Hydroxychloroquine, and especially if they included Azithromycin and zinc, or possibly another macrolide other than azithromycin, but with the zinc in particular, it looked to everybody in their communities about a 98% lower mortality rate. And this was across like seven different nations I got this data from, so put all this together and it was tens of thousands of data points by the end of last year. But it’s difficult to get a lot of this data published. I’m working on Dr. Tyson’s data right now, and we’ve had the results for months, but it’s difficult to get it published. Anything that goes against the narrative takes longer in peer review.

Moderator: Is that a valid thing that it would take longer? I mean, is that understandable or is that politics?

Mathew Crawford: “I think there’s some politics involved.”

Moderator: Dr. Tyson you’ve said you have how many deaths out of the 6,000 people you’ve treated.

Dr. Tyson: So with treatment starting from day one to 7, zero.

Moderator: Zero deaths.

Dr. Tyson: Right. With treatment starting from day seven to 14, I have four. Two died the same day they showed up at the clinic and two died in the hospital.

Dr. Gessling: And I want to say, my numbers exactly match up with Brian’s. I’ve treated about 1500 and I have had one death. And it was because there was some delay in treatment. And I know that several physicians who have treated didn’t have any deaths until approximately July, August. And that was with the change in the virus. Within a week or two, all of us were saying the exact same thing–something has changed. What do we need to do to change the protocol?

Moderator: Dr. Gosling, you’re treating vaccinated and unvaccinated,

Dr. Gessling: Absolutely. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. And so I would say in July, the majority of my sicker patients were unvaccinated. And then I noticed in August, it seemed to be about 50-50, and now it’s more vaccinated. And so it happened as a very quick change in my practice.

Dr. Latell: Dr. Tyson, Dr. Gosling and myself are family physicians. Okay. So we are the folks who have been in those front lines, getting the phone calls in the middle of the night from concerned parents. And what you’ve just heard from Dr. Kory is that if you take the right preventive plan of medications, either hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or both, you’re approaching 0% mortality.

Moderator: I Hear your passion and understand where you guys are out there in the trenches. It’s bizarre that we are facing a pandemic that has left us where we are clearly divided about the simplest thing of treatments. They’re not all going to work. Some are going to fail. You’re going to experiment, but in most diseases, doctors get in there and you figure it out. And in this one, for some reason, we got blocked into this thing where it’s like, no, no, no. And I think you have an opinion, partly why.

Dr. Kory: If we have a solution or we have effective treatments. Why aren’t they being recognized and disseminated across the world? And there’s really two forces that I think we’re up against. The first force is that in general, our health agencies are suffering what’s called regulatory capture. They’re largely driven by financial interests, external financial interests that are really influenced in making sure that the solution to the pandemic is one that is profitable. Vaccines are profitable. The other challenge that we were having, which is somewhat overlapping is that academia, which we call the ivory towers, the big academic institutions in the last 10 years, there’s been this increasing belief into the idea that the only proof of efficacy of a drug has to come out of a large double-blind randomized controlled trial. When you do a randomized control trial, you have to first make the diagnosis. Everyone has to have a positive test. They have to have symptoms. They have to be enrolled consented, randomized, and then the drug is delivered. Each one of those steps takes time. And so by the time they do these randomized control trials, oftentimes it’s very delayed. And oftentimes it’s underdosed because they’re using doses that I was using six months ago. We move with this pandemic because we can’t prove it with the one tool that we need to prove it, we are getting suppressed. And that message is getting suppressed.

Moderator: Who funds big randomized controlled trials?

Dr. Kory: That would be pharma generally. Now there is philanthropy and there is the NIH. But the NIH and pharma are quite tightly linked.

Moderator: Let’s just take a minute and address some of the vaccine related questions that I think people have. And I want to start with you, Dr. Malone, if that’s okay, because you are the one of the architects of mRNA technology. And if I were to ask you Dr. Malone, are you against the vaccine for COVID? I know your answer would be absolutely not, but you do have some issues with this particular vaccine. Why?

Dr. Malone: So thanks for that opportunity to make the point that I’m not an anti-vaxxer. I’m a guy who spent the majority of my adult life developing vaccines and trying to get vaccines licensed. For example, the Ebola vaccine that we call the Merck vaccine. This is a technology platform (m RNA) that I believe and many believe has enormous promise. And right now it’s in its infancy. The safety of the underlying technology is not yet fully demonstrated. It hasn’t been fully characterized and that will come, that’s good news. However, in the fog of war and the need to come up with something, as soon as possible, some decisions were made to move things forward very rapidly. They were based on incomplete information. People did what they did in good faith and focused on a protein that they thought was fully safe–spike protein. But now over a year later, we know that, in the virus, this protein is responsible for much of the disease that the virus causes, the pathology in your vascular endothelial cells, the coagulation. And it’s unfortunate that this particular protein in what appears to be a biologically active form, was used in these vaccines.

Moderator: What is the result of that? What does that mean?

Dr. Cole: This is a thromboembolic disease. COVID is a clotting disease. Now, when we give a spike protein to Dr. Malone’s point, that is an active biologic molecule. We chose the wrong molecule that causes disease. So what do I see under the microscope? You see these COVID skin cases, you know, these weird COVID rashes. What is that? That’s clotting in the skin.

We unfortunately have doctors that say there’s no damage from the vaccines and no deaths from the vaccines. We should use the French legal system. When we have a new product that’s never been used on humanity in the market. It’s guilty until proven innocent.

Every time there is damage or disease from that product, we need to assume that it is guilty until we prove it isn’t. So under the microscope, we see clotting in the lungs. We see clotting and the vessels. We see clotting in the brain, not from the virus, but from the spike, from the vaccine itself. Now consider the numerator and the denominator are most people going to be fine? Yes. And I want to emphasize that in our data, around the world, from the United States, from the UK, from the Euro vigilance in Europe, we have seen more death and damage from this one medical product than all other vaccines combined in the last several decades. In just a short eight month window of time, it has done more damage than any other medical product therapy, shot, um, modality of anything we’ve ever allowed to stay on the market to this point. Do I mean to a sound alarmist? No, I’m being factual. And when I look at it under the microscope, and I see the parts of people or people that are no longer with us, the damage and the disease is caused by that spike protein. It is present.

Moderator: Common sense would tell me a vaccine’s efficacy is debatable, but you couldn’t possibly know if it’s safe because you would need five, 10 years to really know.

Dr. Malone: I love your approach of, ‘let’s just think for a minute, let’s just apply common sense.’ It normally takes a decade or more to produce a vaccine that is safe and effective. And to demonstrate that it’s safe, the usual standard with the FDA is that you allow at least two years after you have administered the phase three material to at least 3000 people for a vaccine. Often the FDA wants many more people than that. And you follow them for two years at least to see whether or not they’re generating auto immune problems, et cetera. And you’re dead on. I mean, you can do the math. Okay. Have shortcuts been taken? Normally it takes three years to evaluate the data. This vaccine was deployed in, you know, eight months. Six months or less after the phase three trials were completed. So it doesn’t take a genius to figure out the common sense that we don’t have the information. In terms of safety in pregnancy, reproductive, toxicology, reproductive risks, potential birth defects. The honest truth is whatever they tell you, we don’t have the data. So whomever is speaking, if they’re telling you that it’s safe, but they haven’t actually done the studies. I think you can figure out that means that they’re not being truthful with you.

