What is the real reason that the Bush administration made the change? Back in 2007, I got curious and looked it up. The old ingredient was out of...
A few (very few) media outlets have picked up on this recent news release from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation regarding the human consumption of.. Bugs! Yuck...
From the Brownstone Institute BY MARYANNE DEMASI In January 2021, in the absence of any human data in pregnancy, the CDC stated on its website that mRNA vaccines...
His real name is Christopher Lunsford. Friends and family just call him Chris. But over the last week or so, millions of people around the world...
From Stay Free with Russel Brand BANNING TRUMP, TWITTER FILES & MUSK | Jack Dorsey Opens Up – #162 – Stay Free With Russell Brand Joining...
From Dr. John Campbell on YouTube A report “Batch-dependent safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine” by Danish researchers Max Schmeling, Vibeke Manniche, Peter Riis Hansen is shedding light on...
Remember when the World Health Organization was an offshoot of the United Nations serving impoverished nations around the world? Well that’s over. The World Health Organization...
From Stossel TV Socialists say they care about the environment. The real world shows that capitalism works better. Saving the planet, I’m told, requires socialism! Greed...
“Canada and New Zealand are probably the worst. From an interview posted on Russell Brand on Rumble “I recently spoke with Dr John Campbell. He came to...
After seeing news features on Take Back Alberta and its founder David Parker, thousands of Albertans will be wanting to know more. Lloydminster based podcaster Shaun...