Refocusing acute care leadership for the future Alberta’s government is bringing in the expertise and experience needed to continue refocusing the health care system for the...
Dr. Shelley Duggan, president, Alberta Medical Association New pay model, better access to family doctors Alberta’s government is implementing a new primary care physician compensation model...
Nurse practitioners expand primary care access The Alberta government’s Nurse Practitioner Primary Care program is showing early signs of success, with 33 nurse practitioners already practising...
Rural Albertans will be able to access surgeries quicker and closer to home now that the expansion and renovation of the Rocky Mountain House Health Centre...
Refocusing health care: mental health and addiction Alberta’s government is creating two new organizations that will support the development of the mental health and addiction system...
Alberta’s government shared preliminary designs of the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre redevelopment with residents from central Alberta. On March 14, Alberta’s government held its first...
Putting Albertans and Alberta families first Budget 2024 is a responsible plan that puts Albertans and their families first by investing in strong health care, a...
Dr. Paul Parks, president, Alberta Medical Association Canada signs more than $1 billion bilateral agreement with Alberta to improve health care over three years From: Health Canada...
From the Fraser Institute By Mackenzie Moir and Tegan Hill Alberta’s long wait times come despite high levels of health-care spending. The province ranked second-highest on health-care spending...
Strengthening health care: Improving access for all Alberta’s government is stabilizing and strengthening primary health care across the province so that everyone can access care when...