Moderator: Were pregnant women even included in the clinical trials?

Dr. Malone: Of course they weren’t. The NIH just funded the study like a week ago on reproductive toxicology and birth defects in children. The major study on potential risks in pregnancy wasn’t started until almost a month after the CDC said it’s okay to go ahead and start taking the vaccine.

Dr. Ursa: For those who don’t know, a good percentage of the COVID vaccine, the spike protein, I’m sorry, the lipid nanoparticles actually goes to the ovaries. They knew this before they started, that this was what happens. So I do think while there might not have been intent, anybody who did that kind of work would know that they [lipid nanoparticles] would actually go to those places. That’s what they do. They go through those very easily. And of course they’re carrying spike protein, and spike protein we know is going to cause inflammation in the ovaries. What do we know about that? Well, as Dr. Malone said, we don’t know what that means. Is that going to affect fertility? We don’t know. We’ve got to hope and pray that it doesn’t because many people have taken that and they now have significant inflammation that has gone to those organs.

And so we literally have pregnant women coming in. One woman had two miscarriages during her 10th week and her OB actually told her to go get the vaccine. And he cannot know that that’s safe. It’s impossible. So she just happened to have miscarriages. She’s at high risk for another miscarriage. It’s a high risk pregnancy. There’s no reason to introduce any new therapeutic of any sort in this patient. So this is what we’re seeing: a one size fits all policy. That makes no sense, and we need to stop it. And we need to adopt early treatment and other measures.

Moderator: What if your COVID recovered? You may be vaccinated, but unvaccinated and COVID recovered is a whole unique group that you actually would argue has actually more immunity and is more valuable than all the others together.

Dr. Cole: A hundred percent true if you’ve had COVID, you’re done with COVID. We don’t need to modify mother nature. And if you think of what a vaccine is, a vaccine mimics a small portion of a natural infection. So to say, a natural infection is not equal to a vaccination is insanity. In vaccinology, we’re trying to mimic a part of nature, whereas mother nature does it right. If you have had COVID you may get it again, but you’re going to get it in a much more mild manner. So as to this two tier polarization of our society–a virus isn’t politically red or blue or purple –a virus is a humanitarian issue.

And when we divide ourselves in thought and don’t listen to science anymore, we’re going down the wrong path. When we look at what’s happened to the children, going back to the children point, half of kids in the U S have already had COVID, we’re not antibody testing. We’re treating everybody with this terrible oppression of you’ve got to wear a mask. It doesn’t matter that you had COVID, you know, you’ve got to stay home. If somebody in your classroom tests positive, it denies basic science. And this isn’t upper level immunology. This is basic immunology 1 0 1. And we are forgetting what our amazing immune system does. How many of you had chickenpox when you were a kid? Probably a lot. Okay. How many have you ever gotten them again? Yeah, no. Did you need a shot? No. Have any of you had a grandma who had measles and ever got measles again? No, because her immune system works.

Dr. Malone: This gets back to common sense. Why are they telling us that natural infection isn’t protective? Why are they telling us that those of us covered still got to get the jab. There is a financial incentive here. And if there are a few examples that make it so abundantly clear one is this crazy labeling of Ivermectin as a horse paste drug. I give ivermectin to my horses, but I don’t take the horse version for myself. You know? Um, and, And the other thing is this crazy messaging about natural infection. Why are they saying these things that make no sense?

Dr. Cole: If you are under age of 50 with no comorbidities your chance of dying from this disease are about nil. And if you get early treatment, they’re even closer to nil. So if you recovered, which half of the young people in North America are, you don’t need a shot and the shot can damage the heart of children. There are more children who’ve had myocarditis, and there’s never such a thing as mild myocarditis. That’s inflammation of the heart. Once you get inflammation, get scarring, those kids’ hearts are damaged for life. There are more kids, like 5, 10, 15 kids now that have died of heart attacks after the shots. 400 plus kids that have had myocarditis, that have damaged hearts for life. That’s more than the kids that have died from COVID. Now the ratio to damaged children is much higher than due benefit. And children survive this virus at a statistical 100%. Age zero to 18 – 99.97% of children survive this virus. So why are we punishing kids for a virus they survive? It’s illogical.

Moderator: There’s lots of people who got the vaccine and are wondering how risky it is.

Dr. Malone: Here’s what I do know about multiple boosters. The immune system is really, really complex. And it’s as complex as the nervous system, which by the way, comes from the same cell type–incredibly complex. And one thing as somebody that’s been in this business and had all this training for 30 years–more is not better. The assumption that another dose is going to boost your immunity, to levels that it was previously needs to be demonstrated clearly. And the safety of that needs to be demonstrated, because as immunologists, we know darn well, there’s a thing called high zone tolerance. More is not better. More can actually suppress the immune response.

Dr. Cole: After the extra shots, we’re seeing the depletion of certain cell types. To your point, we’re starting to document it and are studying it. And to his question, why give a third shot to a virus that was gone in January and February of this year? We’re on to Delta. The booster is not something new. It’s the same shot for the virus that’s gone. Delta’s a new virus, essentially. So is there any logic to boost something that’s not even here anymore? No.

Moderator: So we’re vaccinating for COVID and we’re already on to Delta now.

Dr. Cole: The strain that we made the sequence for the spike against isn’t even circulating anymore, it’s not even here. We’re, you know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 variants on from that. Delta is behaving as a new virus. The antibodies don’t neutralize it anymore, especially at the end terminal domain of the spike. It’s a wrong approach at this point. It is the wrong protein now, it’s not even a virus that’s here.

Dr. Littell: Everyone in my practice wishes and prays every day that COVID goes away. We don’t want to treat another patient with COVID ever, ever again, to be honest with you, my other patients have been neglected because of COVID. It’s impossible for us to keep up with the displaced.

Dr. Urso: We don’t have to know what pharma’s motives are. It doesn’t matter to me. I’m not interested. What I’m interested in is a comprehensive plan. I’m interested in contagion control. I’m interested in vaccination. I’m interested in prophylaxis. I’m interested in early treatment. The motivation side doesn’t matter. It’s the data that matters in a comprehensive plan that matters. So we don’t have to fight and say, they’re bad. We’re good. It doesn’t matter. It’s a comprehensive plan that we need to emphasize that encompasses everything

The fact of the matter is what really matters is we need to do everything all at the same time, because that’s how we do it. That’s how we’ve always done it. We’ve never done it differently. It was a shock to us to find that people were not emphasizing early treatment. That is just something that is incomprehensible. And we still don’t know the answer and we don’t care. I don’t care. We’re just going to go forward.

Audience question: After 2020 do you think there was an emergency. Is there an emergency, now?

Dr. Kory: I’m an intensive care unit physician. I take care of the patients who come at the end of the line, and I will tell you, we still are having an emergency. This is an emergency situation. If you look around the United States, there are dozens of cities and areas where the hospitals are filling. The ICU’s are filling. This is an emergency of undertreatment. There’s undertreatment early. There’s undertreatment late in the hospital using low doses of corticosteroids when we have immense amounts of data, showing higher doses are lifesaving. Combinations of therapies are life saving. We know how to get these patients better, but we have to be more aggressive at every phase. Everyone is being restricted to following the protocols that come from the top. They’re not working, they’re failing. And that’s the emergency.

