Green Party candidate Tom Milroy exemplifies how NOT to win friends and influence people to be more green-friendly. Among his plethora of tone-deaf tweets, and condescending...
The economic benefits of oil and gas in Alberta are well known. The volatility of the boom and bust cycle is also a familiar song and...
Within days of government’s shelter in place orders, there were ridiculous scenes of people fighting over toilet paper along with empty shelves in some other areas...
“Desperate times call for desperate measures, and now is the time to consider all options, no matter how Machiavellian.” says Dr. Killemall, said the head Epidemiologist...
To celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, the Michael Moore-backed environmental documentary Planet of the Humans was released for free on YouTube. I’ve been...
The human Ego is a fascinating force for both good and evil. Ego can drive someone’s greed, or it can drive innovation. It can cause destruction,...
Our office work culture has dramatically shifted in the last month. All over the world kitchen tables, spare rooms, and nooks have been transformed into working...
This is article is abridged for your convenience. Public use of masks to control the coronavirus pandemic (Originally published March 29 by Longrich Paleo Lab) Nicholas...
If you were to see Bigfoot strolling down your back alley, but were too stunned by the spectacle to get it on camera with your phone,...
To do or not to do? That is the question. With my apologies for butchering William Shakespeare’s 1603, Hamlet script from Act 3, Scene 1. Should...