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‘Gambling With The Grid’: New Data Highlights Achilles’ Heel Of One Of Biden’s Favorite Green Power Sources


8 minute read

From the Daily Caller News Foundation



New government data shows that wind power generation fell in 2023 despite the addition of new capacity, a fact that energy sector experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation demonstrates its inherent flaw.

Wind generation fell by about 2.1% in 2023 relative to 2022 generation, despite the 6 gigawatts (GW) of wind power capacity that came online last year, according to data published Tuesday by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). That wind power output dropped despite new capacity coming online and the availability of government subsidies highlights its intermittency and the problems wind power could pose for grid reliability, energy sector experts told the DCNF.

The decrease in wind generation is the first drop on record with the EIA since the 1990s; the drop was not evenly distributed across all regions of the U.S., and slower wind speeds last year also contributed to the decline, according to EIA. The Biden administration wants to have the American power sector reach carbon neutrality by 2035, a goal that will require a significant shift away from natural gas- and coal-fired power toward wind, solar and other green sources.

A table depicting the decrease of wind power generation in 2023 relative to 2022. (Screenshot via U.S. Energy Information Administration)

“Relying on wind power to meet your peak electricity demands is gambling with the grid,” Isaac Orr, a policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment who specializes in power grid-related analysis, told the DCNF. “Will the wind blow, or won’t it? This should be a moment where policymakers step back and consider the wisdom of heavily subsidizing intermittent generators and punishing reliable coal and gas plants with onerous regulations.”

Between 2016 and 2022, the wind industry received an estimated $18.6 billion worth of subsidies, about 10% of the total amount of subsidies extended to the energy sector by the U.S. government, according to an August 2023 EIA report. Wind power received more assistance from the government than nuclear power, coal or natural gas over the same period of time.

“This isn’t subsidies per kilowatt hour of generation. It’s raw subsidies. If it were per kilowatt hour of generation, the numbers would be even more extreme,” Paige Lambermont, a research fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the DCNF. “This is a massive amount of money. It’s enough to dramatically alter energy investment decisions for the worse. We’re much more heavily subsidizing the sources that don’t provide a significant portion of our electricity than those that do.”

“Policy that just focuses on installed capacity, rather than the reliability of that capacity, fails to understand the real needs of the electrical grid,” Lambermont added. “This recent disparity illustrates that more installed wind capacity does not necessarily correlate with more wind power production. It doesn’t matter how much wind you add to the grid, if the wind isn’t blowing at peak demand time, that capacity will go to waste.”

Wind power’s performance was especially lackluster in the upper midwest, but Texas saw more wind generation in 2023 than it did in 2022, according to EIA. Wind generation in the first half of 2023 was about 14% lower than it was through the first six months of 2022, but generation was higher toward the end of 2023 than it was during the same period in 2022.

In 2023, about 60% of all electricity generated in the U.S. came from fossil fuels, while 10% came from wind power, according to EIA data. Beyond generous subsidies for preferred green energy sources, the Biden administration has also aggressively regulated fossil fuels and American power plants to advance its broad climate agenda.

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) landmark power plant rules finalized this month will threaten grid reliability if enacted, partially because the regulations are likely to incentivize operators to close plants rather than adopt the costly measures required for compliance, grid experts previously told the DCNF. At the same time that the Biden administration is effectively trying to shift power generation away from fossil fuels, it is also pursuing goals — such as substantially boosting electric vehicle adoption over the next decade and incentivizing construction of energy-intensive computer chip factories — that are driving up projected electricity demand in the future.

“The EIA data proves what we’ve always known about wind power: It is intermittent, unpredictable and unreliable,” David Blackmon, a 40-year veteran of the oil and gas industry who now writes and consults on the energy sector, told the DCNF. “Any power generation source whose output is wholly dependent on equally unpredictable weather conditions should never be presented by power companies and grid managers as safe replacements for abundant, cheap, dispatchable generation fueled with natural gas, coal or nuclear. This is a simple reality that people in charge of our power grids too often forget. Saying that no doubt hurts some people’s feelings, but nature really does not care about our feelings.”