Moderator: I think there is a perception because it’s been very politicized. This whole COVID thing has just been exaggerated. Your issue is we’re not treating it. Not that it’s not a real deadly disease.

Dr. Kory: Yeah. I have to tell you my perspective is quite different. I’ve never, ever walked into an ICU that’s full of every patient on a ventilator with the same disease. I’ve never seen 24 patients on a ventilator with the flu at any one time. I’ve never seen dermatologists taking care of patients on ventilators in regular hospital floors. It is getting better. We’re not in that catastrophic phase, but this is the most complex and most violent disease that I’ve seen. And the most difficult to treat in the ICU. The trick is to avoid getting into the ICU.

Moderator: Can we VAX our way out of this? Is that possible?

Dr. Malone: Now, you can run the numbers. In order to get to herd immunity, you have to have a vaccine that’s generally more than 80% effective in preventing infection, not preventing disease. To block the spread in the CDC slide deck that they leaked to the Washington post, they showed clearly, even with Delta, let alone the new variants, we cannot stop the spread of Delta. If we were to vaccinate with these leaky vaccines, which efficacy in terms of prevention of infection is something between 40 and 60%. You could vaccinate the whole world with that and you still won’t stop the spread. What you will do is select for even more potent escape, okay. That are going to blow through those vaccines. And who’s going to die? The people that we wanted to protect in the first place. No, we can’t stop it. Can we make it worse? Yes.

Dr. Cole: Again, I’m going to put it in layman’s terms. You can’t play whack-a-mole with a vaccine with the variant. Because by the time you get vaccinated against the next variant, the new one’s here and then the new ones here, and you’re not going to roll out a new one every time. So to that point, you have to focus on treating early.

Moderator: It’s not as black and white or as simplistic as it seems. We need more than anything in this country right now, in this world right now, to start having conversations we’re not having and be willing to have them. Have the guts, to have them and hear what we’re not comfortable with.


After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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Children who got COVID shots more likely to catch the virus than those who didn’t, study finds

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From LifeSiteNews

By Calvin Freiburger

Kids 4 and under who took Pfizer’s mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine were 159% more likely to contract the virus and 257% more likely to experience symptoms than those who never vaccinated, according to a study in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.

Small children who received COVID-19 vaccines were significantly more likely to contract COVID and display symptoms, a new study found.

Courageous Discourse, a newsletter maintained by prominent counter-establishment cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, reported on the study published by the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. It examined 614 children in five states from ages 6 months to four years.

It found that those who received Pfizer’s mRNA-based COVID vaccine were 159% more likely to contract the virus and 257% more likely to experience symptoms than those who never vaccinated. Those who had a previous COVID infection, by contrast, were more likely to be protected by natural immunity.

“In other words, these injections do the opposite of what they’re supposed to do,” McCullough Foundation epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher commented. “Instead of protecting against COVID-19, these genetic injections either fail or increase the risk. The CDC should immediately revoke their recommendations for children aged 6 months and older to receive a COVID-19 booster injection.”

The study adds to a large body of evidence that identifies significant risks to the COVID vaccines, which were developed and reviewed in a fraction of the time vaccines usually take under the first Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed initiative.

The federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 38,190 deaths, 219,170 hospitalizations, 22,082 heart attacks, and 28,769 myocarditis and pericarditis cases as of November 29, among other ailments. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers have recognized a “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than over-reporting.

An analysis of 99 million people across eight countries published in February in the journal Vaccine “observed significantly higher risks of myocarditis following the first, second and third doses” of mRNA-based COVID vaccines, as well as signs of increased risk of “pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis,” and other “potential safety signals that require further investigation.” In April, the CDC was forced to release by court order 780,000 previously undisclosed reports of serious adverse reactions, and a study out of Japan found “statistically significant increases” in cancer deaths after third doses of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and offered several theories for a causal link.

Evidence also found that children face the least risk from COVID itself, making the prospect of vaccinating them for the virus despite potential downsides especially egregious.

In Florida, an ongoing grand jury investigation into the vaccines’ manufacturers is slated to release a report on the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines, and a lawsuit by the state of Kansas has been filed accusing Pfizer of misrepresentation for calling the shots “safe and effective.” The findings of both efforts are highly anticipated.

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Esteemed UK Doctor pleads with governments to cancel COVID-19 vaccines

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By Duane Rolheiser 

Despite the fact COVID is still circulating and it seems it always will be, COVID vaccines have fallen out of favour with the vast majority of the population.  The intense push from the government, the medical system, and the media has waned. Still, the medical system continues to quietly recommend COVID vaccines.

For months and even years now, a pile of evidence and data is turning into a mountain. Evidence and data that reveals COVID is not as dangerous as we thought, while the COVID vaccines actually are far more dangerous than advertised.

For various reasons, (litigation probably being the biggest one) governments have resisted admitting mistakes. Until they do, the medical systems overseen by those governments have little reason to react either.  As for the media, it’s becoming hard to say if fewer people are paying attention to them because of the internet revolution, or if it’s because “no one’s buying what they’re putting down”.  For the media, admitting you got it ALL WRONG isn’t even the hardest thing to do.  Legacy / Mainstream media continues to fail even up to this very day to do what we all thought their job was, which is to demand the truth from power. Since they refuse to do that, the public slowly drifts off just as they are from COVID vaccines, assuming that somewhere along the way the job of the media changed from challenging power, to propping it up.

Of course not everyone is playing along.  A very small number of people have been right about all these thing from the very beginning.  Let’s say about  5%. You may know these people as ‘the angry crazies’.  Then there were maybe 15% to 25% of people who came around after six or twelve months.  You refer to these siblings, co-workers, and former friends as ‘annoying know-it-alls.’ I was in that group and like a fool I took the initial 2 shots even though I was starting to become suspicious.  I also admit to being annoying, but I hope you would be annoying to those you care about as well if you thought you knew something they desperately needed to know. After many, many months we gave up on the rest of you.  It’s not that we didn’t care. We just concluded you don’t.  That broke something in us that society has yet to deal with.  Maybe never will.

I digress. This isn’t about the millions of me’s out there.  This is about the strongest, bravest, and most intelligent of those who found themselves ostracized by family members, co-workers, friends, and their communities.  There are a number of heroic people out there who refused to give in even when it meant they paid with their jobs and livelihoods. Some of them turned their backs on extremely lucrative and fulfilling careers.  Some of them were in the medical community. Some living among us really deserve to be recognized.  Maybe one day we’ll figure that out and society will be far better for it.

One of these people is British Doctor Aseem Mulhotra.  Dr Mulhotra is a stranger to the average North American, but if you were from the UK and you paid attention you would probably have noted him as that young specialist doctor who all the news shows and newspapers loved to talk to.  He was a bit of a medical celebrity prior to COVID.  About a year after the pandemic started his public stock took a u-turn and he turned into a bit of a pariah.

