From the Fraser Institute By Grady Munro and Jake Fuss If the median Canadian family spent and borrowed like the federal government, they would already be $427,759...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill Several wealthy and successful industrialized countries (Switzerland, New Zealand, Singapore) and several U.S. states (including Texas, Alaska, South Dakota,...
From the Fraser Institute By Bacchus Barua Notably, the amount paid by the average family has increased by 239.7 per cent since 1997 (the first year...
From the Fraser Institute By Jock Finlayson While many Canadian politicians and activists continue to trumpet the “energy transition” and conjure visions of a low-carbon future...
From the Fraser Institute By Jason Clemens and Jake Fuss There’s been more talk this year than normal about the need for governments, particularly Ottawa, to...
From the Fraser Institute By Kenneth P. Green Asian countries such as China and Japan were not particular threats to prior automotive markets because North America’s...
From the Fraser Institute By Jake Fuss and Grady Munro Indeed, according to a recent study, from the middle of 2019 to the end of 2023, GDP per person...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill and Grady Munro You might be able to justify higher spending if it improved programs and services for British...
From the Fraser Institute By Matthew Lau Why do we need 80 per cent more bureaucrats to regulate and centrally plan employment in Canada when total...
From the Fraser Institute By Jock Finlayson The last four-plus years have been a rollercoaster for millions of Canadians. The pandemic, which began in early 2020,...