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Trudeau Vs. Modi in the Punjabi Gang Wars (I hope you’re sitting down)


25 minute read

Fr0m The Real Story 

By Terry Glavin

Also, it’s official: Samidoun is a terrorist organization and Khaled Barakat is officially a terrorist (thank you, America). This has been a hell of a week.

Spies in the House!

I’ve just come from the Montreal International Security Summit on China and the Indo-Pacific where I joined the Globe and Mail’s Bob Fife and Yaqiu Wang from Freedom House on a panel titled Decoding Transnational Repression and Foreign Influence Operations. CPAC recorded the summit. When the video clips are available I’ll post them here.

At the moment I’m in Ottawa, where all everybody seems to be talking about whether Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has finally and fatally beclowned himself by his melodramatic performance at Madame Justice Hogue’s Foreign Influence Inquiry hearings this past week.

If you’re interested in that sort of thing here’s some reading for when you’re done here: Trudeau’s interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation; Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attentionTrudeau came to the foreign interference inquiry to hurl a grenade at his opponent.

On the allegation that Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to know who’s among the compromised politicians identified in that secret report of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians, come back when you’re done reading this newsletter and give a listen to former New Democratic Party leader Tom Mulcair, here.

As for Trudeau’s headline-grabbing assertion that the Conservatives have a serious foreign-influence problem that party leader Pierre Poilievre doesn’t want to talk about (Poilievre minced no words, calling Trudeau a liar and demanding that he name names), it will not come as news to Real Story subscribers or to readers acquainted with my contributions to the National Post that yes, the Conservatives have a problem.

It’s nothing like the Liberals’ circumstances of course, the main difference being that Trudeau’s Liberals don’t see Beijing’s lavish dotings to their electoral advantage in the federal polls of 2019 and 2021 as particularly unwelcome. Trudeau has never given any indication that he finds anything unseemly about the affections of Beijing’s Mandarin bloc donors and deal-makers in Canada.

Teenagers who aren’t even Canadian citizens or permanent residents, mobilized en masse to vote in Liberal Party candidacy and leadership races? Sure, let them in, Trudeau told the Hogue Commission: “Expanding the pool is also a way to try to engage future voters – those too young to vote or who are not yet Canadian citizens.”

The Conservatives have had their own entanglements. See: Conservatives, the Media and CCP Psy-Ops for a link-rich deep background piece on the whole thing. This was pretty important too: The Comprador in the Conservative leadership race keeps digging. Here’s the bedrock Jean Charest is about to hit.

Now that Canada’s diplomatic relations with India are broken …

There’s been so much going on in my “beat” this week that I need to try hard not to bog everyone down here. Below I’ll have some news for you that you’re unlikely to have come across anywhere else, related to my front page piece in the National Post, here.

Certain incendiary facts related to the Canada-India rumpus will have to wait for subsequent Real Story editions, but I do have some riveting details below about the sinister Indian intelligence-agency spymaster who Canada is determined to shold accountable for Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s murder in Surrey in June last year. Let’s just say he doesn’t fit the profile.

For now, riddle me this.

The crime gang that the RCMP says Delhi has contracted to carry out its dirty counter-terrorism operations against Khalistani extremists here in Canada is the Lawrence Bishnoi crime syndicate. “We believe that that group is connected to agents of the Government of India,” Assistant RCMP Commissioner Brigitte Gauvin said Monday.

But in India, law enforcement agencies are engaged in a long and drawn-out war with the Bishnoi gang, and Narendra Modi’s people say they’re furious that Canada isn’t helping. Ottawa won’t even respond to extradition requests. India’s National Investigation Agency says Bishnoi’s mobsters have been directly collaborating with the Khalistanis in various criminal enterprises, and they’ve been running extortion, kidnapping and gun-running operations in India from their safe havens in Canada.

The NIA prepared a charge sheet against several Bishnoi gangsters last year setting out their various ties to Babbar Khalsa International, a listed Khalistani terrorist organization in Canada. Talwinder Singh Parmar’s Babbar Khalsa organization was behind the murder of 329 passengers in the 1985 Air India atrocity, which was plotted and carried out in Canada under the noses of the RCMP.

