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Klaus Schwab pushes ‘fourth industrial revolution’ at WEF’s ‘Summer Davos’ opening

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Chinese Premier Li Qiang (R) shakes hands with founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab

From LifeSiteNews

By Tim Hinchliffe

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab kicks off the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, aka “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China, saying that economic growth and a more peaceful future will come from embracing innovation and forcing collaboration.

Speaking at the opening plenary alongside the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, the prime minister of Vietnam, Pham Minh Chinh, and People’s Republic of China Premier Li Qiang, Schwab regurgitated parts of his speech from last year’s meeting, praising China for its economic policies while congratulating everyone participating in the event for representing “the most outstanding talents from business, government, academia, and civil society.”

In his very brief opening statement, the unelected globalist founder of the WEF said that the participants must “force collaboration” in order to drive economic growth and create a more resilient future.

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future,” said Schwab.

“At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path,” he added.

Schwab also mentioned that technologies coming out of the so-called fourth industrial revolution would make the world a better place.

“We are witnessing rapid technological advances with many opportunities, and with artificial intelligence, rapidly transforming our production and our lives,” he said, adding, “Breakthroughs from the fourth industrial revolution provide new opportunities for global prosperity and growth.”

The WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions runs from June 25-27 under the theme “Next Frontiers for Growth.”

At the end of the plenary and after the president, the premier, and the prime minister had all praised their countries’ achievements and ambitions, Schwab returned to the topic of the fourth industrial revolution while revisiting this year’s theme, saying that were “limits to growth.”

“Limits to growth” is a nod to the Club of Rome book of the same name published in 1972, and Schwab says that these limits can be overcome by using technologies of the fourth industrial revolution wisely, by taking care of nature, by seeing the green economy as a “great opportunity for humankind,” by exploiting the capabilities of the attendees, and by formulating collaborations between governments and businesses.

The WEF strives to be the “leading global institution for public-private collaboration,” which is the fusion of corporation and state, or corporatism.

At the opening of last year’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, Schwab praised Premier Li for “opening-up China’s capital market, attracting foreign investment, and innovation, and creating new urban areas to address land scarcity.”

He also thanked China for its “over 40 years of friendly and extensive partnership” with the WEF.

During another session last year, Cornell University professor Eswar Prasad said that “we are at the cusp of physical currency essentially disappearing,” and that programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) could take us to either a better or much darker place where governments could program CBDCs with expiry dates and to restrict undesirable purchases.


Last month the WEF announced that Schwab will be transitioning from his role as the executive chairman of the forum to become chairman of the board of trustees, which consists of some of the most powerful people on the planet.

Starting next year, the forum’s executive responsibilities will be run by a president and managing board.

The current WEF president is former Norwegian MP Børge Brende. He is also the chair of the managing board.

If Brende keeps his position as president, then he may be the new face and voice of the organization, which has been pivoting “from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private collaboration” for almost a decade.

However, executive decisions will not be placed on a single individual but will include a managing board as well.

Reprinted with permission from The Sociable.

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Wall Street’s planned theft of America’s lands and waters

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From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

By Elizabeth Nickson

When we are issued carbon allowances, owners of said lands will be able to claim tax deductions and will be able to sell carbon allowances to businesses, families and townships. In the simplest of terms, that’s where the money will be made. WE peons will be renting air from the richest people on earth.

Everything will be monetized and measured and traded, even you.

Up next on Wall Street’s exploitation list.

If not stopped, on November 17th, the U.S. government will pass a rule that allows for America’s protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, to be listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Natural Asset Companies (NACs) will be owned, managed, and traded by companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and even China.

Since the early 2000’s, outfits like Goldman Sachs have been trying to trade air, or specifically carbon without much success. Their 2005 carbon exchange staggered along until it was quietly discontinued, and their Climate Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is now facing delisting. “ESG” was the next attempt to monetize the un-monetizable, with the “E” part of that acronym standing for Environment, ill-defined as that was. Now ESG is failing. Market leaders say it is facing “a perfect storm of negative sentiment” and its U.S. investments fell by $163 billion in the first quarter of 2023 alone.

