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Canadian Energy Centre

European governments are reassessing EU-directed green policies amid public unease


11 minute read

From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Shawn Logan

How ‘greenlash’ is forcing Europe to scale back ambitious net zero policies

European governments are beginning to sound the retreat on some foundational net zero policies in the wake of “greenlash” from increasingly overburdened citizens.  

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 prompted European governments to begin pivoting away from cheap Russian natural gas, which Europe increasingly relied on to backstop a laundry list of ambitious green policies. 

But despite pledges by the European Union to “divest away from Russian gas as quickly as possible,” nearly 15% of overall EU gas imports still came from Russia in the first half of 2023, while the amount of liquefied natural gas (LNG) imported from Russia actually increased by 39.5% compared to the same period in 2021, prior to the Ukraine invasion. 

Energy security and affordability have become central issues for Europeans amid a persistent global energy crisis, and that’s translated into a rethink of what had once seemed like unassailable green policies across Europe. 

Here’s a look at how some countries are dealing with the new global reality: 


Nothing is more symbolic of Europe’s retreat from its net zero ambitions than Germany seeing a wind farm dismantled to make room for the expansion of a lignite coal mine just outside of Dusseldorf. 

And no European country has been more affected by the changing energy landscape than Germany, which introduced its multi-billion dollar Energiewende program in 2010, calling for a broad phaseout of fossil fuels and nuclear power, replacing them primarily with wind and solar power. 

Today, without cheap and reliable natural gas backups due to sanctions against Russia, Germany has gone from Europe’s economic powerhouse to the world’s worst performing major developed economy, facing “deindustrialization” due to skyrocketing energy costs. 

In addition to extending its deadline for shutting down coal plants until 2024, the German government has also scrapped plans for imposing tougher building insulation standards to reduce emissions as well as extending the deadline on controversial legislation to phase out oil and gas heating systems in homes, a decision the government admits will make it impossible to reach the country’s 2030 emissions targets. 

A major car manufacturer, Germany’s opposition to an EU-wide ban on the sale of new combustion vehicles by 2035 softened the legislation to allow exceptions for those that run on e-fuels. 

Germany’s quest for reliable energy exports prompted Chancellor Olaf Scholz to travel to Canada to make a personal appeal for Canadian LNG. He was sent home empty handed, advised there wasn’t a strong business case for the resource. 

Great Britain 

Britons have grown increasingly concerned about the cost of net zero policies, despite being largely supportive of striving for a greener future. 

YouGov poll in August found while 71% generally favoured Great Britain’s aim to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050, some 55% agreed that policies should only be introduced if they don’t impose any additional costs for citizens. Only 27% agreed reaching the goal was important enough to warrant more spending. 

That shift in public sentiment prompted Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to pump the brakes on some key policies enacted to reach the U.K.’s legally binding target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. 

In September, the government delayed its looming ban on new gas- and diesel-powered cars by five years to 2035, while also extending its phaseout of gas boilers in homes and suggesting exemptions for certain households and types of property. 

“If we continue down this path, we risk losing the British people and the resulting backlash would not just be against specific policies, but against the wider mission itself,” Sunak said of the potential consequences of maintaining strict net zero policies. 

The U.K. government also gave the green light for hundreds of new North Sea oil and gas licences, citing the need to bolster both energy security and the nation’s economy.  


France’s net zero ambitions enjoy an advantage compared to its European peers due in large part to its significant fleet of nuclear power stations, which provide around 70 per cent of its electricity. 

However, President Emmanuel Macron has often opted for a more pragmatic approach to reaching climate targets, noting any energy transition can’t leave citizens disadvantaged. 

“We want an ecology that is accessible and fair, an ecology that leaves no one without a solution,” Macron said in September after ruling out a total ban on gas boilers, instead offering incentives to those looking to replace them with heat pumps. 

Macron also famously dropped a proposed fuel tax in 2018 that sparked sweeping yellow vest protests across France when it was announced.  

France has also extended the timeframe of its two remaining coal plants to continue operating until 2027, five years later than the plants were originally set to be shuttered. 