Bishnoi has been in prison for a decade, but Indian police agencies say his operations across the Indian subcontinent are run from Canada by his chief lieutenant, the gangster Goldy Brar. It’s not that Bishnoi or Brar are devoted Khalistanis; they’re devoted to guns, money and power.

For as much background as you could possibly want on the suffering of the Sikhs and the harms done by Khalistani extremists over four decades in Canada and India, there’s quite a bit in the Real Story archives.

Of immediate relevance: Politics and The Punjabi Gangland Wars

Introductory dispatches: Why I know where the bodies are buried.

Part 1: Is India interfering in Canada’s affairs or is it the other way round?

Part 2: Did Ottawa Sabotage Modi’s Peace Talks?

Part 3: Conspiracy Theories, From Inside The House.

More recently: The worst of all possible worldsDefiling the memory of dead Canadians; The worst mass murder in Canadian history.

As you may have picked up from my tone. I’m not fond of the Khalistanis. They killed a friend of mine, among several thousand others. Follow those links above and you’ll understand.

Speaking of lurid Khalistani conspiracy theories and defiling the memory of the Air India dead, Liberal MP Sukh Dhaliwal is sponsoring a petition for an inquiry to entertain allegations that the Government of India itself blew up Air India Flight 182 to make Khalistani separatists look bad.

India Strikes Back: ‘You want names? Here are some names.’

Furious with Trudeau’s refusal to cooperate with its own counter-terrorism and organized crime investigations, this week India released the names of several Khalistanis and gangsters from a list of extradition requests that Ottawa has allegedly ignored.

The Bishnoi boss Goldy Brar is just one of them. Another, who I knew only by his alias “Sunny Toronto” until a couple of day ago, is reportedly a Canadian Border Services Agency official who lives in Abbotsford, B.C.; In the cause of discretion I’ll leave his name and address out of it for the time being.

Ottawa’s got the list now.

Ujjal Dosanjh, the former NDP B.C. premier and Liberal MP makes an astute observation: India-Canada relations are likely to remain broken until both Trudeau and Modi are gone. Ujjal and I go way back. The Khalistanis beat him within an inch of his life back in the 1980s.

Dosanjh is not impressed with the way Trudeau and his ministers are grandstanding about what Indian spies may or may not be doing in Canada: “Why do they have to say anything? Why, in particular, when they say nothing about Khalistani extremism in the first place?”

Speaking of the Trudeau government’s astonishing inattentiveness to fanatical extremists engaging in incitements and intimidations and coming and going from Canada as they please. . .

An excruciatingly embarassing Canadian moment.

I was airborne on the first leg of the long haul to the Montreal Summit when the news broke. CBC version: Canada lists pro-Palestinian group Samidoun as terrorist entity.

(I’m not going to bang on again about how describing Samidoun as “pro-Palestinian” in a headline is an unfortunate case of the news media once again conceding the specious claim Samidoun makes for itself against the case that it should have been outlawed years ago, so let’s just move on).

During a brief stopover in Vancouver I checked my phone, and holy cow. The emails, text messages, phone messages. . .then my phone started ringing. I’d turned down a half dozen interviews before the day was over.

It all began here, in April, 2022, with this investigation: The Curious Case of Khaled Barakat. It carried on until just a few days ago: Liberal failure to outlaw pro-terrorist group Samidoun is mind boggling

In between,there was a lot of this sort of thing: Why was man linked to terrorist group allowed to speak at city-owned Ottawa venue? Group banned in Germany gets carte blanche in Canada to glorify Hamas massacreFinally, a terrorist sympathiser is arrested.

Necessary reading for anyone who wants the deep backstory: Samidoun: The Network.

I’m not due any great part of the credit for Samidoun’s ill luck, although I’d like think that all that research and all those interviews and investigations and fact-checking shifts for the National Post and the Ottawa Citizen and The Real Story going back two and a half years have amounted to something worthwhile.

Credit for Samidoun’s comeuppance this week genuinely belongs elsewhere. It belongs to the terrific research staff and the leadership of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, NGO Monitor, B’nai Brith, Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights . . . and in the House of Commons, Michael Chong, Shuv Majumdar, Kevin Vuong, Jamil Jivani, Anthony Housefather, and lately Pierre Poilievre.

