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UK election 2024: Nigel Farage could deliver another profound shock to the establishment


10 minute read

From LifeSiteNews

By Frank Wright

With Nigel Farage and Reform U.K. from the right, and George Galloway and his Workers’ Party from the left, the populist element threatens to make the cheerless pantomime of British politics entertaining – and interesting – again.

The United Kingdom’s general election is days away. Thursday, July 4, a memorable date for American home rule, may see a degree of self-rule return to Britain as the liberal establishment is shaken in its heartland by populists from the right and left of the center of permanent government.

Last week current Conservative Foreign Secretary David Cameron said on video that British policy on Ukraine was “fixed” and that nothing would change if Labour won the election – as many expect they will.

Yet a rising tide of populism led by two charismatic figures has complicated the situation.

Despite attempts routinely seen in European nations to “lock out” populists from mainstream media, Nigel Farage’s Reform continues to surge. Mass rallies across the country combine with several polls showing his party now pushing the Conservatives into third place nationally in three polls.

When the first poll showed Reform a point ahead of the Tories, Farage claimed his party was now “the real opposition to Labour.”

Farage has complained that his party is not being given fair media coverage. Reform have cautioned against believing mainstream media polls, as their own claim to show far stronger support – such as this from July 1.

Almost all polls exclude Galloway’s Workers’ Party from their calculations, locking his voice out on screen. But it is his voice which has resonated with many who share his support of Gaza against Israel’s ongoing genocide.

Galloway claims that the established parties have “abandoned the working class.” He claims to stand against “the uniparty” of British politics, having denounced the “one-party state” of Britain in colorful terms in the past.

His recent sentiments on the merits of both the Labour and Conservative leaders will be shared by many.

With Galloway from the left, and Farage from the right, the populist element threatens to make the cheerless pantomime of British politics entertaining – and interesting – again.

Farage came to prominence as a leading figure in the “Brexit” movement, which following then Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to hold a referendum, saw the U.K. vote in it to leave the European Union.

Many British voters – known as “remainers” – sought to remain in and seek to rejoin the E.U., and hope that a vote for the Labour Party will realize this ambition.

British Christian commentator Peter Hitchens criticized the referendum at the time, saying that it introduced a conflict over sovereignty that replaced another. He said that the referendum made the popular vote sovereign at the expense of Parliament, and that the membership of the E.U. had also done the same. This, he said in 2023, had diluted the power of Parliament overall.

Hitchens concluded that the referendum really contested the supremacy of Parliament in determining the fate of the nation.

Election as referendum on Parliament?

This election can be seen as a sort of second referendum – on the legacy of that Parliament and how its determination to act against the nation should be judged by its population.

The Conservative Party has ruled Britain for the last 14 years. It has attacked Libya (in 2011), unleashing waves of mass migration, which saw the party then call for integration and diversity as scandals over child sexual abuse (2010-2014)  and the public execution of a British soldier (2013) by immigrant populations hit the press.

The Conservatives, as with many other parties of the liberal consensus in the West, strongly supported lockdowns and burdened the nation with record borrowing to fund the destruction of the high street businesses, community groups and the education and development of children and young people. They aggressively promoted the so-called “vaccines,” with conservative commentator Andrew Neil saying it was “time to punish the unvaccinated.”

With its “winner takes all” system of “first past the post,” the party with the most votes in each constituency wins. This means Reform may take millions of votes, but still end up with very few seats.

Elections are not only a matter of who counts the votes. They are also determined by who draws the boundaries – in reality and in the media.

Mass migration breaks the game

Yet it is mass migration – and its profound effects on the politics, policing, and practices established in Britain which is mainly driving support to Farage’s Reform. Why is that the case?

It is a reality which can no longer be ruled out of bounds by the politics and media of the establishment.

Mass migration has increased significantly under the Tories, as the Conservatives are known. So have laws against free speech, including a National Security Act which threatens to criminalize investigative journalism. Nigel Farage was himself “debanked” under measures permitted by Conservative rule. The party of law and order has marked the nation by the absence of both. 

READ: Press freedom under threat as UK National Security Act could put journalists in jail

Christians have been prosecuted and cautioned by police for praying, preaching the Gospel, and singing hymns. In May 2024, the Daily Telegraph reported that “Christians are the most despised minority in Britain” as a result.

The U.K. now has the highest tax burden in 70 years, and it is set to rise higher still. Taxes have risen in the U.K. more sharply than in the U.S. or the E.U. in the last five years.

For these reasons the most vociferous opponents of the Conservative Party are now its own former core voters.

This election will be lost by the Conservatives. It may finish them. But a massive Labour victory is not guaranteed, and the chaos created by Labour and the Tories in Britain is driving people towards populism to secure a meaningful change – from the politics of national suicide.

A guide for Christian voters

The U.K.’s Christian Institute has produced a guide to all the parties’ policies, showing where each faction stands on issues of concern to the near 60 percent of the population which identifies as Christian, per the most recent census in 2021.

Nigel Farage’s Reform is the only party to oppose the LGBTQI agenda in schools. Reform also supports marriage with a proposed raise in the marred couples’ tax allowance. It wishes to abolish “hate crimes,” including repressive measures on speech, and has pledged to leave the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits most meaningful action against mass migration. 

The elephant in the room

The migration issue remains one which dominates ordinary life in Britain, but whose mention has been routinely and deliberately excluded from mainstream debate and media coverage for the decades during which it has taken place.

Nigel Farage has won one referendum – on Britain leaving the E.U. in 2016. Most polls said he would lose that one. One said “Leave” would lose by 10 points.

With the elephant of migration now dominating what little room is left in Britain, Farage may be on course to deliver another profound shock to a system designed to conduct business as usual – regardless of the interests and opinions of its people.