Feeling the impacts of the global energy crisis, Italy has begun reassessing some of its previous commitments to transition goals. 

Earlier this year, Italy pushed back on EU directives to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which Italy’s national building association warned would cost some $400 billion euros over the next decade, with another $190 billion euros needed to ensure business properties met the required standards. The Italian government has called for exemptions and longer timelines. 

Italy also warned the European Commission it would only support the EU’s phase out of combustion engine cars if it allows cars running on biofuels to eclipse the deadline, while further questioning a push to slash industrial emissions 

Paolo Angelini, deputy governor at the Bank of Italy, warned a rapid abandonment of fossil fuel-driven industries could have a devastating impact. 

“If everybody divests from high-emitting sectors there will be a problem because if the economy does not adjust at the same time, things could blow up unless a miracle happens in terms of new technology,” he said. 


Like Italy, Poland has dug in its heels against some EU net zero initiatives, and is actually suing the EU with the goal of overturning some of its climate-focused legislation in the courts. 

“Does the EU want to make authoritarian decisions about what kind of vehicles Poles will drive and to increase energy prices in Poland? The Polish Government will not allow Brussels to dictate,” wrote Polish Climate and Environment Minister Anna Moskwa on X, formerly known as Twitter, in July. 

In addition to looking to scrap the EU’s ban on combustion engine cars by 2035, Warsaw is also challenging laws around land use and forestry, updated 2030 emissions reduction targets for EU countries, and a border tariff on carbon-intensive goods entering the European Union. 

With some 70% of its electricity generated by coal, Poland is one of Europe’s largest users of coal. And it has no designs on a rapid retreat from the most polluting fossil fuel, reaching an agreement with trade unions to keep mining coal until 2049. 


The political consequences of leaning too far in on net zero targets are beginning to be seen in the Netherlands. 

In March, a farmer’s protest party, the BBB or BoerBurgerBeweging (Farmer-Citizen Movement), shook up the political landscape by capturing 16 of 75 seats in the Dutch Senate, more than any other party, including the ruling coalition of the Labor and Green Parties. 

The upstart party was formed in 2019 in response to government plans to significantly reduce nitrogen emissions from livestock by 2030, a move estimated to eliminate 11,200 farms and force another 17,600 farmers to significantly reduce their livestock. 

What followed were nationwide protests that saw supermarket distribution centres blockaded, hay bales in flames and manure dumped on highways. 

In November, Dutch voters will elect a new national government, and while BBB has dropped to fifth in polling, much of that support has been picked up by the fledgling New Social Contract (NSC), which has vowed to oppose further integration with EU policies, a similar stance offered by the BBB. The NSC currently tops the polls ahead of the Nov. 22 election. 


Clean energy think tank says Alberta has the resources to lead Canada in carbon capture and storage

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From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Cody Ciona

In August, two new CCS projects in the province got the green light to proceed

Alberta has strategic advantages in carbon capture and storage (CCS), a core technology to achieve carbon neutrality, says a director with the low-carbon energy think tank Clean Prosperity.

“I think it’s important for us to remember that we have the people, we have the geography and we have that great policy environment to be able to lead on CCS across the country,” Adam Sweet said during a recent webinar.

According to the International Energy Agency, 45 commercial CCS facilities are in operation worldwide.

Alberta has five operational CCS projects, which have stored roughly 14 million tonnes of CO2, and dozens more projects are in various development stages.

The province is situated atop the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, which boasts an abundance of potential storage space for captured carbon.

According to a study by Clean Prosperity, Alberta has around 79,000 megatonnes of pore space available in underground saline aquifers and mature or depleted oil and gas wells.

“One of the main reasons why CCS is so big in Alberta is, frankly, we have the geology,” said Sweet.

In August, two new CCS projects in Alberta got the green light to proceed.

Shell and partner ATCO EnPower announced they will build a new CCS project at the Scotford refinery and chemicals complex near Edmonton, while on a smaller scale, Entropy Inc. will add a second phase of CCS at its Glacier gas plant near Grande Prairie.

