From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill In February 2024, the Smith government promised to share a plan to grow the Heritage Fund—Alberta’s long-term resource revenue savings fund—with...
From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation Author: Kris Sims Fiscal update shows accounting surplus of $2.9 billion Provincial debt projected to be $86.1 billion The Canadian Taxpayers Federation...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill and Joel Emes Despite promising in February to rebuild the Heritage Fund to help eliminate Alberta’s reliance on resource revenue, last...
From the Fraser Institute By Tegan Hill and Joel Emes An Alberta Dividend: The Key to Growing the Heritage Fund If the government of Alberta wants...
From the Fraser Institute By Lennie Kaplan During the mid- to late-1990s, Alberta taxpayers lost more than $2 billion from these failed loans, guarantees and share purchases...