Jordan Peterson is often described as Canada’s leading intellectual mind. Over the last five years, the clinical psychologist, Youtube personality, and author has become a highly...
This is the covid-19 update from the Province of Alberta for February 1, 2022. In his address Premier Jason Kenney announced that hospitalizations appear to be...
When Cody Borek refers to “the road” he isn’t typically thinking about the highway. For Cody and his wife Evalena, “the road” usually means Main Street...
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe is the first Canadian leader to step out and address the massive Freedom Convoy protests taking place in Ottawa and large cities...
“For all practical purposes, a revolution has occurred in the private lives of Americans, who increasingly find themselves depressed and alone.”— Ronald W. Dworkin 2021 The...
Millions of Canadians are wondering exactly what is happening on the highways leading to Ottawa. An overwhelming amount of traffic is forming, not only on the...
The decade past has witnessed a Great Realignment. (Mind we said realignment, not reset.) The election of Barack Obama through Donald Trump and Covid-19 has seen...
The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. —W.B. Yeats There has always been a...
That light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter. In the United Kingdom where the Omicron wave is about 2 to 3...