Dr. Mulhotra is the subject of this writing because he has done something amazing… again.  A few months back he helped write the Hope Accord petition.  So far it hasn’t resulted in a hill of beans. I suspect it won’t change a thing actually. Even though it’s been signed by hundreds and starting to get into the thousands of doctors, and several thousand health care practitioners, petitions are signed by those who already support them.  They’re important to gauge the public, but they really don’t do much to ‘change’ public perception.

Perhaps because Mulhotra realized the petition hasn’t convinced governments to come to terms with what they did and are still doing with the COVID vaccine, he changed tactics.  Dr. Mulhotra penned a public letter and addressed it to the people in charge of the UK’s health care system.  This letter is far more powerful than a petition.  It’s not asking for support.  In 11 pages (Ok that’s a long letter but this is important!) Aseem Mulhotra pens an unequivocal truthful medical path through the pandemic. Not many people could have pulled this off. Perhaps no one would have the correct combination of medical credentials, and brilliant communication talents.  In a video I’ll talk about next, Mulhotra says he’s already been contacted by a medical colleague who told him he read the letter and it completely changed the way he’s been thinking.  I strongly urge you to read the letter.  If you already agree you’ll appreciate it.  If you have had trouble understanding the last few years don’t think of this as an effort to change your mind. It’s more like a love letter to the truth, from a man who’s put everything on the line for his beloved.

A few days ago, Mulhotra published this public letter on his website.  Don’t click yet, there’s more… also I’ve attached it below.  Further, if you follow Todayville at all you’ll know Dr. John Campbell.  He’s another one of those people who need to be recognized for how he presented truth and data to millions of people desperate for non-governmental-non-pharmaceutical party lines media is still carrying non-stop.  That’s another story entirely.  For this one all we need to know is that Dr. Cambpell is also committed to the truth.  His specialty is video communication and his youtube audience is as loyal as they come. After the letter I’ve attached Dr. Campbell’s video interview with Dr. Mulhotra where they talk about all this.  It takes as long to watch as the 11 page letter takes to read, so one coffee may not be enough.  You may need the pot for this one.

This is the letter by Dr. Aseem Mulhotra, one of the writers of the Hope Accord which calls for a comprehensive re-evaluation of COVID vaccines.  I’ve included a link below because for some reason this is very difficult to find via Google.  If you use Brave though.. comes right up. Strange.


Consultant Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra,

Thousands of doctors sign petition to suspend COVID mRNA vaccines – an open letter to the GMC

Mr Charlie Massey– CEO – The General Medical Council

Cc Wes Streeting, Secretary of State for Health, Sir Christopher Whitty – Chief Medical Officer, Lord Patrick Valance – Minister of State for Science Research and Innovation.

Dear Mr Massey,

I am writing to address the specific allegations that I am undermining trust in the medical profession  by spreading “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation” and have been spreading/fuelling “conspiracy theories”. I‘ve been asked to respond to the General Medical Council’s Assistant Registrar specifically about what has changed since the initial complaints were first made against me by anonymous doctors in 2021. This is the spirit of this letter.

In this open letter, I make the case that there is overwhelming evidence that calls for the suspension of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (which, by technicality, is a genetic therapy) because of serious harms. In my professional opinion, the current position of the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, Sir Chris Whitty, and the government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Lord Patrick Vallance, to not support a pause and independent investigation of the safety of the vaccines is now untenable given accumulating evidence of harm and corrupt practices. This stance has considerable support from fellow doctors (including an internationally eminent oncologist and immunologist), data scientists, patients, lawyers, politicians (including a former government minister in Boris Johson’s cabinet) and public figures. I also emphasize in this letter that the challenges we face go beyond simple disagreements about the science. Institutional issues, such as collusion with pharmaceutical companies prioritizing profit over patient welfare, and the unprofessional behaviour of some colleagues, stand in the way of patient safety and the delivery of high-quality healthcare. These deeply rooted problems must be addressed.

Throughout my career, I have consistently adhered to the highest principles of ethical, evidence-based medical practice. My expressed concerns about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine uphold these values. Yet, I have been defamed publicly for following the ethical and scientific principles that guide the profession. In this letter, I reveal how fellow medical professionals used defamation of character in attempts to censure me. The behaviour of my colleagues is unscientific, unethical, and unprofessional. Those defaming me are breaching General Medical Counsel (GMC) guidance in having respect for colleagues and, by such behaviour, are themselves bringing the medical profession into disrepute.

Because the decisions you make after receiving this letter have huge global ramifications, and because I have lost trust in the political and medical establishments’ ability to appropriately deal with what has resulted in an ongoing catastrophic public health calamity, I feel obliged to make this letter public.

Sunlight is the most powerful disinfectant for malodorous health policy.

Principles of Public Life

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

I start this letter by reminding those in receipt of their duty to uphold the seven Nolan principles of public life: selflessness, objectivity, integrity, accountability, honesty, openness, and leadership.(1) It is emphasised that leadership also means holding others accountable who are not adhering to those principles. I have held several leadership roles throughout my career. I was appointed to be the youngest Trustee of the King’s Fund that advises government on health policy in 2015, where I completed a full term of six years. Prior to and overlapping that time I served as a public-facing ambassador for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges for six years in three official roles: 1) a member of the obesity steering group, 2) Consultant Clinical Associate; and 3) a member of the Choosing Wisely Steering group, where I coordinated a widely publicised campaign with the BMJ and the Academy to wind back the harms of too much medicine. (2) This was a campaign that started very successfully but appeared to end abruptly pre-pandemic. My entire career has upheld the principles of the profession and my current stance on the COVID-19 vaccine is not different.

Barriers to Unbiased Scientific Advancement

The primary accusations made against me are that I was acting in ways that spread “misinformation” about the COVID-19 vaccine, suggesting that the mainstream views of vaccine were “objective truth”.

My stance on the COVID-19 vaccine has remained clear: The COVID-19 vaccines have not demonstrated adequate safety in unbiased studies and have clear evidence of harm for some individuals. I am committed to patient safety and quality healthcare. Since these drugs are not adequately tested, they should be suspended from the market. This stance has caused significant turmoil among some colleagues, who refuse to engage in meaningful scientific dialogue and remain steadfast and dogmatic in their views despite the growing evidence to the contrary.

Acting in good faith, I want to emphasise that I do not believe that those in medical leadership positions are ill-intentioned (although on the surface may rightly appear to be falling well short of adhering to the Seven Nolan Principles). The barriers to a more complete picture of the truth in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines are primarily psychological, not intellectual. These psychological processes are part of a broken system, which will be described below, and exacerbated by a culture of too much hubris and less humility within the profession. This is a topic well discussed by my mentor and referee, the former chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and GMC, Professor Sir Terence Stephenson, and will not be discussed much further here. (Please feel free to contact him regarding these comments in addition to being a character reference for myself). Specifically, two major barriers to engaging in meaningful scientific dialogue and advancement is a result of the psychological processes of fear and wilful blindness.