Bill O’Reilly predicts Biden will drop out of presidential race ‘sometime soon’

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From LifeSiteNews

Former Fox News star Bill O’Reilly predicted President Joe Biden will soon drop out of the race after a disastrous debate performance. Biden’s aides and liberal news outlets have also suggested the president should stop his re-election bid.

President Joe Biden will soon drop out of the 2024 presidential race, longtime conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly suggested recently.

“Expect this. Sometime soon, President Biden will step aside as President Johnson did in 1968. Vietnam got him. But first, the K Street Democrats in D.C. have to quietly float replacement names with the top liberal media moguls,” O’Reilly said on his website Monday. “Something as monumental as this is not done spontaneously. The liberal media and Hollywood money people will have input.”

“What is absolutely certain is that Joe Biden is finished as a powerful man,” O’Reilly added. “Shortly, he will have to go quietly into the night, pretty much dragging Jill Biden with him.”

O’Reilly, who was host for more than two decades of the popular The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News and now comments at his own website and for NewsNation, made the prediction following an underwhelming performance by Biden at last week’s debate against Donald Trump.

His prediction mirrors the desire and speculation of prominent liberal voices and outlets, including The New York Times editorial board, which urged Biden to drop out just one day after the presidential debate.

The board wrote:

He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Biden is currently engaged in a “reckless gamble,” according to the Times, because if he continues down this path, Trump will likely win.

“There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency,” the editorial board argued. “There is no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden.”

“It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes,” according to the liberal newspaper.

After reiterating how much it despises Trump, the editorial pleaded with Democratic strategists to convince Biden to drop out of the race.

“Democrats who have deferred to Mr. Biden must now find the courage to speak plain truths to the party’s leader,” the editorial board wrote. “The confidants and aides who have encouraged the president’s candidacy and who sheltered him from unscripted appearances in public should recognize the damage to Mr. Biden’s standing and the unlikelihood that he can repair it.”

Biden has also lost the support of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Georgia is considered a swing state in the 2024 presidential election. “The 81-year-old president has shown a greater capacity to tell the truth than his opponent, former President Donald Trump,” the editorial board wrote on Saturday, June 29. “But the unfortunate truth is that Biden should withdraw from the race, for the good of the nation he has served so admirably for half a century.”

Some Democratic activists and aides have expressed concern about Biden in recent days.

“They’ve just been trying to skate to the general election with as minimal exposure as possible to the public. And now it’s blown up on them,” former Democratic National Committee delegate Thomas Kennedy told The Intercept. The news outlet reported that chances are low Biden will drop out of the race.

But concerns remain.

“Biden is toast,” one Democratic activist told Politico after the debate.

“In text messages with POLITICO, Democrats expressed confusion and concern as they watched the first minutes of the event,” the news outlet reported. “One former Biden White House and campaign aide called it ‘terrible,’ adding that they have had to ask themselves over and over: ‘What did he just say? This is crazy.’”

Some family members are blaming Biden aides for the president’s poor performance, according to a Sunday article in Politico. “First lady Jill Biden and his son Hunter Biden were the loudest voices urging the president to stay in the 2024 contest,” the outlet reported, based on unnamed sources.

Biden’s “cognitive health” remains an issue for many voters.

“For months before the first debate, the nation’s voters repeatedly expressed doubts over whether President Biden had the cognitive health enough to serve,” CBS News reported today. “Today, those doubts have grown even more: now at nearly three-quarters of the electorate, and now including many within his own party.”

Among registered voters, only 27 percent think Biden has the “mental & cognitive health to serve as president.” About 50% of registered voters, or twice as many, say Trump does.

The post-debate poll found in general, registered voters trusted Trump more. For example, 18 percent said Biden “inspired confidence,” while 44 percent said Trump did. Similarly, 21 percent said Biden “presented ideas clearly,” while 47 percent said Trump did.

The differences were not as large when it came to the question of a candidate’s ability to explain “plans & policies,” with 35 percent of respondents saying Biden did and 43 percent saying Trump did.

Among Democratic registered voters, 55 percent said he should continue running, while 45 percent said he should not.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled for August 19 through the 22nd.

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Huge Percentage of EV Owners Want to Go Back to Normal Cars, Study Finds

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From Heartland Daily News

By Nick Pope

Nearly half of American electric vehicle owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Co., a leading consulting firm.

Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase, citing issues like inadequate charging infrastructure and affordability, according to McKinsey’s study, which was obtained and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The study’s findings further suggest that the Biden administration’s push for electric vehicles is struggling to land with American consumers, after 46% of respondents indicated they are unlikely or very unlikely to purchase an EV in a June poll conducted by The Associated Press and the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute.

Moreover, 58% of Americans are very likely to keep their current cars for longer, and 44% are likely to postpone a possible switch to electric vehicles, McKinsey’s study found. Consumers’ concerns about EV charging infrastructure are notable given the slow rollout of the Biden administration’s $7.5 billion public EV charger program, which so far has led to the construction of only a few public chargers in nearly three years.

The Biden administration has a stated goal of having EVs make up 50% of all new car sales by 2030. The Environmental Protection Agency finalized stringent regulations in March that will force manufacturers to ensure that up to 56% of their light-duty vehicles are EVs by 2032.

The EPA has also finalized strict emissions standards for medium- and light-duty vehicles, while the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has locked in fuel economy standards that will further push manufacturers to produce more EVs.

The Biden administration is spending billions of dollars to subsidize production and purchase of electric vehicles, but manufacturers are still losing considerable amounts of cash on their EV product lines. EVs remained below a 10% share of all auto sales in the U.S. in 2023, according to Cox Automotive.

The White House did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

Nick Pope is a contributor to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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