From the Fraser Institute By Bjørn Lomborg Politicians—supported by powerful green energy interests and credulous journalists—keep gaslighting voters claiming green energy is cheaper than fossil fuels....
From the Fraser Institute By Julio Mejía and Elmira Aliakbari As a new year dawns and winter takes hold, it’s worth considering the cost of energy....
From the Daily Caller News Foundation By STEPHEN MOORE Things are not going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Elizabeth Nickson All that money is wasted. Wind and solar and the various battery projects have not managed...
From the Canadian Energy Centre By Cody Ciona After a major cold spell affected the capacity of Alberta’s power grid to provide electricity, experts weigh in on...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Ian Madsen Large fissures are appearing in the ‘Green Transition’ story climate crusaders tell themselves. They are trying...