Combined, the projects are expected to capture and store about 810,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, the equivalent of taking nearly 200,000 cars off the road annually. Entropy’s project is to start in 2026 and Shell/ATCO’s in 2028.

Sweet said that in addition to Alberta’s geological ability to store vast quantities of CO2 underground, the province has advantages including the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) regulation, an industrial carbon price that has existed for nearly 20 years.

This regulation covers around 60 per cent of Alberta’s total emissions and around half of Canada’s total industrial emissions, according to Clean Prosperity. The ability to generate carbon credits makes TIER attractive for companies considering CCS.

“Those facilities that invest in carbon capture and storage and can reduce or can create these carbon credits by coming underneath the benchmark, they can then sell those carbon credits,” said Sweet.

He said that in addition to the TIER regulation, Alberta’s expertise and knowledge of energy production are another key asset that makes it an attractive jurisdiction for CCS.

“We often forget that we have knowledge and experience of working underground, as well as working with everything from the valves to the pipes and all the different pieces that exist in this low carbon energy economy.”

Government support is helping drive new CCS development.

Alberta is finalizing its carbon capture incentive program, which covers up to 12 per cent of eligible capital costs, while the federal government has implemented its CCS investment tax credit, which covers up to 60 per cent of capture equipment and 37.5 per cent of the cost for transportation, storage or usage equipment.

Both governments have supported CCS projects in the past: Shell’s $1.3 billion Quest project received $745 million from Alberta’s government and $120 million from Ottawa, while the $1.2 billion Alberta Carbon Trunk Line received $495 million from Alberta and $63.2 million from the federal government.

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Canadian Energy Centre

Oil and gas companies are once again the top performers on the TSX. Why do people still listen to the divestment movement?

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From the Canadian Energy Centre

By Gina Pappano

The TSX30—the annual ranking of the top-performing stocks on the Toronto Stock Exchange—was recently released and, once again, oil and gas companies made up the lion’s share of the list.

Half of the top companies (11 producers and four energy service companies) are in the oil and gas sector.

Share prices have been driven up due to energy supply and security concerns and ever-increasing demand for oil and gas. The industry and its investors have enjoyed extraordinary three-year returns. The average share price return for the 15 oil and gas companies in the TSX30 was 210 per cent.

But what about the large endowment funds, pension plans, institutional funds and, more recently, banks that have bowed to pressure from divestment-promoting activists to stop investing in the natural resource sector?

In removing oil and gas from their investment pool, they have ignored their responsibility to their beneficiaries, who have missed out on these remarkable returns.

Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of their beneficiaries, which in this case means maximizing the risk-adjusted return for their clients.

But for ideological reasons, oil and gas companies are often being left out of the investment equation.

What’s more, the divestors aren’t even achieving their ideological goal.

Abundant energy is the prerequisite for modern life. Divestment does not stop oil and gas production because it does nothing to reduce demand. After more than a decade of divestment pledges, demand for oil and gas has only continued to go up. This demand is projected to continue to grow for years to come.

If Canada does not supply the oil and gas the world wants and needs, it will be supplied from elsewhere, including by authoritarian regimes in poorly regulated, undemocratic countries that are less responsible and less environmentally friendly.

It would be better if Canadian companies like those on the TSX30 were the ones to step up and meet the world’s ever-growing energy needs.

It would be better for Canadians as well. Canada is blessed with abundant natural resources, and oil and gas is central to our prosperity. All of the companies on the TSX30 list rely on the oil and gas sector to fuel their business, from industrials to mining, to aviation, technology and yes, even to renewable energy.

Investing in the Canadian oil and gas sector means investing in energy companies that can and should be the suppliers of the energy demanded by our power-hungry world.

These companies have high environmental and governance standards, are driven to innovate—an essential process for emissions reduction—and have had some of the strongest returns on the TSX in recent years.

Can our banks and fund managers possibly continue to ignore the significant value in the energy space? Only time will tell.

Gina Pappano is the former head of market intelligence at the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange and executive director of InvestNow, a non-profit dedicated to demonstrating that investing in Canada’s resource sectors helps Canada and the world. Join the movement and pass the InvestNow resolution at

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