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Trudeau gov’t considered using term ‘heat-flation’ to link rising costs with ‘climate change’


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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Recently revealed documents show that members of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet were looking to associate rising inflation in Canada with “climate change” by using the term “heat-flation,” but abandoned the idea after negative feedback from polls.

The documents show that Trudeau’s own Privy Council Office in an April 24 report said it had commissioned its own “in-house” research on the “concepts of ‘climate-flation’ and ‘heat-flation’” to see Canadians take on the terms.  

Predictably, the bid to try and convince Canadians that the rising costs of living was the result of so-called “climate change” did not go over well with those polled as nobody had even heard of the term “heat-flation.”  

The information regarding the poll was gleaned from a report titled Continuous Qualitative Data Collection Of Canadians’ Views, as noted by Blacklock’s Reporter,  and asked if Canadians had heard of these “terms before” with “none indicated they had.” 

“Describing what they believed these terms referred to, many expected they were likely connected to the issue of climate change and rising economic costs of its effect as well as efforts to mitigate its impacts going forward,” noted the report. 

“To clarify, participants were informed ‘heat-flation’ is when extreme heat caused by climate change makes food and other items more expensive, and that ‘climate-flation’ was a broader term that encompassed all of the ways in which climate change can cause prices to go up including but not limited to extreme heat.” 

The report noted that while some of the people polled thought “climate change” might have had some effect on inflation, many other issues were seen as the cause.  

The report noted that “All believed climate change was having at least some impact on the price of food” but not in the way the government narrative asserts. 

The report found that some Canadians “felt that in addition to extreme heat and drought making it more difficult for farmers to protect their crops and livestock, extreme weather events could also cause damage to vital roadways and infrastructure making it more difficult to transport food products across the country. A few also expressed that in addition to impacting Canadian food production climate change could also make it more expensive to import food.” 

Of note is that no Canadian government has balanced the budget since 2007, and many critics have pointed to this ever-increasing debt-load to the reason inflation has rocked the country.   

When it came to the carbon tax, many expressed the view that the “carbon pricing system had served to further increase the rate of inflation.”

Whether its inflation, the carbon tax or other factors, it remains true that Canada’s poverty rate is on the rise.   

As reported by LifeSiteNews, a July survey found that nearly half of Canadians are just $200 away from financial ruin as the costs of housing, food and other necessities has gone up massively since Trudeau took power in 2015.

Critics argue that instead of addressing these issues, the Trudeau government has instead used the “climate change” agenda to justify applying a punitive carbon tax on Canadians.

However, polls indicate that most Canadians are not as concerned with “climate change” as they are with other issues, and many do not buy into the alarmist government narrative. Many critics have also accused government officials of being hypocrites, as they punish Canadians via the carbon tax and other measures while themselves taking advantage of frequent flights at the expense of taxpayers.

Despite the rising unpopularity of such policies, the Trudeau government has continued to push a radical environmental agenda similar to those endorsed by globalist groups like the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.


Irate parents demand answers from Saskatchewan school allowing males to use girls’ locker rooms

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

Girls have stopped changing for gym class at Balgonie Elementary in rural Saskatchewan while the school defends its actions, telling one student who felt uncomfortable that ‘she can change in a different room by herself.’

Canadian parents are outraged after learning their children’s school allowed two gender-confused biological males claiming to be female full access to the Grade 7 girls’ changing room.

In September, a female Grade 7 student from Balgonie Elementary School in rural Saskatchewan told her parents she was not comfortable with having to share changing rooms used for gym class with biological males.

Since the start of the school year, two gender-confused students have been allowed access to the girls’ locker room, as per the Western Standard, which broke the story.

As noted in the report, one parent, who remains anonymous, said that after her daughter raised the issue of the biological males using the girls’ locker room, saying she “felt uncomfortable,” she was told “she can change in a different room by herself.”

The parents were not pleased with the response and contacted the school principal, the Prairie Valley School Division (PVSD) superintendent, and the school board as well as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe.

The parent noted that after two weeks of “auto-responding with legal policies and procedures,” he finally met with the superintendent as well as a board member.

He said the meeting went “exactly as I thought,” adding that all that was said was that they “have done what they need to do according to the human rights and charter of rights and freedoms.”