The first psychological barrier to the truth is that of fear. Under a state of fear human beings, including doctors, are less able to engage in critical thinking. Critical thinking is a foundational component of science, which should underscore all our decision-making as evidence-based practitioners. Fear propagation was a major tactic used by authorities to make the population more compliant with the vaccine. In early 2023, the Telegraph Newspaper revealed secret WhatsApp messages showing that the Secretary of State for Health’s, Matt Hancock, plan to exaggerate the risk of COVID-19 to “frighten the pants off the public”. This fear campaigns were successful in altering perceptions of the general public and professional communities. A 2021 survey in the United States showed that 30-50% of the public believed their risk of the unvaccinated being hospitalised from COVID was 50%, (3) when the actual figure was closer to 1%. Consistent with a Theory of Planned Behaviour, the strategy they used resulted in a gross over-estimation of risk, which created fear that motivated increased vaccination rates. As previously pointed out by the director of health literacy at the Max Planck institute Gerd Gigerenzer, “without understanding the numbers involved, the public are vulnerable to exploitation of their hopes and fears by political and commercial interests”. (4) It is my belief that the anonymous doctors filing claims against me share in the perceptions of fear – fear of both the (unsubstantiated) risks of COVID and the truth being revealed, by people like me.

The second psychological barrier is wilful blindness. (5) Wilful blindness is when human beings or institutions turn a blind eye to the truth in order to feel safe, avoid conflict, reduce anxiety or to protect prestige and fragile egos. Well-known examples of institutional wilful blindness include the BBC and Jimmy Saville, Hollywood and Harvey Weinstein, and the Catholic Church and child molestation. It is my strong opinion that the political system, the medical establishment, and the legacy media continue to be wilfully blind to what is, in my view, the most horrific medical product to be injected into hundreds of millions of people globally.

I personally understand the power of wilful blindness – and how our medical establishment creates the type of indoctrination that allows this to occur. Despite being recognised as the most outspoken doctor in the world for over a decade, pointing out the excesses and manipulations of industry to the detriment of public health and democracy, I had a blind spot to the potential risks of vaccines. This is despite a history of calling for public inquiries into the murky practices of the pharmaceutical companies on numerous occasions in the mainstream press prior to the pandemic. This included speaking on BBC Radio 4 Today programme, and articles in Mail Online, The Guardian, and the I Newspaper, which featured a front-page story of me speaking in the European Parliament in 2018. (6) The most prominent medical supporter of this issue, who accompanied me to Brussels, is Sir Richard Thompson, Past President of The Royal College of Physicians and former personal physician to her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. The title of my talk, which made front page of the I newspaper in the EU parliament, was “Big Food and Big Pharma, Killing for Profit?” I understood the harms of the pharmaceutical industry for patient health. I was aware – and yet, I admittedly and understandably had a blind spot when it came to vaccines. On Good Morning Britain, I publicly supported the use of the COVID-19 vaccine for high risk and older people from ethnic minorities. I personally took two doses myself under the false belief it would protect my patients. I am quoted stating, “traditional vaccines are amongst the safest of all pharmacological products”. That does reflect the published evidence with a serious adverse event rate of 1-2 per million doses. The co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration Peter Goetzche’s analysis of prescribed drugs being the third leading cause of death globally (after heart disease and cancer) does not feature any vaccine. Up until the pandemic, I’d never come across or even heard of a patient that was “vaccine injured”.

When I began to read the science on the COVID-19 vaccine, combined with personal and clinical experience my eyes opened and blindness disappeared.

For this reason, I understand why many doctors still remain wilfully blind to the possibility of the COVID vaccines causing any significant harm. They are still stuck in the same indoctrinated mindset I was in until the latter part of 2021.

The problem is institutional – and must be fixed.

Truth Amidst Lies

I have been asked to respond with any new evidence and/or support of my stance to pause and investigate the COVID-19 mRNA genetic therapies. I initially starting to publicly raise serious questions on the safety of the COVID-19 mRNA products in November 2021; but I have long been a vigilant and outspoken advocate for healthcare improvement, consistently highlighting the need to address the harms within the medical system.  Understanding the significant and harmful shortcomings of the medical system – including the aforementioned psychological barriers to the truth – is crucial to begin to fully comprehend that extraordinary public health calamity we find ourselves in.

I understand the complaints to the GMC began shortly after an interview on GB News, where I raised concerns of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines increasing cardiovascular risk and called for an end of mandating the vaccine for NHS staff. In a similar timeframe, I also went public on BBC News and Sky News. The original stimulus behind these interviews was me being a whistle blower through the I newspaper where I highlighted a cover up between the department of health and NHS England on ambulance delays that contributed to my father’s death. (7) I utilised those opportunities to highlight the inconsistency between what we know about the safety and effectiveness of the covid vaccine and public health policy. Specifically, I found it strange that Sajid Javed announced a mandate after it became widely known the vaccine wasn’t stopping infection or transmission, and in the context of reports of serious harm and death. It appeared to me to be medically negligent to mandate this product. Rationally and Intuitively, it occurred to me that the only beneficiaries of the mandates would be Pfizer and the pharmaceutical industry. These suspicions were proven correct last year, when US investigative journalist, Lee Fang, uncovered that in the summer of 2021 Pfizer paid tens of thousands of dollars to respected civil rights and grass roots organisations in America to push the mandate narrative. (8)

The concerns about mandates were not unique to me. I was been contacted by many unvaccinated NHS colleagues, publicly and privately, asking me to help stop the mandates. They feared job loss. I told them to stand firm and not capitulate before the April 2022 deadline. In December 2021, I had a two-hour phone conversation with the then-chair of the British Medical Association, Dr Chaand Nagpaul, and explained the evidence available to the medical community at the time. We discussed how to influence Sajid Javed to U-turn on this announcement. At the end of the conversation, he said explicitly:

“Aseem, none of my colleagues appear to have critically appraised the evidence as well as you have, most of them are getting their information on the COVID-19 vaccine from the BBC”.

Such a statement was replicated by the Chair of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, after it became clear the vaccine wasn’t stopping infection. She admitted her initial “optimism” for the COVID-19 shots came from a CNN news report. The CNN News report she was referring to was almost verbatim reproduction of Pfizer’s press release, which headlined in November 2020 with “Pfizer and BioNTech say final analysis shows coronavirus vaccine is 95% effective with no safety concerns”. Unfortunately (and I say this reluctantly having done many interviews and unpaid work for them), the BBC, like CNN, has been one of the most egregious purveyors of misinformation during the pandemic. They shared a similar headline, “The first effective coronavirus vaccine can prevent more than 90% of people from getting COVID-19”. As far as I’m aware, there has never been a correction, apology, or explanation from medical leadership or mainstream media of why they promoted a narrative that turned out to be completely false.

If the medical profession continues to place its trust in the legacy media—an entity widely known for distorting the truth—where the majority of health stories fail on most criteria for accuracy – how can we possibly restore trust in the profession itself?

In fact, lack of the acknowledgement of being wrong about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, along with the health policies involving coercion and mandates, is in my view a major root cause why there has been a huge decrease in trust in the medical profession. A recent publication from the United States revealed that trust in doctors is at an all time low at 40% having dropped from 72% in April 2020. (9)

A culture within certain sections of medical leadership that fails to adhere to the Seven Nolan Principles is partly to blame. Prior to exposing the ambulance delay that played a role in my father’s death in the I newspaper (which also made BBC News headlines), I sent a message to a cardiology training programme director explaining the situation. His reply was “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, you will only make yourself enemies”. I was appalled that the prevailing culture within our medical profession discouraged honesty out of fear of interpersonal repercussions. What happened to the principles of integrity and leadership? Similarly, one Royal College president called me when I publicly raised patient safety issues on the COVID-19 vaccine and said “ You’re never going to get a gong”; in other words, what appeared more important to this person than protecting patients was getting honours from the Royal family, presumably by turning a blind eye to such atrocities.

