From the youtube account of Pierre Poilievre The Federal Conservative opposition shut down Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first attempt at a bill meant to bring relief...
Jesse Roads has a lot of experience playing in front of crowds. Performing live is his life, and his livelihood. In 22 years he’s seen it...
From the Province of Alberta Update 10: COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta (March 23 at 5:00 p.m.) Forty-two additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, bringing the...
From the Province of Alberta Additional financial support for Albertans and employers More relief is on the way for Albertans and Alberta employers. The government has...
Shared from the Facebook account of Premier Jason Kenney
From the Province of Alberta Change in COVID-19 testing Travellers returning to Alberta no longer automatically tested for COVID-19 A new approach to testing for COVID-19...
ReDiscover Red Deer – COVID-19 Response The good people at Troubled Monk are at it again. Faced with a challenging stretch due to the COVID-19 economic...
The 2020 Red Deer Hospital Lottery is special. Never has the cause for this lottery been so important! That’s saying something because the cause is critical...
From the Province of Alberta Alberta COVID-19 Update for Saturday, March 21 Thirty-one additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, bringing the total number of cases...
If you haven’t seen this yet you’ll want to take the next 60 seconds to see these amazing brothers from Ladner, BC. Here’s Toby, Finn and...