I better stop there or it’ll be a long list and I’ll leave someone off and feel bad. Mostly I’d like to thank the paying subscribers to The Real Story, where I’ve done most of my work on this file. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, so take a bow.

The Real Story is made possible by paying subscribers who get all sorts of news backstories otherwise unavailable anywhere.

Why can’t we call this a proud Canadian moment?

Let me put it this way.

In effect as of last Friday, the U.S. Treasury Department has designated a federally-registered Canadian non-profit corporation a “sham charity” that has been covertly and openly serving a Foreign Terrorist Organization listed by the U.S. State Department, for years, specifically the Specially Designated Global Terrorist organization known as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Let that sink in. The Americans were forced to list one of Canada’s federally-registered non-profits as a terrorist entity. The PFLP has been on Canada’s own terrorist list all this time, too, and for several years, to no avail, Jewish advocacy organizations and Israeli diplomats had been hammering away to bring Samidoun to Ottawa’s attention.

Washington agreed to present this turn of events as a collaboration with Ottawa, and that’s fine. Diplomacy and all that. Canadian and American officials have been chatting for a year about how to get this mess sorted, but by last week the Americans were done waiting. Canada had to act swiftly.

Here’s something odd about Ottawa’s account: Samidoun meets the definition of a ‘terrorist group’ under Canada’s Criminal Code,” following Germany’s decision to do just that. Israel isn’t mentioned. Maybe that’s because Samidoun was registered with Corporations Canada as a non-profit corporation a mere three days after Israel listed Samidoun as a terrorist group and about two years after Ottawa was first warned that the PFLP was using Canada as a base of operations through Samidoun.

It was just as the financial, insurance and fundraising walls were closing in on the organization, globally, that Ottawa threw Samidoun a lifeline, on March 3, 2021.

Samidoun appears to remain a federally-registered non-profit, although its Corporations Canada page includes a note: “Government of Canada lists Samidoun as a terrorist entity.” At least as of Wednesday, Samidoun shows up on Public Safety Canada’s list of proscribed terrorist groups.

There’s an important distinction between the Americans’ listing announcement and Canada’s move. Here’s the U.S. Treasury Department: “Also designated today is Khaled Barakat, a member of the PFLP’s leadership. Together, Samidoun and Barakat play critical roles in external fundraising for the PFLP.” The Government of Canada is silent about Barakat.

A Palestinian from the West Bank town of Dahiyat al-Barid, Barakat is a Canadian citizen now. He first showed up in Canada at the University of British Columbia about 20 years ago. At some point along the way Barakat married the insufferable American immigrant Charlotte Kates, the Samidoun rally-organizer, international coordinator and slogan shouter arrested on hate-speech charges in April. Unaccountably, the B.C. Prosecution Service is still fussing and mulling and dragging its feet: no prosecution, six months on.

Barakat was last noticed in Beirut where he was livestreaming a conversation with Laith Marouf, the grossly antisemitic apologist for Syria’s Bashar Assad who famously siphoned hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal “anti-racism” and broadcasting consultation contracts before anyone in Ottawa even noticed.

Back to the India-Canada dyspepsia.

What does Justin Trudeau mean by proof?

I’m reluctant to include Monday’s extraordinary RCMP press conference among the several exercises in diversionary stage-management that Team Trudeau undertook this past week. But I do wonder.

The big headlines from that presser involved the RCMP’s conclusion that there are “links” between Indian diplomats and certain of the outrages that have occurred in a crime wave of extortion, arson, and strongarming in the South Asian community over the past year or so. The upshot is that Delhi is using the crime wave as cover to go after Khalistanis in Canada who are wanted India, and there are even “links tying agents of the Government of India to homicides.”

It’s certainly plausible. As Real Story subscribers will know, for quite some time now Narendra Modi’s government has been furious about the Trudeau government’s reluctance to tread on the toes of powerful Khalistani elements that have embedded themselves in Canada’s Sikh temples. It’s all “vote bank politics,” the Indians say.