This experience of culture is not merely anecdotal to me; it speaks to dysfunctional behaviour within the medical establishment. The former Editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith, wrote in 2016 about the evidence of pervasive covering up of research misconduct within British institutions. He concludes, “something is rotten in the state of British medicine and has been for a long time”. (10 )  Similarly, in 2015, Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief of the Lancet, commented on commercial distortions of the scientific evidence. He wrote, “possibly half of the published medical literature may simply be untrue” and that “science has taken a turn towards darkness”. He asked, “who is going to take the first step to clean up the system?”.(11)

Despite the accusations and attacks against me, I maintain a deep commitment to quality healthcare in the UK. I remain committed to the patients many of whom have already written supportive letters to the GMC. These include patients I’ve managed with long covid and with vaccine injury. This is why the current Secretary of State for Health, Wes Streeting, is copied on this letter. He must be made aware that the NHS cannot, and will not, make any significant improvements to quality of care until we correct the root cause of the problem: commercial distortions of the scientific evidence.

Two Major Misdiagnosis of the Medical Profession.

In relation to these accusations, there are two major systemic problems that need to be corrected in order to fulfil the obligation of the medical profession to serve patients: 1) Quality of clinical data; 2) Transparent information about potential risks to physicians (lack of informed consent at the level of institution/physician).

The first misdiagnosis – quality of evidence – is both historical and current. With rare exception, results of industry-sponsored clinical trials are not independently verified, leading to an exaggeration of and bias toward the safety and effectiveness of all pharmaceutical products. When the industry sponsors science, an undeniable confluence emerges between scientific results and profit. Most doctors are not aware of this confounding, and thus patients and policy makers aren’t aware either. This would not be such a major issue if the pharmaceutical industry was benign and well-meaning, but because of the weak regulations on industry and science, they cannot be. Pharmaceutical companies have a fiduciary obligation to produce profit for their shareholders. They are not responsible for high-quality treatment or obligated to serve patients in any way. This is where the problem lies: profits over people. As pointed out by cardiologist Peter Wilmshurst in a talk at the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine, “the real scandal is that those with a responsibility to patients and scientific integrity, namely academic institutions, medical journals and doctors, collude with industry for financial gain”.

The diagnosis made by the pre-eminent forensic psychologist Dr Robert Hare and law professor Joel Bakan over 20 years ago is that Big Corporations (such as Big Pharma) are psychopathic in their pursuit of profit. Institutionally, they show the same characteristic behaviours as individuals with psychopathic tendencies: callous unconcern for the safety of others, incapacity to experience guilt, repeated lying and conning others for profit. This diagnosis as far as I’m aware has not been rebutted or challenged. The evidence is clear that the majority of the largest pharmaceutical companies have racked up billions in fines over the past three decades for illegal marketing of drugs, manipulation of trial results, and hiding data on harms.

Since we cannot rely on the pharmaceutical corporations – which have profit as the top priority – to produce unbiased data, the onus is on the evidence-based practitioner to openly discuss the quality of evidence. This is precisely what I have done – because I believe in placing people over profits.

The second misdiagnosis, which has particular relevance to the COVID-19 vaccines, is the lack of transparent information about the real risks associated with the products. Accountability in a medical system involves all key stakeholders doing their part to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. In this case, it is the responsibility of the regulatory bodies to synthesize and translate dense evidence to support the implementation of evidence-based medicine by doctors. Yet, in the case of COVID-19, the overwhelming majority of doctors (including myself) were completely unaware and uninformed of the risks. Importantly, this was not because the information was not available. In fact, there was a WHO-endorsed list in 2020 of potential serious adverse events from the mRNA jabs that could occur because of vaccination. The list of adverse reactions involved every single organ system, including the cardiovascular system for which I am an expert. Reactions included but were not limited to: cardiac arrythmia, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, heart failure, chest pain, ischaemic stroke.

If the medical establishment had the capacities to distribute the presumed benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine on a wide and prevalent scale, why then was this list of potential harms not equally disseminated?

Without the physicians being aware of potential side effects, it is impossible to properly serve patients or practice evidence-based medicine at scale. Physicians cannot diagnose something that they do not know is a possibility post-vaccination. For example, one of the most extraordinary and shocking stories of misdiagnosis was the death of a fit and healthy 32-year-old psychologist who suffered a massive stroke 10 days after taking a COVID vaccine. The medical team looking after him – likely unaware of the potential harms – put “natural causes” on the death certificate. His wife, adamant that this was caused by the vaccine, pursued the truth and ultimately won her case to get the cause of death changed to reflect the truth: Death as a result of “unintended consequences of the vaccine”. (12) As stated above, the indoctrinated belief about vaccine safety led to a blind spot on vaccine injury on behalf of the physician.

Benefits versus Harms of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Best Available Evidence.

Serious harms from the vaccine have been confirmed from a combination of clinical, mechanistic, randomised controlled trials, observational, pharmacovigilance, and autopsy data. In these studies, the majority of deaths that occurred within two weeks of taking the vaccine died as a direct result of the mRNA product. There is undeniable evidence that there are serious risks associated with COVID-19 vaccine for at least some individuals.

The next important questions are:

  • For whom does the vaccine harm?
  • How frequent are people harmed?
  • How does this rate compare to potential benefit on totality of best available evidence?

As of right now, the data is clear that the vaccines cause greater harm than benefit.

From a scientific perspective, the highest level of evidence is the randomised controlled trial (RCT). This is what we rely on for best available evidence. As mentioned above, a major barrier to the practice of high-quality evidence-based medicine is the reliance on industry-sponsored trials and misinformation being spread by the media. The media propagated headlines based on industry-sponsored RCTs, and many doctors, policymakers, and patients accepted them as truth. This is the situation we find ourselves in – which drives the accusations made against me.

However, re-analysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s original RCTs by independent scientists, published in the journal Vaccine, revealed that one was more likely to suffer a serious adverse event (e.g., a life changing reaction, a disability, or hospitalisation) from taking the vaccine than one was to be hospitalised with COVID. The rate of short term serious adverse events was 1 in 800. (13)

In other words, these vaccines caused more harm than good from the beginning – and the data was there, ready to be analysed in an unbiased way!  If it were not for people, like myself, speaking out about potential risks, this data may never have been re-analysed – and patients would continue to be harmed.

Of importance, the majority of the serious adverse events documented in the re-analysis are likely to reduce life expectancy. Currently, we only know about short term (within two month) harms through a trial that was designed to minimise the appearance of side effects. Medium- and longer-term harms – such as the acceleration of cardiovascular disease, cancer, auto-immune conditions, and mental health issues – are hypothesized to make the serious adverse reaction rate significantly higher. We must continue to be vigilant about safety studies and conducting high-quality, unbiased research.

