Ursula von der Leyen From LifeSiteNews By Andreas Wailzer European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen announced that the EU will remove the provision to reduce...
European farmers in Brussels From LifeSiteNews By Andreas Wailzer Protesting farmers blocked many roads with tractors, started bonfires, set off fireworks, and toppled a statue in...
Tractors belonging to Dutch farmers are parked with protest boards and Dutch flags upside down on a road on the outskirts of The Hague on September...
To approach the massive protests in Germany, especially for those who’ve heard very little about this massive upheaval, it might help to set up the context....
Canadian Trade Minister Mary Ng From LifeSiteNews By Andreas Wailzer ‘We’re sick of the lies. We’re sick of trying to get rid of our jobs,’ one...
Agricultural Moisture Situation Update – January 3, 2024 Synopsis This year’s El Niño has developed into a strong El Niño and currently has a 54% chance...
From LifeSiteNews By Anthony Murdoch Danielle Smith said she is in disbelief that limiting cattle farts and burps is an important issue and warned that restrictions...
From Farm Credit Canada Farm Credit Canada’s (FCC) economics team says rekindling productivity growth in Canadian agriculture is a $30 billion opportunity over 10 years according...
From LifeSiteNews By Dr. Joseph Mercola Ultimately, the war against farmers is a war on the whole of humanity, one that threatens what it means...
From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy By Brian Zinchuk, contributor to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. I was out at the cabin, trying to trim the...