The RCMP has concluded that Delhi’s overseas counter-terrorism efforts have come to include going after the gangs on their own turf according to gang rules. Delhi’s frustration involves at least two dozen high-profile criminals and Khalistanis in Canada who are wanted in India in several serious criminal and terrorism cases. India says they continue to run their gangland empires across the Indian subcontinent from their safe havens here in Canada.

Despite the impression Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly set out to give in her account of the expulsion of India’s High Commissioner and five diplomats this week, RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme and Assistant RCMP Commissioner Brigitte Gauvin said the bad behaviour they were on about in their press briefing had nothing to do with the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

And despite Joly’s version, India says its embassy and consular officials were withdrawn for their own safety because Trudeau himself, by his florid language and grandstanding, had put them at risk.

Canada’s foot-stamping, tantrum-having approach has been avoided by the Americans, who report that Indian officials are being perfectly cooperative in the case that caused Trudeau to stand up in the House of Commons last September to accuse Modi of killing a Canadian on Canadian soil. That wasn’t a stunt quite on the scale of lowering the flags on all government buildings quY

Unlike the case of Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s murder, the possibly-related plot to kill Nijjar’s Sikhs for Justice associate Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, foiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Drug Enforcement Agency, is coming along swimmingly.

The only fleeting evidence of an Indian government agent’s involvement in Nijjar’s murder comes from the transcipts the U.S. Department of Justice put together from wiretaps in the comically compromised murder-for-hire plot to kill Pannun – of the five people who were in on it, one was an FBI agent and another was a DEA informant.

Trudeau himself conceded to the Hogue Commission Tuesday that he had no proof of the Indian government’s involvement in the Nijjar murder, that he had only “intelligence” suggesting an Indian government connection. As you might imagine, the news media in India jumped on Trudeau’s deposition with glee.

The Department of Justice transcipt contains an exchange between the gangster Nikhil Gupta (now in U.S. custody) and his prospective hit man (who was in reality an FBI agent) in which Gupta describes Nijjar as one of several targets in an anti-Khalistani assassination scheme with big payouts.

The money man in the arrangement has turned out to be something rather less than a movie-script spy chief. Vikash Yadav, a disreputable former RAW officer, was himself arrested by Delhi police on extortion, attempted murder and kidnapping charges last December.

In an amateurish shakedown, Yadav and an accomplice beat a Lodhi Road businessman, relieved him of his cash, a gold chain and his rings, and left him at the side of the road. Yadav was arrested soon after by the Delhi police, but he was allowed out on bail four months later, in April, and hasn’t been seen since. The FBI has issued a warrant for his arrest, and the U.S. is expected to ask for his extradition if he turns up.

It’s astonishing that something so tawdry could lead to Canada’s worst fracture in diplomatic relations with a fellow democracy in living memory. But this is Justin Trudeau’s Canada, and this is how we roll.

By the time you read this I should be airborne again. I’m tired.

Not a paywall to be found in this whole newsletter. I can only blame myself, but if you’ve come this far, you really should take out a paid subscription, right?

Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: GOP Lawmakers Press Biden-Harris Admin Over Alleged Cover-Up Behind Major Fossil Fuel Crackdown

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation 


By Nick Pope

Forty-five GOP lawmakers are demanding answers from the Department of Energy (DOE) after a government watchdog group accused the agency of covering up a key study that would have interfered with one of the Biden-Harris administration’s most aggressive crackdowns on fossil fuels.

The lawmakers wrote to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm on Thursday to address a watchdog’s allegations that her agency conducted or drafted — and then quietly buried — a study on the emissions impacts of liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports in 2023 before pausing approvals for certain LNG export terminals in January on the grounds that the agency needed to conduct such a review. Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO), the watchdog making the allegations, is suing the agency under public records law to obtain the thousands of pages DOE concedes may fit GAO’s specific request searching for the 2023 study that the agency allegedly buried because it was producing politically inconvenient conclusions, as first reported by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s attempt to conceal its findings on liquefied natural gas impacts is troubling. Despite evidence that U.S. LNG benefits both the economy and global energy security, the Department of Energy has imposed an indefinite ban on LNG exports to non-free trade agreement countries without legal justification,” Republican Texas Rep. August Pfluger, one of the letter’s signatories, said in a statement shared with the DCNF. “The lack of transparency from DOE on existing studies, as well as the motivation behind the ongoing study, is unacceptable. The American people deserve accountability on the decision-making process surrounding our energy future.”

