From LifeSiteNews By Clare Marie Merkowsky Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet has announced that he will not work to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power. ...
In sports it’s well-known that if you’re complaining about refereeing you must have lost. Judging by the tsunami of criticism launched by Republicans at ABC News’s...
Quebec Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch The province has the highest rate of MAiD in Canada, with a 17 percent increase in...
From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch The House of Commons assistant deputy speaker said he has heard from multiple constituents that the current prime minister is no...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy Positive stories about Indian Residential Schools must also be heard The Frontier Centre for Public Policy is pleased to...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Terry Etam Consumers have spoken, auto makers are responding, and the odd man out are governments still paralyzed...
From the Fraser Institute By Bacchus Barua Notably, the amount paid by the average family has increased by 239.7 per cent since 1997 (the first year...
From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch Included in Bill C-293 are provisions to ‘regulate commercial activities that can contribute to pandemic risk, including industrial animal agriculture,’ produce...
From The Opposition News Network By Dan Knight Why Carney’s WEF Ties, Carbon Taxes, and Reckless Economic Policies Spell More of the Same for Canadians Under the Liberal...
From the Fraser Institute By Jock Finlayson While many Canadian politicians and activists continue to trumpet the “energy transition” and conjure visions of a low-carbon future...