It is not the law, but Canada and Alberta have agreed with the idea that wearing a homemade cloth mask might help in the spreading the...
#WithGlowingHearts thanks employers who support Reservists As Canada works to overcome the pandemic challenges, #Reservists are being mobilized to assist. With many thanks to #Employers who...
Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta has ordered a province-wide ban on visitors that applies to all licensed supportive living, long-term care...
From the Province of Alberta Supporting Albertans during COVID-19 This is an extremely difficult time for all Albertans and temporary rules will be in place...
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been moved to intensive care in hospital after his coronavirus symptoms worsened, Downing Street has said. The British prime minister was...
To do or not to do? That is the question. With my apologies for butchering William Shakespeare’s 1603, Hamlet script from Act 3, Scene 1. Should...
From the Province of Alberta Alberta Bits and Pieces program highlights Albertan ingenuity, generosity Over the past week, more than 1,100 offers of support have poured...
“I happen to love Edmonton. This ($4,000 ) donation is in memory of Connor McGrath,” Ryan Reynolds sent in a note to Britt Jones, radio host...
From the Province of Alberta
Police seek tips in west Edmonton shooting April 1, 2020 The Edmonton Police Service is seeking the public’s assistance identifying several males involved in a shooting...