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Canadians are not buying the ‘climate change’ narrative: government poll


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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

In-house Privy Council research shows that Canadians are not concerned with ‘climate change,’ despite the constant fear-mongering by the ruling Liberal Party

Government polling reveals that most Canadians are not alarmed over “climate change” and will continue to eat meat. 

According to in-house Privy Council research obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter, over one third of Canadians think “climate change” could benefit Canada while almost half believe that “adapting to the impacts of climate change is cheaper than preventing it.” 

“The purpose of this study is to provide the Privy Council, Department of Environment and Department of Natural Resources with high quality data and information on Canadians’ beliefs, attitudes and behaviour relating to climate change,” the report said. “This includes support for existing and proposed climate policy and programs.”  

The research, which questioned 13,700 Canadians, discovered that climate change is not at the forefront of Canadians’ minds, with many pointing out that prediction models are not accurate, and Canada could actually benefit from climate change.   

The poll found that 35% of Canadians felt that “the impacts of climate change in Canada will be overwhelmingly positive because it is a cold country.” 

Similarly, nearly half of those polled believe that “adapting to the impacts of climate change is cheaper than preventing it.”  

At the same time, 24% believed that most climate models are not accurate in their predictions.   

According to the poll, 27% revealed that they have “never” discussed “climate change or its impacts,” with family or friends. 23% reported that they discussed it “once in the last two months.”  

Similarly, the poll showed Canadians are very much attached to their current diet and are not interested in changing it in the name of “climate change.”

“How frequently or infrequently have you made efforts to eat a more plant-based diet?” the survey questioned, to which 30% said “never,” 25% said “occasionally,” and 19% said “rarely.”  

In Canada,  the dubious”climate change” narrative has been routinely used by the Trudeau government to levy taxes against citizens.

Since taking office in 2015, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has continued to push a radical environmental agenda like the agendas being pushed by the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals.” 

When it comes to so-called man-caused “climate change,” which leftists have been preaching about for years, a June 2017 peer-reviewed study by two scientists and a veteran statistician found that most of the recent global warming data have been “fabricated by climate scientists to make it look more frightening.” 

Meanwhile, Western Canadians involved in oil, gas and manufacturing are routinely attacked by the federal government. However, two court rulings have dealt a blow to Trudeau’s environmental laws, after provinces Alberta and Saskatchewan took on the federal government over laws impacting important industries.

The most recent was when the Federal Court of Canada last November overturned the Trudeau government’s ban on single-use plastic, calling it “unreasonable and unconstitutional.” 

The second ruling comes after Canada’s Supreme Court sided in favor of provincial autonomy when it comes to natural resources. The Supreme Court ruled that Trudeau’s law, C-69, dubbed the “no-more pipelines” bill, is “mostly unconstitutional.” This was a huge win for Alberta and Saskatchewan, which challenged the law in court. The decision returned authority over resource pipelines to provincial governments, meaning oil and gas projects headed up by the provinces should be allowed to proceed without federal intrusion. 

The Trudeau government, however, seems insistent on defying the rulings by pushing forward with its various regulations.  


Conservatives say Federal Government cancelled ‘prescribed burn’ which may have saved Jasper

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Photo from Parks Canada – Jasper Fire, Cabin Creek

From the Facebook page of Conservative MP Dan Mazier


Emails obtained from Minister Guilbeault’s department reveals discussions to “cancel planned prescribed burns in Western Canada”, months before the devastating wildfire in Jasper.
The Liberal Government was warned since 2017 that a catastrophic fire in Jasper was not a matter of if, but when.
Liberals denied the advice of forest management experts and allowed a tinder box to persist around the Jasper.

From Red Deer MP Blaine Calkins

Trudeau’s Radical Environment Minister confirms he was briefed on the serious likelihood of a catastrophic fire in Jasper. But he cannot confirm what direction he gave to immediately clear the deadwood tinder box around Jasper. Experts warned. Liberals ignored.