Not pleased with the answer, the parent then emailed school officials on September 24, noting, “So, in short, you’re saying if there’s biological males that identify as females in the school, then our biological females have no more rights? Cause that’s what it seems like.”

He then said due to the biological males using the girls’ change room, many students have simply stopped changing for gym class and called the whole ordeal “not acceptable.”

He said in reply, “Correct me if I’m wrong,” adding, “since when is it appropriate to expose my 12-year-old daughter along with all the other biological females in that class to penis?”

The parent then said that school officials were acting in a cowardly manner to do the right thing because they were “pretending this is ok just to save your jobs.”

He said that gender-confused students should be the ones using a gender-neutral washroom.

The parent did get a reply from PVSD learning superintendent Lorrie Anne Harkness. However, it was a defense of the school’s actions.

Saskatchewan Minister of Education Jeremy Cockrill, who like the rest of his party is up for re-election, has promised that a re-elected Saskatchewan Party would “ensure that all public, separate, francophone, and independent schools in the province have policies in place to ensure that change rooms are safe and private places.”

As reported by LifeSiteNews, LGBT indoctrination targeting kids has been on the rise in Canada and worldwide, which has led to Canadians fighting back in protest.

Earlier this week, LifeSiteNews reported that a leading female gender ideology activist, who also worked as a school counselor, has been charged with grievous sexual offenses involving a minor.

Some provinces, such as Alberta,New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan, have in recent months proposed legislation that would strengthen parental rights.

The Alberta government will soon be introducing legislation aimed at strengthening parental rights as well as limiting minors being able to undergo “gender reassignment” surgery.

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Trudeau claims under oath that Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson are funded by Russia

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

“Hey Russians! Where the hell is my money?!”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed U.S media personality Tucker Carlson and popular Canadian psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson are being funded by a Russian-state-funded news site, blaming the foreign nation for “amplifying the chaos” surrounding the 2022 Freedom Convoy protests. 

Trudeau made the claim Wednesday during under oath testimony at the Foreign Interference Commission, after he was asked about Russia’s alleged role in the Freedom Convoy.  

Trudeau said, while speaking in French, that he “certainly agrees that Russia amplified the chaos, disagreements and divisions in Canada surrounding the convoy.”  

Trudeau added that “Russian activities related to propaganda, disinformation and misinformation are quite constant in our social media and within Canadian democracy.” He then claimed that it was “Russian propaganda” that “greatly amplified” opposition to the COVID shots which was spread by “right-wing media.” 

He then claimed that Russian state-funded broadcaster Russia Today (RT) was funding Carlson and Peterson, saying, “We saw many of these channels shift to pro-Putin propaganda.” 

“We recently saw that RT is funding right-wing bloggers and YouTube personalities in North America,” said Trudeau, adding, “including well-known names like Jordan Peterson or Tucker Carlson to amplify messages that destabilize democracies.” 

Trudeau’s comments were immediately blasted by Peterson. 

“Hey Russians! Where the hell is my money?!” he wrote on X Wednesday about Trudeau’s accusatory comments.  

Peterson’s daughter also took to social media, suggesting that Trudeau’s comments might warrant a lawsuit from her father.

“This might be worth suing about,” wrote Mikhaila Peterson on X.


“As much fun as lawsuits are, this seems like an easy one,” she added. 

As of press time, Carlson, who has been an open critic of the prime minister, has yet to issue a statement in response to Trudeau’s allegations.  

Currently, the Commission on Foreign Interference, which is largely focused on Chinese meddling in Canadian politics, is taking place in Ottawa, headed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue. She had earlier said she and her lawyers will remain “impartial” and will not be influenced by politics. In January, Hogue said that she would “uncover the truth whatever it may be.” 

The commission was struck after Trudeau’s special rapporteur, former Governor General David Johnston, failed in an investigation into CCP allegations last year after much delay. That inquiry was not done in public and was headed by Johnston, who is a “family friend” of Trudeau. 

Johnston quit as “special rapporteur” after a public outcry following his conclusion that there should not be a public inquiry into the matter. Conservative MPs demanded Johnston be replaced over his ties to both China and the Trudeau family. 

The potential meddling in Canada’s elections by agents of the CCP has many Canadians worried as well. 

As for Trudeau, he has praised China for its “basic dictatorship” and has labeled the authoritarian nation as his favorite country other than his own.  

Peterson for his part has been critical of Trudeau and his Liberal government for years.  

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