Its stepchild, Net-Zero, is so loathed, it looks like it might blow up the entire carbon scam. Says Australian senator Matt Canavan, “Net-Zero has absolutely carked it. It is a soundbite and totally insane. Almost everything we grow, we make, we do in our society relies on the use of fossil fuels.” Vanguard has pulled out of Net-Zero funds. The British government too is backing out of Net-Zero, saying “we won’t save the planet by bankrupting the British people.” New Zealand’s new government revised the country’s Net-Zero plans in its first week in office. In the hard hit Netherlands, the Farmer-Citizen movement is now the dominant party in the Dutch senate and every provincial assembly. Sweden has abandoned its 100 percent Net-Zero plans and Norway has announced another $18 billion in oil and gas investments.

Not going to happen.

Even in the submissive E.U. voters are turning from the “green” parties toward anti-E.U. parties. Renewables funds are seeing massive outflows because of rising interest rates and declining subsidies. Of course, the massive subsidies taxpayers have already given both “renewables” investors and “renewables” companies will never be clawed back. All we will get is a shrug as they move onto the next kill. Which is so obvious it is a wonder no one predicted it.

The entire universe envies the lush interior of the U.S. Increasingly empty, it is filled with a cornucopia of minerals, fiber, food, waters, extraordinarily fertile soil as well as well-ordered, educated, mostly docile people. Worth in the quadrillions, if one could monetize and trade it, financialize it, the way the market has financialized the future labor of Americans, well, it would be like golden coins raining from the sky.

On October 4th, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a proposed rule to create Natural Asset Companies (NACs). A twenty-one day comment period was allowed, which is half the minimum number of days generally required. NACs will allow BlackRock, Bill Gates, and possibly even China to hold the ecosystem rights to the land, water, air, and natural processes of the properties enrolled in NACs. Each NAC will hold “management authority” over the land. When we are issued carbon allowances, owners of said lands will be able to claim tax deductions and will be able to sell carbon allowances to businesses, families and townships. In the simplest of terms, that’s where the money will be made. WE peons will be renting air from the richest people on earth.

The following are eligible for NACs: National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, Wilderness Areas, Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Conservation Areas on Private and Federal Lands, Endangered Species Critical Habitat, and the Conservation Reserve Program. Lest you think that any conserved land is conserved in your name, the largest Conservation organization in the U.S., is called The Nature Conservancy, or TNC, which, while being a 501(c)3, also holds six billion dollars of land on its books. Those lands have been taken using your money via donations and government grants, and transferred to the Nature Conservancy, which can do with those lands what it wills.

If this rule passes, America’s conserved lands and parks will move onto the balance sheets of the richest people in the world. Management of those lands will be decided by them and their operations, to say the least, will be opaque.

μολὼν λαβέ, buddy.

Farm country is fighting back. American Stewards of Liberty, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, Financial Fairness Alliance and Blue Ribbon Coalition have filed comments, Republican senators Pete Ricketts, James Risch and Mike Crapo have sent pointed queries to the SEC. This week, Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) offered an amendment that would defund the SEC proposed rule to approve listing “NACs.”

Most of us ill-understand “financialization.” It is a complex set of maneuvers best explained by the behavior that crashed the economy in 2008 which bundled up questionable mortgages and brokered off the risk to dozens of different funds in order to share that risk. NACs are asset grabs. From ’09-’20, funds asset-stripped America’s manufacturing via debt obligations, buying the company, selling off the equipment, firing the most expensive employees, and gutting, if they could, pension funds. Then they upped the price and sold on the assets. Which were bundled and brokered off. These are called collateralized debt obligations and they thunder doom underneath the debt-fueled economy.

Natural Asset Companies are an attempt to grab hard assets to make up for an inevitable collapse. But taking more land out of production makes it certain that collapse moves ever closer. Land needs to be used, cared for, and maintained by the people who live on and use the land. Otherwise, it runs to desert and invasive species. The mad push to “green” and net-zero has triggered financialization, or a brokering of the future, because only energy spurs real growth — and energy has been increasingly restricted over the past twenty years. NACs are another destroyer of America’s heartland.

Elizabeth Nickson is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. Her studies and commentaries at the Frontier Centre can be accessed here.   Follow her on Substack here.  Her best-selling book Eco-Fascists can be purchased here.

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