Photo from Parks Canada – Jasper Fire, Geike Street

News release from the Conservative Party


Photo from Parks Canada – Jasper Fire, Geike Street Looking To Patricia Street

Over the past few years, consecutive Liberal Environment Ministers refused to listen to experts when they warned repeatedly that Jasper National Park was at “serious risk of a catastrophic fire.” But they took no action, and now one-third of Jasper has been destroyed, a firefighter lost their life, while peoples’ livelihoods have been destroyed.

This was made clear in a House of Commons’ Committee yesterday when Trudeau’s radical Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeault, said “there was no stopping this fire.” But this is nothing more than a lie. The Liberal Government has been warned for years that Jasper National Park was at risk. In 2016, Conservatives first raised the alarm that pine beetles and poor forestry management had made Jasper vulnerable to wildfires, but the Liberals ignored our warnings.

Photo from Parks Canada – Jasper fire, Maligne Lodge

Following that, two scientists in 2017-2018, tried to warn the Liberal Government about the growing threat of a wildfire. They wrote to then-Liberal Environment Minister, Catherine McKenna, saying that a century of fire suppression, combined with a warming climate and the mountain pine beetle epidemic, made the likelihood of a major fire “a matter of when, not if.” But all along they were met with condescension and denialism. On top of this, local residents even launched a pressure campaign, calling on Jasper National Park to begin taking actions to mitigate the wildfire risk, but consecutive Liberal ministers did nothing.

Now, Canadians have discovered that Parks Canada prioritized political optics over prescribed burns. In an email, a senior Parks Canada director wrote “at what point do we make the organizational decision to cancel prescribed burns in Western Canada? … Public and political perception may become more important than actual prescription windows.”

Photo from Parks Canada – Jasper fire, Turret Street looking to Miette Avenue

The catastrophic wildfire that occurred in Jasper National Park this summer has not alleviated the risk of another disaster. The threat to communities in Jasper National Park will persist unless the Liberal Government fundamentally changes its approach to forest management, but it’s clear Steven Guilbeault is in denial.

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Trudeau hangs on to power as NDP, Bloc Québécois block Conservative non-confidence motion

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

NDP and Bloc Québécois MPs joined the Liberals in a vote of 211 to 120 to keep Trudeau in power despite NDP leader Jamgeet Singh previously saying his agreement with the Liberals was over.

The separatist Bloc Québécois and the socialist New Democrats voted to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority government in power this afternoon, voting against a Conservative Party motion of non-confidence against the ruling Liberal party. 

This afternoon, MPs overall voted 211 against to 120 in favor of the Conservative motion which read, “The House has no confidence in the Prime Minister and the Government.” Two independent MPs joined the conservatives to vote in favor of the motion. 

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre blasted the NDP and Bloc for propping up the Trudeau Liberals, saying on X today they voted to “keep Trudeau in power to tax your food, take your money, double your housing costs & unleash crime & chaos.” 

“The Costly Coalition is back & on the path to QUADRUPLING the carbon tax to $0.61/L.” 

Poilievre has repeatedly called for what he has dubbed a “carbon tax election.”  

Conservative MP Michael Cooper, who serves as the Shadow Minister for Democratic Reform, blasted the NDP for “selling out” to prop up the Trudeau Liberals.

“Sellout Jagmeet Singh sells out AGAIN. After making a big deal about ‘ripping up the agreement,’ Singh & the NDP just voted to rescue Trudeau AGAIN. Thanks to Sellout Jagmeet Singh, the Trudeau NIGHTMARE continues,” he wrote on X this afternoon.  

Regardless of the continued support from the NDP and the Bloc, the Trudeau Liberals are widely accepted to be floundering, having recently lost two byelections, one in Quebec and the other in Ontario, in what were considered “safe” Liberal ridings. 

While both Singh and Bloc leader Yves Blanchet said in advance of Tuesday’s vote that they would not support the Conservative non-confidence motion, Blanchet has said that unless Trudeau passes two of his party’s bills before the end of October, he would work with other opposition parties to bring down the Liberals. 

While confidence motions are used mainly when it comes to budgets, they can be brought forth for other reasons. Either way, the Conservatives will need the support of the NDP and the Bloc in order to have such a motion pass.

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