Blackmon also pointed out that, aside from its intermittency, sluggish build-out of the transmission lines and related infrastructure poses a major problem for wind power.

“Wind power is worthless without accompanying transmission, yet the Biden administration continues to pour billions into unreliable wind while ignoring the growing crisis in the transmission sector,” Blackmon told the DCNF.

Another long-term issue that wind power, as well as solar power, faces is the need for a massive expansion in the amount of battery storage available to store and dispatch energy from intermittent sources as market conditions dictate. By some estimates, the U.S. will need about 85 times as much battery storage by 2050 relative to November 2023 in order to fully decarbonize the power grid, according to Alsym Energy, a battery company.

The White House and the Department of Energy did not respond to requests for comment.

2025 Federal Election

Poilievre’s big tax cut helps working Canadians

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By Franco Terrazzano

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation applauds Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre’s income tax cut, which will save a two-income family up to an estimated $1,800.

“Poilievre is providing significant tax relief for people working hard to make ends meet,” said Franco Terrazzano, CTF Federal Director. “The best way the government can make life more affordable is to let people keep more of their own money and Poilievre’s tax cut would do just that.”

Today, Poilievre announced he would cut the lowest income tax bracket from 15 to 12.75 per cent. Poilievre estimates this would save a two-income family up to $1,800.

“We will free up money for this tax cut by eliminating waste, cutting bureaucracy and consultants and capping spending with a dollar-for-dollar law,” Poilievre said.

Poilievre’s tax cut is more than double the income tax cut promised by Liberal Party Leader Mark Carney.

Carney announced he would cut the lowest income tax bracket by one percentage point. Carney estimates that would save a two-income family up to $825.

“It’s great to see the two major parties dueling over who can cut taxes the most and Poilievre is providing twice as much income tax relief as Carney,” Terrazzano said. “Now we need to see big tax cuts for Canadian businesses to make them more competitive in the wake of American tariffs.

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2025 Federal Election

Manufacturers Endorse Pierre Poilievre for Prime Minister

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News release from The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada

“Trump Endorses Carney, Poilievre Endorses Canada”

The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada (CCMBC) strongly supports the election of Pierre Poilievre as the next Prime Minister of Canada. CCMBC President Catherine Swift stated “Canadian business has been undermined for 10 years by the post-national, anti-business Liberal agenda, and the ability of our members to create well-paying jobs has been seriously impaired. Mark Carney, who has been a key advisor to the Trudeau Liberals for years, will continue this destructive approach.”

International Monetary Fund data show Canada has had the worst growth per capita among developed nations for the last decade, directly as a result of Liberal government policies. Many analysts are referring to this period as Canada’s lost decade, which will merely be extended by a Carney-led government. Swift added “We have never seen any concern for the small- and medium-sized business (SME) community, which represents half of Canada’s GDP, from Carney. His globalist policies only involve large crony capitalists and top-down regulatory overload to the detriment of SMEs.”

It is not surprising that US President Trump recently stated that he would prefer to deal with a Liberal Prime Minister, as Trump would prefer the weaker economy the Liberals have created and which will continue under Carney’s anti-free market agenda. Poilievre has committed to unleashing Canada’s resource wealth and eliminating the industrial carbon tax, essential elements for a Canadian economic revival. Swift concluded “Where Trump endorses Carney, Pierre Poilievre endorses Canada. We firmly believe a Poilievre government will build a stronger Canada, where businesses can succeed and Canadians thrive. This is why we are endorsing Pierre Poilievre for Prime Minister.”

The CCMBC was formed in 2016 with a mandate to advocate for proactive and innovative policies that are conducive to manufacturing and business retention and safeguarding job growth in Canada.

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