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How the government collapsed public trust in public health


7 minute read

From the Brownstone Institute

By Jay BhattacharyaJayanta Bhattacharya

The Most Devastating Report So Far

The House report on HHS Covid propaganda is devastating. The Biden administration spent almost $1 billion to push falsehoods about Covid vaccines, boosters, and masks on the American people. If a pharma company had run the campaign, it would have been fined out of existence.

HHS engaged a PR firm, the Fors Marsh Group (FMG), for the propaganda campaign. The main goal was to increase Covid vax uptake. The strategy: 1. Exaggerate Covid mortality risk 2. Downplay the fact that there was no good evidence that the Covid vax stops transmission.

The propaganda campaign extended beyond vax uptake and included exaggerating mask efficacy and pushing for social distancing and school closures.

Ultimately, since the messaging did not match reality, the campaign collapsed public trust in public health.

The PR firm (FMG) drew most of its faulty science from the CDC’s “guidance,” which ignored the FDA’s findings on the vaccine’s limitations, as well as scientific findings from other countries that contradicted CDC groupthink.

The report details the CDC’s mask flip-flopping through the years. It’s especially infuriating to recall the CDC’s weird, anti-scientific, anti-human focus on masking toddlers with cloth masks into 2022.

President Biden’s Covid advisor Ashish K. Jha waited until Dec. 2022 (right after leaving government service) to tell the country that “[t]here is no study in the world that shows that masks work that well.” What took him so long?

In 2021, former CDC director, Rochelle Walensky rewrote CDC guidance on social distancing at the behest of the national teachers’ union, guaranteeing that schools would remain closed to in-person learning for many months.

During this period, the PR firm FMG put out ads telling parents that schools would close unless kids masked up, stayed away from friends, and got Covid-vaccinated.

In March 2021, even as the CDC told the American people that the vaxxed did not need to mask, the PR firm ran ads saying that masks were still needed, even for the vaxxed. “It’s not time to ease up” we were told, in the absence of evidence any of that did any good.

In 2021, to support the Biden/Harris administration’s push for vax mandates, the PR firm pushed the false idea that the vax stopped Covid transmission. When people started getting “breakthrough” infections, public trust in public health collapsed.

Later, when the FDA approved the vax for 12 to 15-year-old kids, the PR firm told parents that schools could open in fall 2021 only if they got their kids vaccinated. These ads never mentioned side effects like myocarditis due to the vax.

HHS has scrubbed the propaganda ads from this era from its web pages. It’s easy to see why. They are embarrassing. They tell kids, in effect, that they should treat other kids like biohazards unless they are vaccinated.

When the Delta variant arrived, the PR firm doubled down on fear-mongering, masking, and social distancing.

In September 2021, CDC director Walensky overruled the agency’s external experts to recommend the booster to all adults rather than just the elderly. The director’s action was “highly unusual” and went beyond the FDA’s approval of the booster for only the elderly.

The PR campaign and the CDC persistently overestimated the mortality risk of Covid infection in kids to scare parents into vaccinating their children with the Covid vax.

In Aug. 2021, the military imposed its Covid vax mandate, leading to 8,300 servicemen being discharged. Since 2023, the DOD has been trying to get the discharged servicemen to reenlist. What harm has been done to American national security by the vax mandate?

The Biden/Harris administration imposed the OSHA, CMS, and military vax mandates, even though the CDC knew that the Delta variant evaded vaccine immunity. The PR campaign studiously avoided informing Americans about waning vaccine efficacy in the face of variants.

The propaganda campaign hired celebrities and influencers to “persuade” children to get the Covid vax.

I think if a celebrity is paid to advertise a faulty product, that celebrity should be partially liable if the product harms some people.

In the absence of evidence, the propaganda campaign ran ads telling parents that the vaccine would prevent their kids from getting Long Covid.

With the collapse in public trust in the CDC, parents have begun to question all CDC advice. Predictably, the HHS propaganda campaign has led to a decline in the uptake of routine childhood vaccines.

The report makes several recommendations, including formally defining the CDC’s core mission to focus on disease prevention, forcing HHS propaganda to abide by the FDA’s product labeling rules, and revamping the process of evaluating vaccine safety.

Probably the most important recommendation: HHS should never again adopt a policy of silencing dissenting scientists in an attempt to create an illusion of consensus in favor of CDC groupthink.

You can find a copy of the full House report here. The HHS must take its findings seriously if there is any hope for public health to regain public.


Jay Bhattacharya

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is a physician, epidemiologist and health economist. He is Professor at Stanford Medical School, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a Faculty Member at the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute, and a Fellow at the Academy of Science and Freedom. His research focuses on the economics of health care around the world with a particular emphasis on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations. Co-Author of the Great Barrington Declaration.

