The Government of Canada is issuing payments to workers residing in Canada who have lost income or self-employment income for reasons related to COVID-19. You can...
To do or not to do? That is the question. With my apologies for butchering William Shakespeare’s 1603, Hamlet script from Act 3, Scene 1. Should...
“I happen to love Edmonton. This ($4,000 ) donation is in memory of Connor McGrath,” Ryan Reynolds sent in a note to Britt Jones, radio host...
For the safety of everyone in Edmonton using ride sharing and vehicle for hire operators the city has passed an order under the State of Local...
Editor’s note; Below are the full press releases from the Alberta Government, CUPE Alberta and the Alberta Teachers Association all from Saturday March 28, 2020 posted...
Are you self-isolated or quarantined? Are you feeling anxiety, stress, angst, depressed or struggling through this COVID-19 crisis? Alberta Health Services (ASH) has launched a new...
Jesse Roads has a lot of experience playing in front of crowds. Performing live is his life, and his livelihood. In 22 years he’s seen it...
ReDiscover Red Deer – COVID-19 Response The good people at Troubled Monk are at it again. Faced with a challenging stretch due to the COVID-19 economic...
The 2020 Red Deer Hospital Lottery is special. Never has the cause for this lottery been so important! That’s saying something because the cause is critical...
This message from the owner/operator of “Sweet Capone’s” has started to circulate in Central Alberta. It captures the essence of the struggle facing all small...