Additional examples of inaccurate data include data released by the UK Health Security Agency in early 2023. They reported that for those over 70 years old, 2,500 people would need to be vaccinated to prevent one hospital admission from COVID. This is likely a grossly exaggerated benefit because, on average, those who remained unvaccinated tended to have lower socioeconomic status and baseline poorer health, which was not corrected for even though covid and all-cause mortality is at least two-fold higher in this subpopulation. More recent data reveals that denominator in the highest risk age group ( those aged over 90)  to be 7000 – in other words, serious harm from the vaccine is at least eight times greater than potential benefit of preventing severe hospitalisation from covid.(14) This is yet another example of a failure to replicate industry-sponsored science, suggesting bias in industry-sponsored results and a need to be critical appraisers of scientific evidence.

A similar story of the overstatement of findings without attention to methodology applies to the highly publicized headline, “millions of lives saved” from a WHO report. While the headline is attractive, the data is derived from a modelling study that doesn’t enter into the hierarchy of evidence-based medicine studies (poor quality evidence) and has been described by the director of the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, Carl Heneghan, as “implausible”. (15) It’s like saying the best football team in the premier league is a 4th division club whilst completely ignoring the Liverpool and Manchester cities of this world. In other words such a claim is fake.

Two of the world’s pre-eminent experts in oncology and immunology respectively feel there is strong mechanistic and clinical evidence through different pathways including prolonged immunosuppression and DNA contamination the Covid mRNA vaccines cause cancer. Please read correspondence from Professor Angus Dalgliesh and Professor Robert Clancy attached to this letter. The thought that billions of people have been injected with a potential carcinogen is so horrific to bear one can understand why medical professionals who encouraged patients to take the vaccine would rather choose to bury their heads in the sand. But such wilful blindness will not eliminate and ongoing problem. It is staggering beyond comprehension that the U.K is still recommending this product on such poor efficacy with serious unprecedented harms including irrefutable risk of death in the short term is a sizeable minority. I have no doubt in my mind that many people are walking around as a ticking bomb of heart disease, strokes and cancer as a result of this mRNA vaccine. We must do all we can to identify who is at risk and act to reduce it as much as possible.

Ultimately, what we have heard through the media is not evidence. The information provided to physicians is not unbiased science. It is pure propaganda, supported by a complicit and wilfully blind legacy media that is understandably losing trust amongst the population. The medical establishment simply cannot ignore the real-world impact of this horrific medical product on an increasingly vaccine injured and aware population. A recent survey in the United States revealed a large proportion of the public felt the covid vaccine was responsible for thousands of deaths, indicating that they no longer trust the information provided by the medical establishment. What they are told (e.g., “vaccines are safe and effective”) and what they believe (e.g., “vaccines are responsible for the excess death rate”) differ. The establishment is losing its credibility. People continue to be injured and die – and instead of senior scientists and medical leadership acknowledging these cold hard facts and addressing them properly, they spend time attacking professionals like myself, who are merely committed to providing the best possible evidence and care to patients.

The Root CauseInstitutional Corruption

The issues discussed in this letter merely scratch the surface of the complex and intertwined dynamics that maintain corrupt and colluded practices. The conditions that yielded disastrous health policy that killed millions are deeply rooted. In my opinion, the root cause is simple: Collusion and corruption of governmental bodies by psychopathic corporations that prioritise profits over the health of the people.

I often wonder how medical leaders—individuals who have dedicated their lives to saving and improving people’s health—can be so easily convinced to follow health policies that are not supported by unbiased or high-quality science. In my view, this is a problem of either the grossly ignorant, fearful and wilfully blind, or financially conflicted.

Why would medical leadership choose – after the accumulation of evidence now available through science, internal Pfizer documents released through courts, and US White House reports of corrupt practices – to deliberately support a narrative and “evidence” that supports the pharmaceutical industry?  Only a policy maker (likely unwittingly) influenced as a downstream effect of the psychopathic determinants of health would behave in such a way. The aforementioned behaviour of the two people known to me in medical leadership positions asking me to “keep quiet of patient safety issues” are clear examples of these downstream effects. Our establishment is overinfluenced by a psychopathic entity. The conditions that drive this influence are deep. The entities are not independent – and any perception that our industry is independent is, in my view, grossly undermined by the fact that there is a revolving door between industry and government. Readers may recall the career path of Jonathan Van Tam, who left his government role as Deputy Chief Medical officer to accept a lucrative position at Moderna! (16)

As a respected leader in the medical community for decades, I have many first-hand experiences observing this type of intertwined corruption between industries. For example, prior to official publication of my paper calling for a suspension of the mRNA vaccines in the Journal of Insulin Resistance in September 2022, I acted in good faith and met personally with the chair of the health select committee, Jeremy Hunt, at a meeting organised by the Kings Fund a few months earlier. At the time, he thanked me for my campaigning for Action On Sugar and being a whistleblower in exposing ambulance delays. He recognized my work as having integrity and evidence based. We discussed, in person and followed up via email, about my own critical analysis of the data on the mRNA products, and why they should be suspended. This was a man who should, in theory, have influence to make a change; instead, he ultimately deferred me, shifting responsibility to the UK drug regulator, the MHRA.

According to a 2022 BMJ investigation, the MHRA “cannot be trusted” to be independent because they received 86% of their funding from the very industry they’re supposed to regulate. They were described as “a prime example of institutional corruption”. The same investigation revealed the US FDA receive 65% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry. (17) In February of this year, the All Party Parliamentary Group of Pandemic Preparedness wrote a letter to the Secretary of State for Health, Steve Brine, stating that the MHRA is a “serious risk to patient safety”. (18) They also released a public statement given by its chair, June Raine, proudly proclaiming that the role of the organisation has shifted from being “protector of the public “to “enabler” of Big Pharma in reference to drug approvals. It is beyond comprehension as to why a body whose duty it is to protect patients is changing its focus to support a psychopathic entity! Sadly, comments such as June Raine’s are not rare within the industry. Recently released secret WhatsApp messages by investigative journalist, Isabel Oakeshott, documented the former Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock, asking the MHRA to shut down vax concerns at the very beginning of the roll out of the Astra Zeneca vaccine.(19)

Shutting down public concerns and silencing those speaking the truth is alone an absolute scandal.

The corporatisation of the mind has occurred in the profession – and this is in direct conflict with the Seven Nolan Principles. If we want to reclaim the integrity of the profession, it is critical that medical leadership disentangle from the pharmaceutical industry and refocus on what matters: quality science that saves patients.

This process begins by acknowledging the harms, investing in quality science – and not defaming those speaking the truth!

Personal Defamation for Speaking Up

On a personal level, the last few years have been a particularly challenging time. Having lost the last surviving member of my family in the summer of 2021, most likely as a result of the Pfizer vaccine, I have been suffering from depression, anxiety, chest pains, and a persistent flare up of an autoimmune condition. I’ve spent thousands of pounds undergoing investigations including two CT coronary angiograms in consecutive years and an upper GI endoscopy. Fortunately, these results have been normal, but symptoms persist. I have been formerly diagnosed with “vaccine injury specifically adversely affecting my gut microbiome through complete obliteration of bifidobacteria”. This is associated with cardiovascular disease, depression, and autoimmune disease. An advanced blood test has also suggested I’m at potentially increased risk of cancer, despite having no family history and being in perfect metabolic health.

