From ALERT (Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team) Edmonton… Over a million dollars’ worth of cocaine has been seized after ALERT conducted search warrants at two Edmonton...
From Maskwacis RCMP Maskwacis RCMP investigate deaths of two children Samson Cree Nation, Alta. – The Maskwacis RCMP General Investigation Section (GIS) is investigating the deaths of...
Rates of syphilis in Alberta on the rise Infectious and congenital syphilis rates have escalated across the province over the past five years, with a sharp...
From Leduc RCMP Leduc RCMP on scene of a single vehicle semi roll over on Highway 2 On July 8, 2019 at 6:45AM Leduc RCMP along...
From The Province of Alberta: The Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology’s 1,300-square-metre expansion offers visitors enriched experiences and services. Come and get up close and personal...
From the Province of Alberta: Battling back with a new Senate Election Bill 13, the Alberta Senate Election Act, would reinstate Senate nominee elections to enable Albertans to...
Hot, dry conditions with strong winds create challenges for firefighting. June 20, 2019 As fires spread in Mackenzie County, approximately 200 additional people evacuated on Wednesday...
Alberta’s Liquor Industry pushes back on Glenn Howard’s Ontario Beer ‘Facts’ in a new Social Media campaign. Edmonton – Two Canadian curling stars are now battling...
From the Government of Alberta: Ensuring fairness for newcomers Bill 11, the Fair Registration Practices Act, will help newcomers get their credentials recognized, so they can quickly...
Do not approach the suspect. Please contact the RCMP at Fairview at 780-835-4031 if you have any information. Description: At 9:45 AM this morning, 7 month old...