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Doctor breaks down how COVID outbreak was used to force injections, ‘not deal with the disease’

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Dr. Wahome Ngare

From LifeSiteNews

By Emily Mangiaracina

A Kenyan doctor pointed to one misstep after another in the handling of the COVID outbreak, such as the fact that postmortem examinations were not permitted to direct how COVID was treated.

A Kenyan doctor has made a strong case for why the COVID outbreak was used to force vaccination and “not to deal with the disease,” citing a remarkable number of missteps in handling the “pandemic.”

Dr. Wahome Ngare, the director of Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF), began in a Tuesday interview with podcast host Lynn Ngugi by explaining that because vaccination targets the healthy and not the sick, it entails greater risks, and this is why it is normally reserved for addressing conditions that are “dangerous” enough to run this risk of stimulating a person’s immune system through a virus, or a piece of a virus.

“So, if your vaccine has a problem, then you can threaten the whole community — that’s why vaccines become a national security issue, because if they’re not properly taken care of and you’re giving them to your whole population (who are) healthy, then you can cause a lot of damage,” Dr. Ngare said.

He maintained that it is therefore “much better to treat those who are sick” than to target those who are healthy through vaccination.

Regarding the COVID so-called “vaccination,” he suggested that the risk involved was much greater than that of a typical vaccine, in part because the full results of Phase One and Phase Two clinical trials, which are “supposed to tell us whether it is safe and effective,” were not released until December 2023 — three years after the outbreak of the COVID virus!

“And the only reason this information was released is because somebody went to court and sued Pfizer in the U.S., and they were forced by the court to release this documentation,” Dr. Ngare noted. He further explained that these trial results revealed many problems caused by the COVID shots, including injuries such as myocarditis, and even death.

“What that tells me as a doctor is very simple: that as doctors we let the world down. Because we shouldn’t have given any support for that injection without seeing the phase one and phase two clinical trial results,” he told Ngugi.

Asked if the “wrong” vaccines were administered, Dr. Wahome shifted the question in a different direction, responding, “What should we do if there is a disease outbreak?”

When COVID first emerged, people did not understand what it was — all they knew was that people were dying in China, said Dr. Ngare. Thus, the first thing doctors should have done was perform post-mortem reports of people who died with COVID in order to “determine what organs were affected, how were they affected, where is this virus causing most damage, and how is it causing the damage.”

“That is totally unscientific, because it denies us the knowledge we need to take care of the living,” Dr. Ngare observed.

He then highlighted an alarming amount of missed opportunities to strategically deal with COVID, beginning with the failure to advise people to keep their vitamin D levels up in order to protect themselves, since evidence had emerged that low vitamin D levels compromised people’s ability to tackle the virus.

As one major mistake, Dr. Ngare cited the fact that people were advised to go to the hospital only if they developed difficulty breathing, when they could have anticipated this by checking their oxygen levels at home and going to the hospital once their oxygen levels hit the 60s or 70s, before they developed difficulty breathing.

“This is something that should have been made available to all Health Centers so that anybody who has those symptoms would easily go to the Health Center every day,” the doctor said.

He went on to address how in medicine, it is standard to repurpose drugs which have been shown to be both useful and safe, yet time-tested drugs such as hydroxycholorquine, with proven safety, were set aside in favor of experimental “vaccines” for targeting COVID, which were questionable both for their safety and for their effectiveness.

Furthermore, hydroxycholorquine was not properly tested in its treatment of COVID. Dr. Ngare explained that too much was given too late to patients, leading health professionals to mislabel the drug as unsuitable for the treatment of COVID.

He then shared how infection gives stronger immunity than vaccines, highlighting how this fact was ignored among health professionals. The doctor explained how if someone gets an infection, they develop immunity against each of the proteins, so that they will be fully ready the next time they’re exposed to the virus. By contrast, the vaccine only exposes people to a portion of the virus.

“So the person who got infection and recovered has a stronger immunity than the one who got the portion … what sense does it then make to say that if you are already got COVID, you still need the vaccine? You see, from a scientific point of view, it doesn’t make sense.”

The doctor then pointed to another absurdity in the way the “pandemic” was handled, which is that employers, city officials, and others mandated that everyone in a given institution or using a certain venue be vaccinated, when that should not have mattered to those who were vaccinated themselves.

“Let me ask you another question. If I have been vaccinated and this vaccine is effective … I am protected. Why should I care if you’re not vaccinated? How do you threaten me?” Dr. Ngare said.

“Why should you tell the one who has not taken the injection not to go to work, unless what you want is for everybody to be injected?” Dr. Ngare stressed that all these facts about how COVID was handled show that “the whole crisis was used to force people to be vaccinated, not to deal with the disease.”

When only those who are promoting the COVID shot “have the right” to an opinion, and anyone who is promoting other kinds of prevention and treatment does not have that right, then clearly there is “an agenda” afoot, Dr. Ngare said.

“So the question is then, what is the game plan? What’s the end goal?”