Despite the pain I’ve endured over the past few years, I continue to speak out for the people – and the profession. I believe deeply in our profession and the foundational principles upon which it is based.

My commitment to the profession has been faced with attack by fellow colleagues. This is perhaps the most disappointing part of the past few years.  What kind of human being publicly attacks and tries to humiliate an individual whose entire family is dead, simply for speaking up for the vaccine injured and patient safety? A dispassionate observer could describe this as insensitive at best, and sociopathic behaviour, at worst (again, in part, explained by the psychopathic determinants of health).

A prominent medic Dr Rachel Clarke, on several occasions, published multiple defamatory tweets since 2022 where she refers to me as “ex -NHS doctor” and “Britain’s most notorious anti-vaxxer”. She weaponised a Mail on Sunday story (which can only be described as a hatchet job on myself and two other public figures) on statins. I lost my NHS job that I loved, and was told by several NHS cardiologists (many of whom were supportive of my stance) that I would find it difficult to get back into the NHS for a consultant post because of this Mail on Sunday article. Recently, five years later, a libel case launched by the two others named in the piece was won. The article has been taken down. The corruption and the truth was revealed – yet, my job was still lost. Others who have posted similar defamatory tweets or made such comments include individuals such as Dr Matt Kneale and Trish Greenhalgh. Is this the type of behaviour that is deemed acceptable professional conduct by the GMC?

In my view, these healthcare professionals – through their relational aggression – are the ones undermining trust in the profession. They deliberately undermine voices raising patient safety concern. Such behaviour is in my view a danger to public health.

In keeping with the Seven Nolan principles, I can no longer remain passive in this situation, and I’ve therefore referred Dr Rachel Clarke, Dr Matt Neil and Professor Trish Greenhalgh to the GMC for such flagrant and egregious breach of GMC guidance. GMC guidance is clear:

“You must treat colleagues with kindness, courtesy and respect. To develop and maintain effective teamworking and interpersonal relationships you must: listen to colleagues, communicate clearly, politely and considerately, recognise and show respect for colleagues’ skills and contributions, work collaboratively with colleagues and be willing to lead or follow as the circumstances require…You must be compassionate towards colleagues who have problems with their performance or health. But you must put patient safety first at all times.” (20)

It is clear through the behaviour of these individuals that they are not acting in accordance with GMC. I publicly affirm in this letter that all accusations against me be dropped, and the attention instead be placed on the individuals who actively seek to hide the truth and censure those speaking out for patient safety.

A Path Forward

My advocacy to suspend the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is not an isolated voice. Many others stand with me, driven by a shared commitment to protecting public safety and ensuring accountability. There are increasing calls for a suspension of the COVID-19 mRNA products from a global community of doctors, academics, politicians and public figures. This includes the former Wimbledon champion, Pat Cash, and Jay Naidoo, who is the trade union leader (and close friend of the late Nelson Mandela, who served in his first cabinet). The GMC has received their correspondence. More specifically thousands of healthcare professionals including the nominated new director of the US National Institutes of Health, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, have signed the HOPE accord, a petition which explicitly gives the following recommendations: (21)

“Given that this is an international issue we recommend the following to all governments and medical establishment bodies worldwide:

    A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.The association observed between the vaccine rollout and these concerning trends is now supported by additional significant findings. These include the discovery of plausible biological mechanisms of harm demonstrated in laboratory and autopsy studies, as well as high rates of adverse events seen in randomised clinical trials and national surveillance programs. Altogether, these observations indicate a causal link.This new technology was granted emergency use authorisation to address a situation that no longer exists. Going forward, the burden of proof falls on those still advocating for these products to compellingly demonstrate that they aren’t resulting in net harm. Until such evidence is presented, regulators should suspend their use as a matter of standard medical precaution.
    Independent investigations must be properly resourced to allow a comprehensive re-evaluation of all Covid-19 vaccine products.There must be a full exploration of mechanisms of harm to provide insight into their impact on the human body, both short and long term. Effectiveness must be reassessed through a comprehensive review of actual clinical impact on illness and mortality, as opposed to synthetic results based on modelled assumptions.We call on the scientific community to come forward with findings from unpublished Covid-19 vaccine studies. This will help mitigate publication bias, whereby unfavourable results were often rejected or withheld due to fears of reputational damage. Crucially, government bodies and the pharmaceutical industry must also provide full transparency, granting access to previously undisclosed anonymised patient-level data from clinical trials and surveillance programs.

    These cumulative actions will help determine any real world benefit of these products versus the true extent of the damage caused.

    The denial of vaccine injury is a betrayal of those who followed official directives, often under coercion from mandates restricting their access to work, education, travel, hospitality and sports.The vaccine-injured must be recognised and every effort made to understand their conditions. Support should include readily accessible multidisciplinary clinics offering investigation and treatment as well as appropriate compensation for all those who have been harmed.
    Fundamental and cherished principles of medical ethics were disregarded on the premise of an emergency. These included: ‘first do no harm’, informed consent, bodily autonomy and the notion that adults protect children – not the other way around. The precautionary principle was inverted. Also, particularly concerning was the erosion of free speech – a democratic principle that underpinned the ability to question untested interventions whilst ensuring other principles were upheld. The consequence was exposing the public, especially healthy young people – including children – to unacceptable risks of harm.Emergencies are never a reason to abandon our principles; it is precisely at such times that we most profoundly depend on them. Only after acknowledging they were wrongly abandoned can we commit to upholding them consistently and in doing so, better protect future generations.
    The medical profession must lead by admitting we lost our way.
    By drawing attention to these medical and ethical issues surrounding the Covid-19 response, we hope to validate and amplify the call to establish the relevant facts and ensure vital lessons are learned.An honest and thorough investigation is needed, addressing the root causes that have led us to this place, including institutional groupthink, conflicts of interest and the suppression of scientific debate.We ultimately seek a renewed commitment to the core principles of ethical medicine, returning to an era in which we strive for transparency, accountability and responsible decision-making throughout the spheres of medicine and public health.”

At this point in time, the evidence of the COVID mRNA product doing significantly more harm than good is overwhelming, even for the highest risk groups. The longer the General Medical Council, the Secretary of State for Health, and the Chief Medical Officer delay on acting on this, the greater the harm to public health, the further decrease in trust in the medical profession, and the more strain on an already failing NHS. It is evident that many physicians and medical leaders remain either unaware of the latest evidence or too deeply entrenched in the corrupted ties between the healthcare profession and the pharmaceutical industry to recognize clear conflicts of interest.

Let me be unequivocal: my mission is to protect patients from harm, not to serve pharmaceutical profits.

I ask for these unsubstantiated accusations against me be dropped and unprofessional, relational aggression showed against me be condemned – so that we can all go back to serving patients and restoring trust in the medical profession.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr Aseem Malhotra

Consultant Cardiologist

HUM2N Clinic, Chelsea.




Dr Aseem Malhotra is a highly esteemedaward-winning consultant cardiologist based at at the HUM2N Clinic, London. He is a globally regarded specialist when it comes to diagnosing, preventing, and managing heart disease. His areas of expertise include evidence based medicine, collaborative shared decision-making with patients, obesitycoronary artery diseasepreventive cardiology, as well as angina. Dr Malhotra graduated with a degree in medicine from the University of Edinburgh in 2001.

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