DOE Letter re: LNG studies, GAO accusations by Nick Pope on Scribd

If GAO’s allegations are ultimately substantiated, the Biden-Harris administration effectively misled the public in an election year to set up a policy that hurts American geopolitical interests and disincentivizes investment in major energy projects. However, the deep-pocketed environmentalist lobby aligning with Democrats in the 2024 election cycle celebrated the policy.

The lawmakers’ letter specifically asks Granholm to clarify whether the agency conducted any analysis of LNG exports’ emissions impacts before the Jan. 26 announcement of the freeze on approvals for LNG export terminals seeking to ship gas to non-free trade agreement (FTA) countries. The legislators also asked Granholm to detail whether top DOE officials or White House personnel ever received updates about such an analysis, even if preliminary, in the first ten months of 2023, as well as whether the agency still intends to publish its findings in January 2025.

“DOE is in receipt of this letter and is reviewing it,” an agency spokesperson said in a statement shared with the DCNF. “DOE’s process to update the analyses that informs its review of applications to authorize exports of US natural gas to non-free trade agreement countries is well underway. When the updated analyses are ready, we will publish them for the public to review and provide comment.”

The lawmakers gave Granholm until Nov. 8 to respond to their inquiry. Republican Reps. Darrell Issa of California, Dan Crenshaw of Texas, Harriet Hageman of Wyoming, Lance Gooden of Texas and Buddy Carter of Georgia joined Pfluger as signatories, among others.

Notably, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee sent its own letter to Granholm on Wednesday demanding answers about the same exact issue.

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Bruce Dowbiggin

Musk Win: How Elon’s Heel Turn Has Driven The Left Insane

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It’s not often that we can watch the workings of our modern world with childlike glee. But glee might be the best word to describe the feelings of most as they watched the stunning safe return of the booster rocket from Starship X. The video showed how the arms of the Starship X tower grabbed the rocket from out of thin air as it slowly descended to earth, gently place it safely back on the launch pad.

In normal times the person who created such a company would be hailed as the pinnacle of human potential. Add in that he has also created revolutionary electric cars and Starlink satellite systems and the PayPal network and you’d probably nominate the South African/ Canadian in question as a permanent Nobel winner. He’s among the world’s richest people as a result.

But on his way to immortality Elon Musk made one critical mistake: purchasing the website Twitter, now re-branded as X. In doing so he fired 90 percent of the previous staff and instituted a policy of open speech for the Right on the site— starting with restoring Donald Trump’s account. Which put Musk on the Hit List for leftist plutocrats.

How? He hired prominent independent journalists such as Bari Weiss, Michael Shellenberg and Matt Taibbi to show that Twitter, along with Facebook and other prominent social media sites, had been paid to censor opponents at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign during the 2020 election. He started posting about the disturbing contrast of America’s voting system (results up to three weeks after election) compared to Argentina (6.6 hours).  He pointed out that America is broke, saying things like “”The reason why I’m involved in politics this time, is because this time it’s a fork in the road. I think we’re doomed if Trump doesn’t win, so he’s gotta win.”.

From worshipful respect, Musk was suddenly met with scorn, derision and, in Europe, plans to censor him permanently. Brazil shut down X completely. British intelligence targeted his association with Trump. The radical Left in the U.S., accustomed to its version of truth, suddenly decided that Musk was in line with Nazis and the Far Right.

As blogger Mike Benz notes, the deep state targeted him for not playing along. “CCDH — whose explicit written goal is to “Kill Musk’s Twitter” — not only has its Chairman come from NATO’s Atlantic Council, its former Comms chief was a CIA operative who worked extensively in NATO intelligence ops… CCDH’s former Head of Communications is a self-described “CIA operative” in her own Twitter bio (!!) with an extensive history of NATO operations: ‘Covert operations, intelligence & disinformation’”

While admitting that he’ll likely be in jail within six months of Kamala Harris winning the presidency, Musk is unfazed. Here’s fired CNN talking head Don Lemon challenging— and losing— on Musk’s commitment to free speech. But Musk’s deft debating didn’t discourage the purchased media of the left from trying some more.