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Bill Gates to stand trial in Netherlands COVID vaccine injury lawsuit

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From LifeSiteNews

By Michael Nevradakis Ph. D., The Defender

A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Other defendants include Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.

A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines.

According to Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf, the seven “corona skeptics” sued Gates last year, along with former Dutch prime minister and newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, and “several members” of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team.”

Other defendants include Albert Bourla, Ph.D., CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.

“Because Bill Gates’ foundation was involved in combating the corona pandemic, he has also been summoned,” De Telegraaf reported.

According to Dutch independent news outlet Zebra Inspiratie, the plaintiffs allege that Gates, through his representatives, deliberately misled them about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”

Dutch independent journalist Erica Krikke told The Defender that the seven plaintiffs – whose names are redacted in the lawsuit’s publicly available documents – “are ordinary Dutch people, and they have been jabbed and after the jabs they got sick.”

Krikke said that of the seven original plaintiffs, one has since died, leaving the other six plaintiffs to continue the lawsuit.

The lawsuit was filed in the District Court of Leeuwarden. According to De Telegraaf, “Gates had objected because, according to him, the judges did not have jurisdiction.” Accordingly, the court first “had to rule in the so-called incident procedure,” De Andere Krant reported.

According to De Andere Krant, Gates was represented by the Pels Rijcken law firm, based in The Hague, described as “the largest and the premier litigation law firm in the Netherlands.” Gates did not appear at the Sept. 18 hearing, but attorneys for Gates argued that the court “had no jurisdiction over him because he lives in the United States.”

However, in its Oct. 16 ruling, the Leeuwarden court ruled it does have jurisdiction over Gates. De Andere Krant reported that the court found “sufficient evidence” that the claims against Gates and the other defendants are “connected” and based on the same “complex of facts.”

Other defendants who reside outside of the Netherlands, including Bourla, did not challenge the court’s jurisdiction.

The court ruled Gates must pay attorneys’ fees and additional legal costs totaling 1,406 euros (approximately $1,520). A hearing is scheduled for Nov. 27.

‘Even if … your name is Bill Gates, you still have to go to court’

In remarks shared with De Andere Krant, Arno van Kessel, one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys, welcomed the ruling. “In its verdict, the court has clearly recorded the basis of our conclusions of claim,” van Kessel said.

Dutch attorney Meike Terhorst told The Defender it is “quite interesting” that the plaintiffs filed the lawsuit in Leeuwarden instead of The Hague, where normally, all cases against the government related to COVID-19 are filed.

“In general, COVID-19 court cases have been very unsuccessful in the Netherlands,” Terhorst said. “There is a slim chance it will be successful.”

She added:

I think most judges support the COVID-19 vaccination agenda and will find it hard to believe the vaccinations have caused injuries. So, we have a long way to go, regardless of the case.

Krikke shared a more optimistic outlook, saying that the court sent a message that “even if you are rich and your name is Bill Gates, you still have to go to court.”

New Zealand-based independent journalist Penny Marie, who has closely followed the proceedings in this case, told The Defender she hopes the Oct. 16 ruling “will hopefully set a precedent and help plaintiffs in similar cases around the world regarding jurisdiction,” in cases “where the defendant does not reside in the country of the plaintiff.”

“For parties who make claims against those involved in the implementation of the Great Reset and other international actions, such as the COVID-19 emergency response initiated by the WEF [World Economic Forum] and imposed on all U.N. member nations, I hope that this ruling provides an opportunity for others to follow suit,” Marie added.

Father of vaccine-injured plaintiff made ‘emotional plea’ to the court

At the Sept. 18 hearing, plaintiffs also delivered statements. According to Zebra Inspiratie, “One of the victims, who is very ill, was also given the opportunity to make a plea. She was no longer able to speak and was represented by her father. It was an emotional plea.”

Krikke said the plaintiff’s father told the court that his daughter, who was previously healthy, fell ill after getting the COVID-19 vaccine and could no longer speak, telling the judge that he “would really like to speak to Bill Gates directly” to ask him what happened to his daughter.

“After that, the judge was really quiet,” Krikke said.

The Oct. 18 ruling also addressed the plaintiffs’ claims about Gates’ role in the WEF’s “Great Reset” project.

“The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also affiliated with the World Economic Forum … an international organization whose statutory objective is to unite ‘leaders from business, governments, academia and society at large into a global community committed to improving the state of the world,’” the ruling states, adding:

This is a project aimed at the total reorganization of societies in all countries that are members of the United Nations … as described by [WEF founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab] in his book Covid-19: The Great Reset. …

Characteristic of this political ideology is that this forced and planned change is presented as justified by pretending that the world is suffering from major crises that can only be solved by centralized, hard global intervention. One of these pretended major crises concerns the Covid-19 pandemic.

The ruling also states, “The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is affiliated with ‘Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance‘ … an international partnership in the field of vaccinations between various public and private entities.”

This article was originally published by The Defender – Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.

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