Expanding urgent care across Alberta If passed, Budget 2025 includes $17 million in planning funds to support the development of urgent care facilities across the province....
Ensuring a successfully refocused health system Alberta’s government continues to make progress refocusing the health care system to ensure all Albertans get the care they need....
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Joseph Quesnel “Our healthcare system is a monopoly installed at every level with the culture inherent to monopolies,...
News release from the Montreal Economic Institute If properly executed, the Smith government’s plans to have management of some hospitals transferred to independent operators could help...
News release from the Montreal Economic Institute In Canada, 35 per cent of avoidable emergency room visits could be handled by pharmacists. Emulating Alberta’s pharmacist-led clinic...
Setting the foundation for a refocused health system Proposed legislation would support the refocusing of Alberta’s health care system to ensure Albertans get the care they...
From the Fraser Institute By Nadeem Esmail Alberta Premier Danielle Smith spent a good portion of her yearend interviews discussing upcoming changes to the province’s health-care...
Strengthening primary care with nurse practitioners Alberta’s government is expanding opportunities for nurse practitioners to give Albertans greater access to a regular primary care provider when...