Here’s Vanity Fair excoriating Musk for veering from their catechism. Here is reliably lunatic NBC News saying Musk is— gasp— against DEI. For good measure here’s Reuters giving an airing of former Twitter employees grievances against Musk. Topped by president Joe Biden’s demand to “Politically, lock him up — lock him out, that’s what we’ve got to do,” said even as he president’s Justice Department was in fact trying to jail Mr. Trump literally.

When he realized that the Left was using him as a piñata Musk responded to the onslaught by making an alliance with former president Donald Trump, the Beelzebub of Woke folk and the bureaucrat’s nightmare. Because Trump, the braggart, was at least in favour of free speech for other braggarts, Musk agreed to join his team after the election as Efficiency Czar for government.

Musk began saying things like he’d reduce the approximately 340 agencies in the U.S. federal government to just 90. He also questioned the usefulness of most people in the DC bubble. He began asking why the government’s $42 B plan for rural internet, awash in delay and debt, shouldn’t be shelved for his Starlink system which already serves customers at a fraction of Kamala Harris’ white elephant.

While he was at it, Musk also eviscerated the DEMs pet cause of border reform. “If given 4 more years to do it, the big govt machine will legalize vast numbers of illegals, making all swing states permanently deep blue, just like they did with California. Every major Democrat politician has stated that their goal is to legalize all illegals. Believe them.

If you thought January 6, 2021, was a shock to Washington’s privilege, a Musk efficiency regime— combined with RFK Jr taking on the healthcare industry— will be tantamount to setting off a thermo-nuclear device beneath the Senate lunchroom. Democrats and the trained hamsters of the GOP establishment swore a fatwa on a guy whom they’d venerated not long ago.

Here’s the New York Times, party organ of the DNC, on Musk’s Efficiency commission. “That would essentially give the world’s richest man and a major government contractor the power to regulate the regulators who hold sway over his companies, amounting to a potentially enormous conflict of interest.” Yahoo calls him a threat to national security because something something something. MSNBC, the TV voice of Woke Washington, declarded that Musk is using his power to sue his critics into silence.

But such is the temperature of the DEI Left as it faces imminent destruction in the 2024 election. Having rationalized two assassination attempts on Trump they now nurse snuff fantasies about eliminating Musk the Menace. As legal scholar Jonathan Hurley writes, “It is all part of Musk mania and the need to break the only executive who has defied the anti-free speech movement.”

You can measure their panic by the employment of DEMs superstars like Barack and Michelle Obama and the odious Clintons. While the obsequious Obama laments division in the body politic, Kamala Harris states: “Trump is literally Hitler and he will use the military to kill US citizens.”

Obama, who institutionalized the Racism® industry upon his winning the presidency, is accusing Trump and Musk of… you guessed it… racism for dividing Americans. From Henry Louis Gates to struggle sessions in the military to embracing race hustlers with ankle bracelets in the White House, Obama guaranteed the George Floyd America as it heads to the polls on November 5. Before Musk bought Twitter, he got away with it all, But a Musk X has exposed the glib Obama as a petty Marxist tyrant.

That a transitional figure such as Musk is being sacrificed to the altar of Woke politics is, regrettably, no surprise in these times. Which makes it no less reprehensible. The Obama motto regarding enemies is “No one gets out alive”. Perhaps Musk should heed A.E. Houseman who observed, “smart lad to slip betimes away from fields where glory does not stay. For early though the laurel goes, it withers sooner than the rose.”

Bruce Dowbiggin @dowbboy is the editor of Not The Public Broadcaster  A two-time winner of the Gemini Award as Canada’s top television sports broadcaster, he’s a regular contributor to Sirius XM Canada Talks Ch. 167. His new book Deal With It: The Trades That Stunned The NHL And Changed hockey is now available on Amazon. Inexact Science: The Six Most Compelling Draft Years In NHL History, his previous book with his son Evan, was voted the seventh-best professional hockey book of all time by . His 2004 book Money Players was voted sixth best on the same list, and is available via

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