City Council formally designated the Ellen Elliot residence, a two-storey Westmount home believed to have been built in 1913, as a Municipal Historic Resource.
The first resident and owner of the home was Mrs. Ellen Elliot, widow of Thomas Elliot who was believed to be a builder in the city. It was somewhat unusual during this time for a woman to purchase and own property. Mrs. Elliot lived in the home until 1932.
The Ellen Elliot residence is an early example of the two-storey, wood front gabled Craftsman style home, which was popular in the early 20th century.
“Buying a home in the early 20th century was not very common for women, which makes this home special, This building is a very good example of the Craftsman style with a few more unique embellishments made to it.”
Robert Geldart, Senior Heritage Planner for the City of Edmonton.
The Elliot residence features a front gabled roof and enclosed porch, horizontal wood siding and wood shingles, distinct eave brackets, exposed roof rafters and a main entrance with a transom window and surrounding casement windows.
The City’s Historic Resource Management Plan outlines the City’s mission to identify, protect and promote the preservation and use of historic resources. The Plan contains 24 policies and 88 action items that direct how Edmonton’s heritage should be preserved and celebrated. Since the plan was initiated in 1985, 153 properties have been designated with more designations planned in the future.