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Why in the name of Aurel Joliat would a sports organization want to put itself in the hands of the McHale’s Navy of governments? Namely, Justin...
After watching this year’s turbo-charged NHL playoffs perhaps it’s time to amend the old cliché to now say “lack of speed kills”. If there’s one takeaway...
The sports memorabilia market is heating up at the moment, and the record-breaking amount paid for the last jersey iconic hockey hero Wayne Gretzky wore for...
We’ve written in the past about the relentless radicalizing of the sports press box. There is no segment of today’s journalism that squeaks more than the...
Photo Courtesy Golf Canada News release from the Red Deer Golf & Country Club BREAKING 100, A CHERISHED PAST, AND EXCITING FUTURE Celebrating 100 Years of...
After two years of government-enforced shutdowns the Canadian Open golf championship still couldn’t buy a break. Despite having five of the Top 10 men’s players in...
Honoured Member Darryl Sutter Wins Jack Adams Award Calgary Flames head coach Darryl Sutter has won the 2021/22 Jack Adams Award, presented annually to the NHL’s...
Like Ozymandias lying stolidly in the windswept desert for centuries, Hockey Night In Canada has endured. Okay, maybe not that long. But it seems like the...
Accomplishments of the CEBL It was three years ago when the CEBL first opened its doors as a six-team enterprise. Upon its first year, the league felt...